Written for my girl Elly. She has this thing for JC tying his hand with hers and threading there fingers together and she loves Joshtin. I figured I'd combine the two and see if she still lived.

Holy shit.

You swallow thickly at the scene before you and your house keys slipped from your fingers, landing on the floor with a soft plop. You suck in your bottom lip and bit down, suppressing a moan, as you blink, not really trusting your eyes with what you�re seeing.

But it was all there.

Justin�s sitting on the bed, back against the headboard, with a book in hand. His lithe legs are stretched out, crossed at the ankles, and your eyes travel up the khaki clad legs. The white button down shirt splays open at the bottom, revealing a patch of skin with a soft dusting of yellow hair that lead into his pants, and a black tie is tied loosely around his throat. Glasses perched atop his nose.

He looks like he a student at St. Peters Prepatory School for Boys in his room studying for a test.


�Hey, JC,� purrs Justin from the bed. He marks his place and sets the book on the nightstand, folding his hands in his lap like a good little boy.

A rush of warmth rushes down your spine, settling hot and heavy in your groin. �Going somewhere,� you ask, voice thick and low.

Justin licks his lips and smiles slowly. �Nope, just waiting for you to get home.� He fingers the bottom of the tie, rubbing the material between forefinger and thumb, before looking up at JC, blue eyes wide and innocent. �Like my outfit?�

You bit your lip until you can taste the faint bitterness of copper on your tongue. You nod numbly, stepping forward a little, and one side of Justin�s mouth twists up in a devilish smirk, all traces of an innocent schoolboy gone.

�I wore it just for you,� he whispers. He falls to his hands and knees on the bed, crawling to the edge, eyes predatory and staring up at you through thick lashes.

You shudder under the intense gaze and your eyes slid shut for a second. They must have been closed for longer because Justin is suddenly up against you, body warm and an erection pressing into your thigh. You moan softly and Justin laughs, low and thick in your ear.

�I saw the way you looked at the pictures from the entertainment photo shoot,� he breathes, breath hot and moist against your neck.

A hand steals around your waist to cup your ass, squeezing and kneading, as he pulls you forward. The other tangles in the hair at the nape of your neck and he pulls harshly, baring your neck. His mouth descends and begins nipping and sucking and licking at your neck until you are no longer breathing, just panting.

�I know you jerked off to those pictures,� he says, and your eyes snap open. �Yeah, I heard you in the bathroom the day it came out. I watched through the crack in the door. Watched how you�re hand tugged, fast and hard like you were scared of being caught,� he whispered.

�I was,� you confess, bringing your hands up to rest on his hips, fingers pressing into the starchy material of the dress shirt. �I didn�t�� you swallow and try again. �I didn�t want you to think I was some sick pervert.�

�I don�t think it�s perverted that you�ve got a kink,� he says, eyes twinkling with mischief. He nips at the spot right under your ear and growls, �Mr. Chasez.�

You grip his hips tighter, not trusting your legs to keep you upright, and your head lolls to the side, a low moan escaping your lips. Justin�s hips roll forward, pressing erections together, and you gasp as the friction ricochets through you. Your whole body shakes and your skin begins to prickle.

�I think it�s hot,� he confesses, voice muffled against your neck. His hips rotate against yours as he whispers, �Me bent over your desk as you fuck me from behind, hard and fast, strapped for time because someone could walk in any minute.� He makes a sound in the back of his throat, a cross between a moan and whimper. �Yeah, I like that.�

And fuck, you like it, too. The image burns in your mind and you feel dirty. Sick and dirty and so fucking aroused. It�s not right. You shouldn�t be so turned on over the thought of bending Justin over a desk, yanking his pants until they�re down around his ankles, sliding into his tight ass �

�Fuck,� you moan, hips bucking forward against Justin�s. You turn your head and your lips catch his, warm and pliant against your own.
You surge forward, licking and nipping at his lips. He groans and presses back, opens his mouth, laps at your tongue. The kiss is nowhere near gentle. Teeth clash and tongues duel for control. It�s hard and rough, a desperate need to taste and feel.

You pull back and nip at his bottom lip until it swells. �Get undressed,� you growl.

�Yes, sir,� he answers, voice soft and submissive.

You shiver and begin to tear at your clothes, tugging and pulling at them as you watch him undress. He unbuckles his pants and wiggles his hips until they pool at his ankles. His erection tents white boxers and you think, how virginal. 

But nothing is virginal about the way he looks at you when he begins to unbutton the shirt. Eyes dark, heady with desire, tongue snaking out to moist supple lips, as slender fingers pop the buttons open, one at a time. He shrugs it off and looks at you, ready for instruction.

You point at his boxers. �Those, too.�

He hooks thumbs in to the elastic and pulls, letting them fall to the floor. He looks at yours and asks, �Yours too?�

You tug him forward by the tie that�s still around his neck and growl, �No questions.� His eyes flash and he nods, biting his lip. You take his hand and guide it to your erection; his fingers squeeze and stroke your length through the thin material. You shudder and your voice is husky when you say, �Take them off me.�

He shudders and tugs, reaches to wrap a hand around your dick but you catch his hand and thread your fingers together. Your other hand pulls him forward until your hips touch and your erections grind together, his soft moan muffled against your neck. Heat flares in the pit of your stomach and you groan, �Fuck.�

�Why, Mr. Chasez,� purrs Justin, voice wavering slightly, �it�s against school rules to curse.�

�I make the rules,� you snap, tugging on the tie a little harder. He nods and you undo the knot, pulling as one side slides up and off from around his neck.

You wrap the tie around your wrists, tying your interlocked fingers together. You bit down on one end of the tie while your free hand pulls it tight, double looping the knot. Justin stares at you, pupils dilated behind wire framed glasses, and squeezes your fingers when you�re finished.

You walk until the back of his legs hit the bed and you fall over in a tangle of limbs, erections slip sliding between your bellies. Your hips surge forward, grinding your hips against his, and you echo his moan as your lips crash down on his.

You wiggle until you�re not hanging half off the bed and you sit on his thighs, one knee on each side of his hips. You pressed your threaded fingers into the mattress and stare down at him. Eyes wide and dark, mouth open and wet, nipples hard and standing up from his chest.

You run the tip of your finger across his bottom lip and his tongue snakes out, lapping at it. Teeth snap and you pull back, running the tip of your finger down over his chin, down his neck, and over to a taut nipple. You rub at it and he arches under you, eyes falling closed.

You lean down and nip at the line of his jaw and he gasps, turns his head more, hips arching up. Your mouth works at his neck, licking and biting, marking him, as you twist and pinch the nipple. His fingers squeeze yours and they slide together, slick with sweat.

�Oh�oh god,� he moans. �I have to�I gotta�� He reaches down to touch himself and you grab his wrist, pin it to the bed by his hips. He makes a desperate noise in the back of his throat and pushes his hips up.

You mouth a nipple, lick around the puckered bud, before sucking on it. You bit down and he cries out sharply, bucking beneath you. You lick over to the other one and lavish it with the same treatment, licking and sucking until the texture changes, puckers beneath your lips.

You look up at him as you lick down his chest and he whimpers, wiggling beneath you. �God�JC�JC, please��

You smirk up at him and he whines in the back of his throat. You run your tongue down the middle of his chest, blazing at trail of wet heat in its wake. His erection bumps the bottom of your chin and he cries out, throwing his head back and bending his back.

You bite the top of the �V� that leads to his cock and he moans. You lick and nibble down it and over to the other one. You know you�re teasing but you can�t help it. You love doing this. Pinning him to the bed, licking and biting until he�s writhing beneath you, begging for you to fuck him.

�C�mon, Justin, say it,� you demand, eyes dark. �Say it.�

�Please,� he whimpers, hips bucking up. �Please suck me, Mr. Chasez.�

You bite down on the ridge of his hipbone before ducking your head. You take the tip of his cock between your lips, lapping at the slit with your tongue, and suck softly. His hips snap up, his fingers squeeze yours tightly, and cries out, �Fuck!�

You pin his hips to the bed and his back falls against the bed, groaning out in frustration. You moan and swallow down more of his length, rubbing your tongue on the underside of his cock. You run your thumb over the ridge of his hipbone, a barely there touch, and you bob your head until your nose nestles in the dark blonde hair at the base of his cock.

He lets out a choke cry and tries to buck up. �Fuck�I�m�oh�I�m gonna��

You pull your mouth off him and squeeze the base of his dick. �No, you�re not,� you growl. �Not until I say you can.�

You push at his knee until he�s spread before you, wanton on the bed, and nibble on the inside of his thigh. He squirms beneath you, and you bite down on the quivering muscle. When his legs start to shake you�ve decided that you�ve teased him enough, and you slither back up his body.

Your thigh comes in contact with his cock and he shudders hard, eyes fluttering shut. �Oh�oh.�

�Remember,� you whisper hotly, licking the whorl of his ear, �you can�t come until I say so.�

He bites down on his bottom lip and nods, a small whimpering noise in the back of his throat. You squeeze his fingers once before reaching over and grabbing the bottle of lube off the nightstand. You struggle to flip the cap open and most of it ends up on the bed rather than your hand.

You reach down between his legs, underneath his balls, and press the tip of your finger to the puckered muscle. Justin moans and you press forward, sliding your finger in. It�s hot and tight and god! After a few experimental thrusts, you pull out and add a second finger. Justin squirms and shudders, head thrashing from side to side.

When you pull you fingers out again he cries out, �No! C�mon, please�put them back��

You lean down and kiss him, whisper, �Shh.�

He swallows thickly, nods shakily, and you grab the bottle of lube. You squirt some into his hand and guide it down to your cock, throbbing heavily between your legs. His fingers wrap around you and he begins to stroke slowly, running his thumb around the tip. Heat prickles through your skin and you shudder. �Ok...ok, stop.�

You scoot forward until the tip of your cock rests in the cleft of his ass and slowly push in. Tight, incredibly tight heat envelops your cock when you slide all the way in. Your lower body rests against his and you feel his cock slide between your bellies, leaving a trail of wetness behind, and he lets out a choked sob.

Justin braces his feet on the bed and his hips surge up. You groan, throw your head back, and your hips snap forward of their own volition. You reach down and wrap his leg around your waist as your hips begin pumping, driving deeper with each thrust.

�Fuck�� you moan. �God�Justin�so good.�

�Oh�oh Mister��

You drive deeper, pushing harder, and his words turn into a sharp cry. He reaches down to touch himself and you push his hand away, intertwine them together and push it above his head with the other. His hips thrust in tandem with yours and you feel his cock throbbing hotly between your stomachs.

�Look at me,� you say, voice low and husky. He struggles to open his eyes and when they lock with yours, you say, �Do it. Come for me, Justin.�

Justin�s hips surge up and he yells, �Fuck!�

His fingers squeeze yours so tightly they crack and he comes hard, a wave of heat spreading between your bellies. He falls back against the bed, panting, and his ass clenches around your cock, causing heat to spiral down your spine and lights to flash behind your eyes.

Your thrusts become more erratic as a blur of sensation rolls through you. Your head swims and lights burst before your eyes. You push once, twice, and come with a shout. Your orgasm rips through you as pleasure winds tightly around you until you collapse atop Justin, panting.

When your head stops spinning you pull out and untie his hand from yours. You roll onto your back and he curls up next to you, leg thrown over your thighs. �Holy shit,� you breath, the first mildly coherent thought you have.

�God,� he says, voice soft and shaky. �I didn�t know you were so fucking kinky.�

You flush and skate a hand down his back, your fingers prickly with numbness. He shivers. �You love my kink.�

�I do,� he replies, smiling. You don�t see it as much as feel it against your chest. He yawns against your chest and you wrap your arms around him, eyes fluttering closed. �Love you,� you mumble, sleep overtaking you.

�Love you, too,� he says. Then grins. �Mr. Chasez.�
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