Lance closed the door and the driver turned around in the front seat. �Where to, Mr. Bass?�

Lance looked expectantly at Marie. She stared back for a moment till it dawned on her that he wanted her to tell the driver where they were going. �Oh!� She blushed and then proceeded to tell the driver to go back to the club. The driver nodded, put the vehicle in gear, and pulled onto the road.

Marie sat back in the seat, shifting until she got comfortable, and looked around the vehicle, taking in it�s posh interior. The seats were black leather and ice cold due to the cold New York weather. Tiny televisions were in the back of the headrests and it looked as if the sound system was one of the best.

Lance tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped. �What?�

Lance snickered. �I asked you if you lived around here.�

�Oh,� she muttered, blushing slightly. �No, I actually live in a small town outside of the city. I only came to visit a few of my friends for the weekend.�

�Cool,� replied Lance, nodding his head a bit and turning to glance out the window. �You�re twenty-one, right?�

�Twenty, actually,� Marie replied. �I wont be twenty-one until May.�

�Really? What day?�

�The 13th.�

�So, you�re birthday lands on Friday the 13th sometimes, right?�

�Well, yeah, unless they took Friday out of the month of May and no one felt the need to inform me.� Marie smirked.

Lance�s face flushed. �Duh, stupid question. You in college?�

�Yep, sophomore year in a community college. I�m majoring in education.�

�Cool. My mom used to be a teacher.�

�Why�d she quit?� asked Marie.

�Um, I dunno really. I asked her if she�d be in charge of FreeLance for me and she said sure so I guess she quit to do that for me.�

�Your mom must really love you then,� exclaimed Marie softly.

�Yeah, she�s great,� answered Lance, smiling. �What do your parents do, if you don�t mind my asking.�

�I don�t. My dad owns his own woodworking company. He makes chairs, tables, swings, and stuff like that,� she replied. Softly she added, �My mom�s dead, though.�

�God, I�m sorry,� apologized Lance, embarrassed.

�Why? It�s not like you killed her,� Marie exclaimed. The car fell silent for a few moments, both feeling a bit uncomfortable. �So what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Russia training to be Mr. Space Man.�

Lance�s eyes darkened and he frowned. �That fell through so I came back. I�m here to see Joey and do some good ole New York clubbin�.�

�How come it fell through, I thought it was a sure thing?�

�It�s none of your business,� he snapped.

�Well, excuse me for asking.�

Lance sighed. �Sorry, it�s just that it�s a touchy subject and I don�t really want to talk about it.�

�It�s all right. It�s not any of my business anyways, I was just being nosy.� The car stopped in front of the club and she smiled. �I guess this is my stop.�

�I guess so.�

Marie stuck out her hand. �Thank you for bailing me out of jail even though I hit you.� Lance grinned and took her hand. �Um, I didn�t apologize for that, did I?�

�For what?�

�For hitting you,� laughed Marie, rolling her eyes slightly.

�Oh!� No, you didn�t but don�t worry about it. I deserved it. I was an ass,� answered Lance, waving his hand in dismissal.

�nice ass indeed. Marie snorted and shook her head laughing.

�What�s so funny?� asked Lance, confused.

�Nothing! Nothing at all,� answered Marie, giggling slightly. �It�s just my mind is�� she trailed off, waving her hand.

�Ooook,� muttered Lance. �Hey, you want to go get some coffee or something?�

Marie raised her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side, thinking, before saying, �Sure, why not. I need to tell my friends, though. That�s if they�ve noticed that I�m gone.�

Lance pulled out his phone and handed it to her. �Here, give �em call.�

Marie accepted the phone and quickly dialed her friends� number, waiting for her to pick up. �Hey� Where�d I go? Oh, I got arrested.�

Marie held the phone away from her ear, her friends� shrieks echoing in the car, and rolled her eyes at Lance, who covered his mouth to stifle his snickering.

When her friends� yelling subsided, Marie brought the phone back up to her ear. �Bitch, chill. Why�d I get arrested? Well, um, that�s a good question,� she mumbled, peering at Lance. �I, uh, sorta kinda assaulted Lance Bass.�

Once again she pulled the phone away from her ear as her friends� yelling filled the car. This time Lance couldn�t help himself and he laughed fully. Her friends� yelling abruptly stopped and Marie heard plain as day, �Holy shit! You really did hit Lance!�

Marie snatched the phone back up to her ear. She talked to her friend for a few more moments before flipping the phone closed, and tossed it back at Lance, who fumbled to catch it. �Okay, everything�s cool. You are giving me a ride back to her apartment later, right? Or is this just a one time thing?�

Lance rolled his eyes. �Oh yes, I�m gonna give you a ride there and then I�m gonna make your ass walk home. Whatever.�

Marie laughed as Lance leaned onto the console and told the driver where to go. �So, what kinda dive are we goin� too anyways?�

�Dive?� teased Lance, smirking. Marie reached out to slap his arm and he ducked out of the way. �I kid, I kid. It�s actually a twenty-four hour deli near Joe�s apartment. He takes me there all the time when I�m in town.�

�Cool,� remarked Marie, nodding a bit.

Lance stared at her for a minute before shaking his head and laughing a little bit. �Go ahead and ask.�

�What?� she questioned, feigning innocence.

�You�ve got that look on your face that tells me you wanna ask something so go ahead and spit it out.�

Her mouth dropped open and she pushed a hand against her chest in mock offense. �I have no idea what you�re talking about. Besides, you�ve only known me for a half an hour, how would you be able to read me?�

�I�ve got skills like that,� commented Lance, blowing on his nails and buffing them on his shirt.

Marie snorted. �Oh sure, I�ve seen your skills.�

�Not yet,� retorted Lance. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. �But I�m sure you will.�

Her eyebrows show up to her hairline and she looked at Lance, incredulous. �I�ll believe it when I see it.�

Lance gasped, aghast. �You dare to question my skills?�

�Oh yeah, after the skills I saw at the club I�m waiting till you show me the real thing, baby,� she answered, grinning mischievously.

Lance flushed and ducked his head. �Yeah, well, just you wait. I�ve got skills you�ve never seen before.�

�Why, Mr. Bass, are you flirting with me?� she teased.

�Mebbe,� he answered, grinning wickedly.

Marie let out a small shriek and began fanning her face as if she were about to faint. �Like, oh my GAWD! Lance just flirted with me! EEE!!!�

Lance jumped when she squealed and wrinkled his nose in disgust. �Oh god, don�t do that. For the love of everything sane, do not do that!�

Marie fell back into her seat and began giggling uncontrollably. �Oh man, you should have seen your face. That was priceless!�

Lance groaned and rubbed his forehead. �You�d think I�d be used to that but every time I hear one of those shrieks, my skin just starts to crawl.� Lance shuddered, uncomfortable, and Marie burst in giggles. �Oh sure, yuck it up. You should have girls shrieking and falling over themselves to touch you for one day and see how you like it.�

�Sorry, hun, but I don�t swing that way,� retorted Marie, smirking.

Lance snapped his fingers. �Damn, I was hoping to see some girl on girl action. Maybe next time, eh?�

�Don�t hold your breath.�

The car came to a stop and the driver got out and opened the door for Marie. She looked at him, shocked, and stepped out. Lance stepped down behind her and asked, �What�s the matter?�

�He opened the door for me,� whispered Marie, embarrassed the driver would hear her.

�Well, yeah,� he chuckled, �that�s what he�s paid to do.�

�Sorry, I guess I�m just not used to guys opening doors for me.�

Lance stepped forward and made a big production of opening the deli door, causing Marie to roll her eyes and laugh. �Well, I guess you�re just not hanging around the right kind of guys, then.�

�I guess so.�

�My momma brought me up to treat girls like she�d want to be treated so I guess it�s just second nature for me to open doors for girls,� explained Lance, shrugging.

Marie giggled and lowered her voice in a mockery of Lance�s deep voice, �My momma��

He quirked an eyebrow and shook his head. �Aren�t you just a smartass tonight?�

�Better than being a dumbass,� she chirped.

�Oh yeah, the guys would definitely like you. You�d fit right in,� he exclaimed, grinning.

�Hey, Lance,� said the guy behind the counter. �I didn�t expect you to be here for another hour or so.�

�Hey, Sammy,� greeted Lance. �I bumped into a friend and decided to leave early.�

�Whoa!� exclaimed Sammy, when he got a good view of Lances face. �What the hell happened to you?�

Lance half smirked in Marie�s direction and she flushed, ducking her head. �He, uh, kinda bumped into my fist. Meaning that I hit him and he bailed me out of jail.�

Sammy looked pointedly at Lance, who shook his head. �Oh no, I am not rehashing that. Can we just order our food, please?�

Sammy shrugged. �Sure, I�ll just get the scoop from Joe later on. What can I get you two?�

Lance looked at Marie, who just stared back. �Don�t you want something?�

�Oh!� she exclaimed. Lance snickered and she shot him a look, mumbling, �Shuddup.� She stared at the menu for a few before stating, �I�ll have half a�uh ham and cheese sandwich plain and a�um�Sprite, please.�

Sammy nodded and looked at Lance. �I�ll have the same, please.� Marie pulled her wallet out and Lance batted at her hands. �My treat.�

�I don�t think so,� she argued. �You bailed me out of jail, the least I can do is pay for our little midnight snack.�

�It�s not like I can�t afford it. Just let me pay for it.�

Marie mocked glared and pointed her finger at him. �Don�t make me hit you again.�

Lance put his hands up in surrender. �Jeez, you�re awfully violent.�

�Am not,� she mumbled, handing Sammy the money.

Sammy looked at Lance, grinned, and motioned between the two of them. Lance shook his head no. Sammy handed Marie her change and shrugged. �Whatever, man.�

�Huh?� asked Marie, looking between the two of them.

�Oh, don�t mind him. He�s out of the home for the weekend,� retorted Lance quickly.

Sammy flipped him the finger and went to go work on their food.

Marie raised an eyebrow at Lance as they took their seats at a table. �What was that all about?�

�Nothin�, he�s just bein� an ass is all,� mumbled Lance.

�Ooook,� she mumbled, shaking her head. She shrugged her jacket off and leaned her chin on her fists on the table. �Soo��

Lance shrugged his jacket off and mocked her position. �Soo��

She resisted the urge to smack him on the arm playfully, not wanting his only impression of her to be that she was violent, and rolled her eyes. She waggled her eyebrows and grinned. �So, you come here often?�

Lance chuckled and shook his head. �You�re something else.�

She raised an eyebrow. �Is that good or bad?�

�Good, definitely good,� answered Lance. �You keep me on my toes.�

�No, actually it looks like I�m keeping you on your ass at the moment.�

Lance shook his head. �Oh yeah, Chris would
love you. You two could go back and forth for hours.�

Marie grinned proudly and looked up when Sammy came over with their drinks. She muttered her thanks and ripped the paper off her straw. She stuck the straw into her drink and began shredding the paper, folding it into squares, and shredding it some more. She looked up to see Lance staring at her. �What?�

Lance leaned back in his chair and peered at her. �Nothin�, you�re just�odd.�

�What�s so odd?�

�The paper shredding thing.�

�What about it?�

�You�re so intent on ripping it apart. I mean, you haven�t taken a sip of your drink yet.�

Marie rolled her eyes, took a drink, and smiled sweetly. �Better?� Lance shook his head, smiling. �Hey, I�ve got my quirks. Shredding my paper straw is one of them. Besides, it�s not like you could talk, you haven�t even touched yours yet.�

Lance leaned forward in his chair and grabbed the straw. He ripped one end off and proceeded to blow the paper across the table. Marie laughed, caught the paper and began shredding that. �You�re nuts.�

�That�s one thing we have in common.�

�Hey,� said Marie suddenly. �Wanna play twenty questions?�


�Twenty questions,� repeated Marie. �You ask a question and then I ask a question and so on and so forth until each of us have asked twenty. You don�t know much about me other than the fact that I�ve got a killer right hook and the only stuff I know is what I�ve read on the net or in teenie rags.� Lance quirked an eyebrow at her and smirked. �Well, um, it�s not like I
read the teenie rags,� she ducked her head and murmured, �anymore.�

Lance patted her hand in mock comfort. �It�s ok, sweetie, I believe you.� Marie stuck her tongue out. �Ladies first.�

�Ok, um,� she muttered, leaning against her hand. �What are you doing in New York?�

�I came to visit Joe to see him in Rent and to see my goddaughter. What�s your full name?�

�Marie Andrews.�

�No middle name?�

�Aha!� chastised Marie, shaking her finger. �That�s two questions. You have to wait your turn.� Lance rolled his eyes and she shook her head. �No, no middle name. Um, god, this is my stupid game and I can�t think of anything.� She thought for a minute, Lance staring intently at her, before asking, �How�s your eye?�

�It hurts a bit but it�s fine. My peripheral vision is screwed for a day or so and Johnny�s gonna lay into me for getting bruised where the press can see it but I�m fine.�

Marie winced. �I�m really sorry. I shouldn�t have��

Lance raised his hand, cutting her off. �Why do you want to become a teacher?�

�I want to teach people. I like kids and there a lot of them that grow up with the most asinine ideals so I want to try and expand their minds a bit more.�

�That�s really cool. I like that answer.�

Marie grinned. �I�m glad I could meet your approval. Um, how come you�ve never finished college?�

�Good question. Um, I guess I just got too busy with the group, FreeLance, and stuff so I just never thought of it.�

�Don�t you want to finish and get your degree?�

�Ah! Not your turn,� teased Lance. Marie rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink. �What was your favorite class in high school?�

�Oh god, that�s tough. Um, I guess it would have to be a tie between art and English. I loved them both,� she replied. Before she could ask her question Sammy came and dropped off their sandwiches. She unwrapped her half and took a bite. �Damn, that�s good. Hits the spot, too.�

Lance chewed for a second before answering, �Yeah, I was hungry. I haven�t had ham and cheese in a long time. Good choice.�

�Fanks,� mumbled Marie around a mouthful.

Lance snorted and began coughing. He covered his mouth and coughed for a few minutes, his face turning red, and took a drink to clear his throat.

Marie stared at him, eyes wide and apologetic. �God, I�m sorry. First I hit you and now you almost choke. I�m not trying to kill you, I swear.�

Lance giggled, coughing a little bit, and took another sip. �No, it�s ok. I should learn to chew my food before trying to swallow.�

�Sounds like a plan.�

�Whose question is it again?�

�Um, mine, I think,� answered Marie. She thought for a minute before saying, �Yep, it�s mine.� She took another bit of her sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. �Oh yeah, duh! Don�t you want to finish college?�

�Well, yeah, I guess. I mean the purpose of going to college is to get a little piece of paper that makes you official to the world so that you can get a job. You get a job to make money to live off for the rest of your life. I�m already set for life so what�s the point?�

�Is that your question or is it just a rhetorical one?�

�Well, it was rhetorical but I�ll use that one,� answered Lance, grinning.

�I�m gonna be annoying and answer your question with a question. Don�t you want it so that you can prove to the world that you passed, that you did it on your own?�

�I don�t have to prove anything to them. I know that I can get it,� he answered confidently.

�Quite cocky, aren�t we?�

�Don�t I know it,� he answered, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

�Oh god,� she groaned. �You�re intolerable. It�s your question.�

�Got any sisters or brothers?�

�Nope,� Marie replied, grinning proudly. �I�m daddy�s little girl, spoiled rotten. What�s your favorite kind of sandwich?�

�Peanut butter and mashed bananas on toast with honey.� Marie made a face and mouthed �ewww�. �Hey now, don�t knock it till you try it. What�s your biggest fear? Like, what are you most scared of?�

�Anything that crawls. Spiders, centipedes, any kind of bug that crawls,� she answered, shuddering. �They give me the heebie jeebies.�

�Heebie jeebies?� snickered Lance.

�Hey! Like you have room to talk, Mr. Isn�t That Something,� she retorted.

Lance ducked his head and flushed bright red. �I was only sixteen, give me a break. It�s your question.�

�God, I suck at this game.� She sighed. �Give me a minute, I gotta think of something good. Ok, I�ve got it. What�s your most embarrassing moment, and don�t give me that �When I walk onstage and it wasn�t our turn� story, I want something good.�

Lance groaned and thought for a minute. �Ok, I�ve got one. A few years ago my girlfriend at the time came to visit me on tour. Now, this was when we had just gotten together and everything was new. The guys and I had been pranking each other for the past couple of days and I knew Chris was going to do something to me.�

�Uh huh.�

�Well, just as she walked onto the bus and was about to come give me a hug, Chris came up from behind me and pantsed me.� Marie burst into giggles. �Man, that�s not funny. I just stood there in shock before I realized that she could see everything.�

�Like that�s a bad thing,� mumbled Marie amidst giggles. �I�m sure your girlfriend didn�t mind.�

�Um, no, she didn�t,� murmured Lance; face flushed bright red, causing Marie to giggle even harder. �Ok, it�s my question this time. Quit giggling!� he said, indignantly.

Marie covered her mouth, trying her hardest to stifle her giggles, and stared back at Lance, her amusement prominent in her hazel eyes. �Ok, I�m done. I promise.�

�Good. Ok. Shit! I can�t think of anything now. Dammit,� grumbled Lance, causing Marie to burst out giggling again. Lance shook his head and laughed along with her. A few minutes later, after their giggling died down, Lance said, �Ok, I�ve got one. You got a boyfriend?�

Marie stared at Lance, surprised. �No, why? You interested?�

�Is that your question?� Marie nodded and Lance shrugged. �Maybe, maybe not.� Marie made a frustrated noise and Lance smirked. �My question again. Damn. Um, you got a job?�

�Um, sorta kinda.� Lance looked at her pointedly and she explained, �I work with my dad at his store but it�s not like he hired me. I mean, I don�t have a set schedule or anything. I go in and work the register, help him in the back, clean, whatever, and he gives me spending money whenever I need it.�

�Cool.� Lance nodded approvingly and took another bit of his sandwich.

Marie took a bit and chewed thoughtfully, face twisted in concentration. She didn�t want to ask him anything referring to space or the group because she didn�t want to come off as a gossip digging teeny so the questions were hard to think of. �Other than space, what�s your dream? What one thing do you want to accomplish before you die?�

�Get married and have kids, I guess. I figure that if I hadn�t been called to join the group that I�d be married by now.�

�Wow, that�s kinda young to be married.�

�Not really. I guess it all depends on your maturity level and whether or not you can handle it. That and what kind of life you like to lead.� Lance shrugged. �My question now. Erm, what�s your favorite kind of movie to watch?�

�Horror movies all the way. I�m all about making fun of the blonde bimbos when they run up the stairs to get away from the killer.�

Lance laughed. �Yeah, I know, right. The front door could be right there and all they�d have to do is unlock it but they choose to run up the stairs. They�re stupid.�

Marie nodded in agreement and took a sip of her drink. �So, um, why�d you say what you did in the club?�

Lance made a face and groaned. �I was hoping you wouldn�t ask that.� He set his sandwich down and rubbed his hands together to get rid of the crumbs. �I�m an ass. I dunno, why do people say stuff like that anyways?�

�Is that your question?� she asked. He nodded. �People say shit like that to impress people. They think that by tearing down other people that it makes them look cool. It only succeeds in making themselves look like pompous jerks.� Lance flinched at her harsh words and she hurried on, �But I don�t think you�re one. You probably just got caught up in the moment.�

�Yeah, I did.�

�Besides, if you really meant what you said then you�d be looking at me all weird while I�m eating and you haven�t,� she offered. Before he could say anything she hurried on with her question, �What�s your favorite color?�

�Red.� He sensed that she was holding back in her questions and that both bothered and relieved him. He liked that she didn�t pry into his personal life but he also wanted her to feel like she could talk freely. �Y�know, you can ask me the questions you really want to ask. I won�t mind.�

Marie blushed. �I didn�t want you to think that I was being nosy or anything. Your private life should be your private life and I have no right to barge in on it.�

�Well, you kind of barged in on it when you socked me in the face,� he replied, chuckling. �Besides, I trust you for some odd reason. You don�t strike me as the kind of girl to memorize all this and then go post it on the net somewhere so feel free to ask me anything you want.�

�Ok, but it�s your question.�

�Damn, it seems like it�s always my turn.� He took a sip of his drink and thought. �What�re your hobbies?�

�What aren�t my hobbies?� she teased. �Drawing, singing, reading, talking, anything and everything. I�ll do anything once and probably twice just to make sure if I like it or not.�

�Quite the artiste�.�

�Oh yeah, I was such an art geek in school,� she exclaimed, smiling. Hesitantly she asked, �Are you guys breaking up?�

Lance leaned his face against his fist. �Y�know, I�m not really sure. I mean, Justin�s got his own thing going. JC�s gonna be doing a solo album. Joey�s got Bri to take care of, plus his acting will probably take off after Rent is done, and Chris really wants to get into management. I�d like to think we aren�t but I�m not quite sure. I think we�ll probably do one more album and then call it quits for awhile.�

�Oh,� she muttered, slightly disappointed. She hoped that wasn�t true but lingering in the back of her mind she knew that it was. It just appeared to be more real and set in stone now that it had been said out loud. �Your question.�

�How would you feel if we did break up?�

�I�d be sad but I wouldn�t want you guys to force yourselves. I mean, it�s better to go out while you still love each other and the craft that you do rather than quit when you despise it.� Lance nodded. �So, if you guys do break up, what will you do?�

�God, what won�t I do?� he teased. �TV, manage some artists, maybe act.� Marie snorted and covered her mouth to stifle her oncoming giggles. Lance looked at her, slightly insulted. �What�s so funny?�

�You? Act? HA!� she shrieked. Lance frowned and she stopped laughing. �I�m sorry, but did you even
see �On the Line�? You were cute and Joey was funny as hell but you just didn�t look all that comfortable.�

�Yeah, well, I wasn�t really supposed to play the part,� he mumbled. �A lot of the fans had been pushing for all of us to do a movie but none of the scripts that came in could fit all five of us so I thought that we could give that one a shot. I didn�t realize that it sucked that badly.�

�I�m sorry, I didn�t mean to make you feel so bad. You did an okay job, honest. I absolutely loved the bok bok part,� Marie replied, snickering softly.

�Oh god,� groaned Lance. �At least they cut out the part where I got beat by a chicken at tic tac toe.�

�Sorry to break it to ya, hun, but that scene is in the extras on the DVD.� Lance leaned down and hit his head softly on the table in embarrassment causing her to erupt into another fit of giggles.

Before Lance could ask his next question, Marie sat back in her chair and yawned widely. Lance grinned, bemused and asked, �Tired?�

�Yeah, just a little bit,� she mumbled. She covered her mouth and yawned again. �Sorry about that. It�s been a long day, must be catching up with me.�

�It�s ok.� He looked down at his watch and his eyes widened. �Holy shit! It�s 5:30 already, no wonder you�re yawning up a storm.�

�Whoa, time flies, eh?� She yawned again and giggled when Lance grinned and shook his head. �No fair, how come you�re not tired?�

�I told you,� he said grinning, �I�ve got skills.�

Marie shook her head. �You and your imaginary skills. Y�know, they say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.�

Lance shook his head, laughing, and stood up. Marie did the same and made a move to grab her trash but he batted her hands away. �I like you. You�re not like the other girls I�ve met.�

�Is that a good or bad thing,� she asked skeptically.

Lance tossed the remains of their food into the trashcan, waved goodbye to Sammy, and held the door open for Marie, who smiled her thanks. �That�s definitely a good thing. You don�t take shit from anyone and I like that.�

Marie laughed. �I thought you would have had that figured out when I hit you.�

Lance shrugged, grinning, and opened the car door. Marie climbed in and when Lance was sitting comfortably next to her she gave the driver the directions to her friends� apartment.

As the car pulled away from the curb and onto the empty streets, Marie turned sideways in her seat and peered at him. �We didn�t finish our game.�

�You�re right. Well, we�ll do as much as we can now and then finish it up next time.�

Marie tried to keep herself from grinning giddily when she heard the words �next time�.

�It�s my question, right?� asked Lance. Marie nodded and he bit his lip in thought. �So, am I anything like you hoped I�d be?�

�At first, no. When I heard you say what you did, I was crushed, but you�ve redeemed yourself.� Marie smiled. �I can definitely see us hanging out. � Lance nodded in agreement and she asked, �What about me?�

Lance laughed. �Honestly, I didn�t really have an opinion till outside the police station. Before that all I could think was that you hit me and it

Marie leaned back in her seat, her body becoming heavy and weary, and laughed. �What? You didn�t think a girls hit could hurt?�

�Well, I�ve been slapped before and that hurts, but I�ve never been hit
hit by a girl before. You�ve got a killer right hook, who taught you that?�

�My dad, actually. The kids in elementary school used to tease and slap me a lot and I�d come home crying. So he took it upon himself to teach me how to defend myself.� She laughed, a look of nostalgia crossing her features. �I remember this one time��

��at band camp,� interrupted Lance, snickering.

�Shh! I�m trying to tell a story!� she admonished, and Lance grinned cheekily. �Anyways, before I was so
rudely interrupted. I remember this one time that this kid kept poking me in class and every time he did it I�d tell him to stop, but he wouldn�t. I told him that if he�d poke me again that I�d hit him. Naturally he poked me so I turned around and punched him really hard in the shoulder.� She giggled. �He started crying for his mommy.�

Lance shook his head and laughed. �Maybe he liked you.�

�Ew! No! Just�no. Big no. Bleck.� Marie scrunched up her nose and made a face, which caused Lance to laugh even harder. She yawned, �It�s your turn again.�

�Damn! It�s always my turn. What�s the weirdest thing you can do or know?�

�You mean like the Presidents thing?� she asked. Lance nodded and she scrunched up her face in thought. �Erm�that�s a good one. I can bend my thumb back to touch my arm. Is that freaky enough?�

�Lemme see,� asked Lance, sitting forward eagerly. Marie sat up and took her thumb in her hand and bent it all the way back until it touched her arm. She let it go and flexed it. Lance shuddered. �Freaky.�

�Yep,� she mumbled sleepily. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat, fatigue taking over and falling asleep for a moment, before prying her eyes back open and blinking a little bit. �Tell me something you�d only tell a stranger or something that no one would expect you to do.�

He blinked in surprise, drowsiness being a factor as well, and thought. He laughed softly. �Ok, I�ve got one. I
love the movie �Rocky Horror Picture Show�. A year or so ago a bunch of my friends and I went to a showing of it in New Orleans. I dressed up as Rocky, nothing but the gold boxers, and a lot of guys who were in drag kept hitting on me, too,� he added with a chuckle.

When Marie didn�t respond he turned to see her sleeping; lying back against the seat, eyes closed, and mouth open slightly. He grinned sleepily and laid his head back against the seat, eyes drooping closed, and quickly falling asleep.


The sun rose up high, light bouncing off the windows of the buildings and glittering like diamonds. This was one of the moments of the day that the city wasn�t bustling with people. Very few cars were on the street, and the people walking along the sidewalks were quiet, as if they didn�t want to disrupt the calm and peaceful ambiance that didn�t grace the city often enough.

Jack, the middle aged driver, yawned and pulled over to the curb in front of the directions the young lady accompanying Lance had given him. It both surprised and pleased him that she was going to her own apartment rather than Lance�s hotel. From the conversation he had overheard she seemed like a nice girl and he really didn�t want to see her as Lance�s latest conquest.

�Mr. Bass, we�re here.� When Lance didn�t answer, Jack turned around in his seat and grinned at what he saw.

Lance was slumped in his seat and Marie�s face was buried in his chest, his arm thrown over her shoulder. Both were breathing slowly, content looks upon their faces. Jack contemplated not waking them up and to keep on driving but Lance had a flight to catch in a few hours. Reluctantly, he shook Lance�s shoulder. �Mr. Bass, it�s time to wake up.�

Lance groaned and pried his eyes open. He squinted against the early morning sun and blinked a few times. �Wha�time is it?�

�It�s about 6:30. We�re outside of the young lady�s apartment.�

�Thanks,� rumbled Lance, his voice a few octaves lower than normal.

He rubbed his left eye with his free hand and looked down at Marie slumped next to him. He grinned and shook her softly. �Marie, hon, its time to wake up.�

Marie brought a hand up to her nose and rubbed it slightly before letting it drop down into Lance�s leg, the heat of her hand penetrating his jeans. Lance shook her again and she mumbled, �No, it�s mine.�

Lance giggled softly and shook her harder. �C�mon, it�s time to wake up.�

Marie jumped and sat up straight. �The cheese is in the pool!� Lance half snorted and half laughed, his face lighting up with amusement. Marie flushed, snatching her hand away when she realized it was resting on his upper thigh, and whispered, �How long have we been out?�

�I dunno, maybe half an hour,� he whispered back, his voice deeper than normal and thick with sleep, causing her to shiver.

�Why are we whispering?�

Lance laughed. �I have no idea. You started it.�

Marie shook her head and rolled her eyes. Reluctantly she said, �I guess I�d better go, huh?�

Lance nodded half-heartedly. �Oh, wait a second, though.� He pulled out his phone, flipped it open, and turned it on. When it beeped to life he turned and asked, �Would you mind if I got your number cause I really liked talking with you. We could, maybe, hang out again when I�m in town. Just so long as you promise not to hit me again.�

Marie gave an exasperated sigh, grinning, and said, �Sure. Do I get yours too?�

He nodded and they exchanged numbers, he programmed hers into his cell and she wrote his amidst doodles and notes in her sketchbook. They embraced briefly before Marie stepped down of the SUV and onto the sidewalk. Jack closed the door, and with a tiny smile to Marie he went around to the drivers side. When the car started up, Marie gave a small wave and despite the tinted windows Lance smiled and waved back.
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