JC watched her from across the room. The way she moved, graceful and completely oblivious to the stares that she got from anyone who saw her. His April. Quiet and empty now, just an hour ago the small bar had been crowded with people, seeming to throb as they danced to the too loud music.

She was standing at the jukebox, a frown pulling at her lips as she looked for the song. She pressed a button and he knew what song she was going to play even before it's opening strains filled the room. She swayed a little with the music, singing tentatively. She turned and her voice faded away when she saw him. His eyes connected with hers and there was nothing else. Nothing but him....the music....and April.

Everytime our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
is almost more than i can take

It almost hurt when she looked at him like that. It sounded cliche, but in all his life, he'd never felt anything like it. Everytime she smiled at him, he couldn't help but return it. She had no idea how beautiful she was and blushed whenever he told her. But that just made her even more beautiful. To him anyway.
He stepped down onto the dancefloor, lit only by the neon sign hanging in the darkened window. Making his way over to her, he began to sing.

Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

When he stopped in front of her, his hand immediately reached up to touch her face. She sighed and leaned into his hand and he nearly burst. He knew that the night had been a good one. It always was when she played that song. Cupping each side of her face, his thumbs grazed her lips. His voice was raspy with emotion, his eyes glittering with everything he felt.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

He reached down, taking her hands in his and raising them until they were clasped again behind his neck. His body moved of it's own accord, rocking gently back and forth. Her fingers lightly trailed over the back of his neck and he closed his eyes briefly, reveling in the softness of her touch.

The smell of you skin
the taste of your kiss
the way you whisper in the dark
your hair all around me, baby you surround me
you touch every place in my heart
oh, it feels like the first time everytime
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

He leaned in, bringing his lips to hers, barely brushing them. He murmured against them, not trusting his voice to actually sing. She closed her eyes, breathing in his scent. Mingled with the aftershave and smokiness from the bar, there a scent that was undeniably him.
His lips caressed hers, his tongue urging her to let him inside. She parted her lips and was instantly consumed by him. He delved into her again and again, tasting...savoring. He nibbled at her lips, his teeth grazing them and eliciting a small moan from her. Chuckling, he smiled before hoarsely whispering again.

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
it just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side
forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
oh, every little thing that you do
baby I'm amazed by you...

As the music drifted away, he still held her to him, still moving slowly around in a circle. His hand lifted to touch her face again. He looked at her in awe, still amazed at the effect she had on him after all this time. He never thought he could love someone this much.

Taking his hand, April led him to a chair, pushing him lightly with her hand so he sat down. She smiled at him and abruptly turned away, swinging her hips as she walked back to the jukebox. She slipped a few quarters into the slot, choosing her songs quickly. The music started and JC's eyes widened when she started dancing.

Her hips dipped and swayed, her hands running lightly over her body, tracing her form over the loose, but revealing dress that she was wearing. She moved closer, her hands moving up to cup her full breasts before thrusting up into her hair. Her eyes were closed now and JC couldn't look away if his life depended on it.

When she was within a couple feet of him, his hands shot out, wrapping around her waist and pulling her down onto his lap. He smiled at her and trailed one finger down her cheek.

"So beautiful," he rasped. The blush that stained her cheeks was endearing and he had to kiss her. Immediately, his lips covered hers, drinking in her very essence. April broke off the kiss and looked directly into his eyes. JC's breath caught in his throat as she raised herself and swung her leg around until she was straddling his thighs.

She was his weakness. All she had to do was look at him with her whiskey colored eyes and he would do anything she asked. He was shameless, although she'd never ask him to do anything for her. He did it anyway. He'd never believed in romance before. At least not the flowers and candy kind. But he would do anything it took to keep that smile on her face and the look of adoration in her eyes.

"Love me, Joshua."

JC's stomach clenched and he pulled her to him, kissing her heatedly. He lost it whenever she called him Joshua, especially when her voice went all husky and low like that. Moving from her lips to her neck, he left not an inch of her skin untouched by his lips. His hands were everywhere, wanting to touch her every way possible.

April's fingers twisted into his hair, tugging gently and he moaned, the sound mixing in with the melodies surrounding them. He was already hard and straining against the tight material of his jeans, aching for release.

JC's hands slid up her thighs, pushing the hem of her dress up with them. When they reached her waist, he sucked in a harsh breath. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. He looked up at her and she smiled down at him, the blush creeping back. God, he loved it when she surprised him like this. He never expected it because she was so shy and innocent, but the little hints of vixen she showed him from time to time made him love her even more.

He held his breath when her hands lowered from his hair, tickling down his chest and over his hips before pulling at the waistband of his jeans. Her eyes never left his as she unfastened his jeans, the dragging of the zipper over his bulge making him squirm. She tugged him free of his clothing, her small hand closing around him.


Her breathy voice caressed him as she lifted herself up. JC slipped his hands underneath her hips, providing leverage and she sheathed him in one slow movement. They were completely still for a few seconds, their bodies remembering each other. When she began rocking her hips, he let his head fall back, whispering her name.

JC brought his head forward again, gazing at this woman that consumed him. He loved to watch her when she was lost in making love to him. Never was a woman more beautiful or sexy. Her body clenched around him, eliciting a groan and she smiled at him. His fingers tightened on her hips, guiding her, although she didn't need it.

"God....baby...." he said, "Do you know what you do to me?"

His voice cracked, emotion breaking through and she blushed again. How he loved that color in her cheeks. Unable to contain himself, he pulled her forward, capturing her lips, trembling at the fact that she could do this to him. Her body rode his, loving him as only she could. He could feel the trembling in her legs and knew she was close.

Determined to reach that place that only lovers go to together, JC gripped her hips tighter, lifting his own and plunging into her. Heat, boiling and wild, began to churn through him. When she stiffened, tightening around him, he hugged her to him and thrust again, sending himself with her.

They held each other in the middle of the bar, the music still dancing in the air around them. Their bodies shuddered and twitched as one and still they held on. The music came to an end quite some time before they were able to move. JC was the first to return, his hand lifting up to run over her hair and down her cheek.

April shuddered again, a long cleansing one that seemed to bring life back into her. She raised her head slightly, her gaze traveling up to meet his. JC had to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

"Tell me." Her voice held a wonderment that only she could get away with. He smiled down at her and kissed her. The kiss was simple, but behind it, he could feel the passion that it always seemed to ignite. When the kiss ended, he smiled again, his thumb rubbing slowly across her lips. Dear God, she amazed him.

"That beautiful."
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