This is slash. That means male on male love, homosexuality, gay sex, however you want to put it. If it's not your thing then don't read it. Also, this is the first slash I've ever written so...
Chris growls and grabs a chair and flings it across the room. The chair smashes against the concrete wall of the old mansion and shatters into tiny, wooden pieces. The few people in the main foyer freeze in mid-action, scared that their masters rage would be directed at them.

Tentatively Joshua steps forward, head bowed in submission, and asks, �Master, what troubles you?�

Chris stands there, fists clenching and unclenching at his side. Within seconds his face twists up, his canines grow, and he whirls around, yellow eyes ablaze. He grabs Joshua by the neck and slams him against the wall roughly.

Joshua suppresses his surprised squeak and averts his eyes as to not upset his master.

�The problem is that my snack was some fucking gymnast and she got away!� growls Chris.

Joshua whimpers as Chris squeezes his neck tighter. �I�I�m sorry, Master.�

Chris releases Joshua and turns around, his face releasing back to normal. His tone was quiet and somewhat remorseful when he says, �You should be. Justin was killed.� Joshua recoils back into himself and ducks his head to hide his trembling bottom lip and the tears that threaten to spill down his cheeks. �He was careless and arrogant. He was my best fighter, he should have known better.�

Without another word Chris saunters from the foyer and ascends the side staircase that leads to his chambers.

Tonight just added another notch into his list of depressing thoughts. He hadn�t been out on a kill in months. He had taken a few slaves as back up and the fact that he had returned, two slaves short and still hungry, solidified the fact that he was getting old. Sure, he looked twenty-four, but he had been around since the French Revolution and he was sure as hell feeling his age.

He growls in frustration and hits the wall. �When did these kids learn to fight back!? They were supposed to just cry and beg for their lives.�

Chris quickly turns the corner and hurries to his chambers where he knows Lance is waiting for him. He smiles at the thought of his lover waiting and quickens his pace.

He had met Lance in the mid 50�s when he was currently posing as a greaser. One night while at the local drive in burger joint he had witnessed Lance being teased by some local bullies. Normally Chris would have watched and maybe joined in but something about that boy intrigued him. Something in his eyes spoke to him.

He had rescued Lance from those bullies that night and they had driven away on Chris� motorcycle. Lance had thrown back his head and laughed with mirth whenever Chris revved the bike as they sped down the side rode that led to Chris� place. It would have made Chris� heart beat with anxiousness at the way Lance�s lips turned up into a smile and the way his eyes crinkled at the corners whenever he laughed if, in fact, his heart still beat.

When they got to his small apartment on the other side of town they talked. Lance told him of his life, how he was constantly teased at school and how he felt he was an embarrassment to his family because he was gay. Chris intently listened, wanting to know everything about this boy in front of him, until Lance stopped and apologized for rambling. Eventually Chris fed off of him and when Lance was near the brink of dying he offered him the one thing he had never offered anyone. Eternal life.

Lance became Chris� pupil in the ways of the night. Chris taught him everything he knew and shared with him everything he had seen. Although Lance was now part demon he still held this air of innocence about him and Chris tried his hardest to keep it intake. Reluctantly, after ten years of arguing, Chris took Lance on his first hunt. They had gone home hungry that night because Lance just couldn�t feed off the young girl they had cornered in the dark alleyway. When Chris went to do it himself Lance stopped and begged him not to do so. Only out of his love for Lance did Chris let the girl go.

For years they traveled together as friends. In the mid 70�s, to Chris' delight, things escalated and they became lovers. Chris was ecstatic with joy and showered Lance with every kind of gift he could think of. Thirty years later and they were just as in love as they were back then.

When Chris reaches the door to his chambers he pauses for a moment. He counts to ten, allowing himself to somewhat calm down, before opening the door.

�Chris!� says Lance excitedly when he walked in.

Chris forces a smile to his face and walks over. He bends down and kisses Lance chastely on the top of the head before flopping onto their king sized bed.

Lance frowns and folds the page he had been reading. He sets his book down and walks over and kneels on the bed. He crawls over Chris and hovers there, concern etched across his pale features, and asks, �Baby, what�s wrong?�

Chris wraps his arms around Lance�s waist and rubs circles into the small of his back. He smiles, all his previous anger flying away, bemused at the fact that after all these years the way Lance�s eyes fall shut and his head bows forward still manages to send him into a frenzy of want. �Tonight was a bust.�

Lance leans forward and nuzzles into Chris neck, his nose nudging against the cool skin. He kisses lightly against the spot under his ear and whispers, �I�m sorry. You want to talk about it.�

Chris sighs and leans his head back, offering Lance his neck. Lance takes the invitation and bites lightly, drinking a little of his lover. Chris moans when Lance pulls away and he turns his head, searching with his lips. He kisses Lance deeply, tasting his blood on Lance�s tongue and lips. He runs his tongue over the extended canines, licking the last droplets away.

�Justin, Joey, and I, along with a few others, went downtown where the library is,� starts Chris. Lance nods and kisses down over Chris� collarbone, stopping to suck and nip at odd patches of skin. Chris shudders as Lance�s tongue runs hotly up his neck where he sucks lightly on his earlobe. �We approached these three chicks coming out of the library, thinking that they were some bookworms and would be an easy catch.�

�Mmmhmm,� came the rumbled reply, and he starts to unbutton Chris� shirt, staring intently into his eyes.

Chris shudders under Lance�s intense gaze. Outside the chambers he was the master of the house and people feared him but in this room Lance was in control. Lance could turn him into a slut, and he loves him for it. �They ended up knowing all this gymnastic shit and Justin was killed along with two others. We ran away like cowards.�

Lance pushes Chris� shirt off and laps at the exposed nipple, causing him to hiss, and looks up at him. �Can I do anything to make you feel better?�

Chris squirms. �You can keep doing that.�

�Oh, I plan to,� answers Lance, grinning.

He dips his head and sucks lightly over the tightened nub, letting his eyes fall close as he hears the familiar sounds of Chris� approval falling from his lips. He runs his teeth over it once before switching to the other and working until it�s hard as well. He runs his tongue down over his lover�s stomach and licks, reveling at the way the muscles contract. He nuzzles into Chris� belly button before sliding back up to hover over Chris and grins. �Hi.�

�Hi, yourself,� whispers Chris. He grins back and leans forward, licking at Lance�s upper lip.

Lance shudders and his hips roll wantonly into Chris� causing him to hiss at the blissful friction it causes against his groin. Lance leans forward and captures his lips in a searing kiss, sliding his tongue into the warm crevice, claiming him. They kiss leisurely for a few minutes, never coming up for air because they had no need for it. That was one reason why Chris loved being a vampire; he could kiss Lance for as long as he wanted without having the burden of coming up for air.

When they pull away, both flushed and eyes darkened with lust, Lance looks down at Chris and rasps, �Fuck me?�

Chris� pupils dilate and he feels all of his blood rush to his dick. Lance�s voice was hypnotizing and one murmur, one little rumble of that deep voice made Chris hard just like that. �Fuck. Yes.�

Lance sits up on his haunches and grinds his erection into Chris�, causing the older man to moan and thrust his hips up. Chris grips Lance�s waist and pulls him down harder against him as they rock together for a few moments, soft gasps and moans filling the room. Finally, when he can�t take it anymore he pushes Lance backwards and strips Lance of his shirt, as he grins lazily up at him.

Hurriedly, Chris strips he and Lance until they are in nothing but their boxer briefs, erections straining against the dark material. Chris leans down and kisses Lance on the lips chastely, teasingly, before trailing his lips down over his chin down to his Adam�s apple.

Lance lets out a small whimper as Chris' teeth sink into his neck and he lets his hands run up his back, nails scratching slightly. Chris pulls back, licking his lips lewdly, and lets a few droplets of Lance�s blood spideweb down his neck before ducking down and lapping at it until Lance�s creamy, white skin shows through. Lance fists his hands in Chris� hair and thrusts his hips up; searching for and finding some much needed friction.

Chris chuckles and pushes a thigh in between Lance�s legs, rocking in a teasingly slow, circular motion. �Greedy much.�

Lance moans deep in his throat and Chris can feel it vibrating against his chest. Slowly he runs his tongue down Lance�s neck until he reaches his collarbone. He nips at it lightly before moving to nibble on Lance�s nipple. Lance hisses and arches up into the touch. Chris palms Lance�s hip as he slowly works his nipple in a hardened nub before working the other into a twin peak.

�So fucking sexy like this,� murmurs Chris against Lance�s stomach. He runs a finger over the light yellow hair trickling down into Lance�s boxer briefs and Lance shudders at the ghostlike touch.

Lance tightens his grip in Chris� hair and slowly tugs till Chris� mouth is poised over his straining erection. Chris grins and laps at the starchy material causing Lance�s hips to jerk forward. He runs a finger teasingly over the bulge and relishes in the soft keening noises Lance makes in the back of his throat.

�Don�t tease,� whines Lance.

Chris smirks devilishly up at him but forgoes anymore teasing he had planned. He wants to work Lance into a frenzy, make him writhe, and outright beg to be fucked but he�ll wait for another day to do that. Right not all he wants is to taste his lover.

Lance lifts his hips as Chris pulls the confining material away and throws it on the other side of the room and Lance shudders as a cool draft washes over him. Chris� mouth waters as he takes in his lover�s erection, the way it curves toward his stomach and the pre come that pearls at the tip. He knows how smooth it is but he runs a finger from base to tip once just to remind himself. He leans down and inhales the musky, clean scent and closes his eyes as a wave of dizziness washes over him.

Lance�s hand drifts down into the silky strands of Chris� hair and he tugs gently. Chris peaks up at Lance and grins before letting his tongue snake out to lick across the head, gathering the wetness on his tongue. He dips down and takes the tip in between his lips and sucks gently, eliciting a low moan from Lance.

�God, yes,� moans Lance. He arches his hips and thrusts a little as Chris takes him in a little deeper.

Chris pushes Lance�s hips back down against the bed, forcing him to lay still. He lets Lance�s erection slip out of his mouth as he kisses over across to nibble at the juncture where his thigh and hip meet. A hand comes up and he cups Lance�s balls, squeezing and palming softly. Lance�s eyes close and his mouth drops open when Chris takes him into his mouth again.

Lance whimpers softly and thrusts a little. Chris� hot mouth encases him deeper and his breath hitches. Chris swallows and Lance�s hips jerk forward and a yelp escapes his lips. He grips Chris� hair almost painfully as he feels the familiar tingle begin at the bottom of his spine. His head starts spinning and white, hot light streaks behind his eyes when he feels the tip of Chris� finger press right there.

Chris swallows everything Lance has to offer and when he pulls away he licks his lips lewdly and grins up at Lance who has an arm thrown across his eyes. Chris slides up Lance�s body and kisses Lance�s open mouth, sneaking his tongue in. Lance grabs onto Chris� shoulders and surges forward, sucking on his lovers tongue to taste himself.

Lance pulls away and licks his lips, grinning up at Chris through his eyelashes, his eyes playful. �Mmmm, tastes good.� Chris� whole body shivers at the huskiness in his lover�s voice and Lance grins at the reaction. He reaches down and pulls at the waistband of Chris� boxer briefs, letting them snap, and says, �Want you. Now. Off.�

Chris� head bobs in a jerky manner and he scrambles to push the constricting material off. When his erection pushes free, Lance eagerly reaches for it and strokes slowly. Chris grips the sheets and lets his chin drop to his chest at the tentative touch. He thrusts into Lance�s hand and whimpers when Lance pulls his hand away.

�Want you to fuck me. Now,� demands Lance. He lays back and looks expectantly up at Chris.

Chris kicks his boxers off the rest of the way and reaches for the nightstand drawer. When Lance reaches up and nips at the jugular of his neck his hand jerks and he knocks over a glass of water. Lance giggles as he curses under his breath and he quickly grabs the condom and lube.

Lance pulls the condom out of his hands and rips it open with his teeth. As Lance rolls the condom down over him, Chris bites down on his lip and wills himself not to come just from the soft, loving touch. He squeezes some lube onto his fingers and reaches down under Lance�s balls and pushes slightly.

Lance�s eyes fall closed and he sighs as he lets his legs fall apart wider. He pushes back against Chris fingers and arches up just a bit. His soft erection slowly starts to swell when Chris� fingers sink a little deeper. When Chris scissors his fingers he moans, and when he rubs the tip of his fingers against his prostate he surges back against Chris� fingers and he�s hard. Just. Like. That.

Chris pulls his fingers from Lance and lubes himself up before scooting forward until his cock is snug against the cleft of Lance�s ass. He nudges forward till the head slips inside and moans at the tightness that encases him. He rests his weight against his forearms and leans down to lick at Lance�s lips.

Lance lifts his knees till his feet are planted firmly against the bed and he pulls at Chris� hips. Chris groans and pushes until he�s throbbing hotly inside of Lance. Lance twists his hips and whines, �C�mon.�

Chris chuckles low in his throat. �Impatient fucker, aren�t you?�

Lance makes a tiny mewling noise in the back of his throat that Chris can feel surging through his whole body and he allows himself to move. Slowly he begins thrusting till they fall into the familiar rhythm. Lance wraps his legs around Chris� waist and locks his ankles at the small of his back. Chris twists his hips and Lance�s hips surge forward as the tip of Chris� cock hits right fucking

Chris reaches down and strokes Lance in time with his thrusts and soon Lance is moaning and writhing beneath him. He leans down until his mouth is millimeters from Lance�s and looks at him through dark eyes. He kisses Lance deeply once before pushing his forehead against Lance�s and whispering, �C�mon, let it go.� He grins playfully at Lance and says, �You know you want to.�

Lance�s legs tighten around Chris� hips, his nails dig into his lower back, and he comes with a low growl, wetness spilling onto his stomach and Chris� hand. As Lance�s ass clench sporadically around his cock, Chris thrusts once, twice, and comes with a low moan.

They stay there for a moment, Chris poised inside of Lance, foreheads pushed together, parted lips inches apart, and Lance sighs when Chris reluctantly pulls out. Chris pulls the condom off, ties it off, and tosses it into a nearby trashcan. Lance throws a leg over Chris� thighs and snuffles his face into Chris� neck, kissing at the damp skin. Chris wraps his arms around him and kisses his damp hair. They lie there in silence for a few minutes until Lance can feel Chris� chest vibrate with laughter.

Lance moves so he can look up at Chris and asks, �What�s so funny?�

Chris giggles and looks down at Lance. �I�m still hungry.�

Lance laughs heartily and shakes his head against Chris� chest.
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