Part 1: Unit Planning Template


Teacher:  Joshua Bourgeois

Subject:  8th Grade Math

Grade/Level:  8th

Unit Topic/Focus:  Transformations: It’s a Movement Thing


Integration with other content areas: Computer Science 

Estimated time for implementation:  5 days

Connections to previous/future learning:  Builds on prior knowledge of the xy-coordinate plane and geometric figures and will lead into future learning regarding dilation and transformation of geometric figures around points other than the origin.




Standards (see Combined Curriculum Documents and others):

Academic Expectations

Program of Studies

Core Content for Assessment

2.8       Students understand various mathematical procedures and use them appropriately and accurately.


2.9       Students understand space and dimensionality concepts and use them appropriately and accurately.


Students will understand that shape and area are conserved during mathematical transformations (flips, slides and turns).

Scale conserves shape but changes size.



Students will describe, provide examples of and apply to real-world and/or mathematical situations rotational symmetry (45°, 90º, 180º, 270º, 360º).



Students will rotate (clockwise or counterclockwise) shapes in a coordinate plane about the origin.





Students will transform (translations, reflections, and dilations with the center of dilation at the origin) figures in a coordinate plane and determine the new coordinates of the image after the transformation.




Students will describe, provide examples of, and apply to real-world and mathematical problems rotational symmetry (90º, 180º, 360º).



Students will identify rotations (clockwise or counterclockwise) of figures about the origin in a coordinate plane.



Other Standards (e.g., national, district, English language proficiency, Kentucky World Languages Framework, technology, Kentucky Occupation al Skill Standards, etc.):

NCTM:  Students should be able to apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. Students should be able to describe sizes, positions, and orientations of shapes under informal transformations such as flips, turns, slides, and scaling.




Unit Organizer:

A statement or question that:


In pursuit of the above Academic Expectations and relevant Core Content, students will draw on prior knowledge of the xy-coordinate grid along with geometric figures in order to understand how figures can shift along the xy-coordinate grid without changing shape and area. Students will use technology to assist them in learning these transformations by engaging in creating their own graphic organizer, completing a virtual field trip, and completing a project in which they design their own figure and transform it throughout the various quadrants.


This lesson also builds students’ abilities to effectively work in groups as they build communication and leadership skills in working with their peers. Students will also develop skills in planning, designing, implementing, and reflecting on a project.


Part 1: Unit Planning Template


Essential Questions (3-5 questions that guide lesson planning/focus):

Each question reflects

*        Selected content standards

*        Connection of learning with living

*        Thinking, Problem-Solving, Application of Learning

*        Engaging, Student-Centered Instruction

1. What are three ways you can transform a figure in the xy-coordinate system?

2.  What are the characteristics of these transformations?

3.  As a figure transforms through the xy-coordinate system, why does it not lose shape and area?

4.  Why is it important for you to know how to move a geometric object through a given space in the real world?




Connections to Literacy: Literacy includes, reading, writing, and the creative and analytical acts involved in producing and comprehending text.

Students will be required to write their own graphic organizer by reading various web resources involving transformations. Students will also have to read web pages and construct meaning during their virtual field trip. Students will write a reflection with their project that includes information on what they have learned, questions they still have, and why is it important to have this knowledge for the real world.




Connections to Career/Workplace: These are the skills necessary for a successful transition to postsecondary education or work and a desire for life-long learning in a global society.

In order to be successful in the world, people should possess a spatial intelligence that enables them to be able to picture the movement of shapes in a given space. Additionally, students must be able to use technology effectively in order to make more complex skills simpler.

Part 1: Unit Planning Template


Culminating Activity/Assessment:

A product or performance that

*        Allows learner to demonstrate their knowledge of targeted content standards through a variety of formats (Universal Design).

*        Offers choice to meet learners differentiated needs.

*        Directs the development of instructional strategies and activities.

*        Includes scoring guide/rubric to inform learners of expectations.

Summative Assessment – Excel-lent Transformations Project – Students will design a figure and use Microsoft Excel to rotate the figure 90, 180, and 270 degrees, translate the figure into Quadrants II and III, and reflect the figure over the x- and y-axes. (see rubric)


Daily Organizer

Day 1:

Objective: Students will learn three different types of transformations and be able to state their characteristics.

Activity:  Students will view the Transformations movie to get an overview of the topic. Students will use various Internet resources to create a graphic organizer that defines translation, reflection, and rotation. Students will complete their graphic organizer on Inspiration. Students will also find examples of each to place with their graphic organizer.

Assessment: Formative - Completion of Graphic Organizer


Day 2:

Objective:  Students will learn three different types of transformations and be able to state their characteristics along with recognizing that a shape’s area does not change with these transformations.

Activity: Students will complete the Virtual Field Trip and the accompanying worksheet.

Assessment: Formative – Completion of Brain Pop quiz


Day 3

Objective: Students will learn three different types of transformations and be able to state their characteristics along with recognizing that a shape’s area does not change with these transformations.

Activity: Students will break up into groups and compete in “Name that Transformation” using the LearnAlberta web site. Students will also complete an ORQ as a group.

Assessment: Formative – Completion of Transformation ORQ


Day 4

Objective: Students will learn how to use Microsoft Excel to reflect, rotate, and translate a figure.

Activity: Students will participate in learning how to reflect, rotate, and translate a given shape in Microsoft Excel. Students will design their own figure to be transformed.

Assessment: Formative – Participation in learning how to transform a figure using Microsoft Excel.


Day 5

Objective: Students will use Microsoft Excel to reflect, rotate, and translate a figure.

Activity: Students will complete the Excel-lent Transformation Project.

Assessment: Summative – Completion of the Excel-lent Transformation Project.




Resources to be used that support teaching and learning within the unit of study. Resources should include multiple means to access curriculum (i.e., audio, visual, multi-media, technology).

1)  Student Laptops with Microsoft Excel, Inspiration, and Internet access

2)  Transformations Open Response Question (class set)

3)  Teacher Projector

4)  Excel-lent Transformation Project Rubric (class set)

5)  Virtual Field Trip Worksheet (class set)

6)  Internet Resources




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