




My Assessment

Your Assessment


Student designs an original figure that uses several different shapes within the figure.

Student designs a figure that uses 1-2 different shapes within the figure.

Student designs a figure that is one distinct shape.

Student does not design a figure or uses a basic geometric figure.




Student uses appropriate headings, and all work is clearly and neatly organized.

Student uses headings, and most work is clearly and neatly organized.

Student attempts to use headings, and work is somewhat organized.

Student makes no attempt to use headings, and work is not neat and/or organized.




Student properly translates original figure from Quadrant I to Quadrants II and III.

Student properly translates original figure from Quadrant I to Quadrants II or III; or student makes minimal errors in translating figure from Quadrant I to Quadrants II and III.

Student attempts to translate original figure from Quadrant I to Quadrants II and III with several errors.

Student does not attempt to translate original figure; or student translates original figure with major errors.




Student properly reflects original figure over the x-axis and y-axis.

Student properly reflects original figure over the x-axis or y-axis; or student makes minimal errors in reflecting figure over the x-axis and y-axis.

Student attempts to reflect original figure over the x-axis and y-axis with several errors.

Student does not attempt to reflect original figure; or student reflects original figure with major errors.




Student properly rotates original figure 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

Student properly rotates original figure 2 of the 3 degrees; or student makes minimal errors in rotating the figure 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

Student attempts to rotate the figure 90, 180, and 270 degrees with several errors; or student properly rotates the figure 1 of the 3 degrees.

Student does not attempt to rotate original figure; or student rotates original figure with major errors.




Student uses Valli’s Reflection to write an organized, unique, error-free self-reflection that states: what they learned, what questions they still have, and why it is important to have this knowledge in the real world.


Student writes an organized self-reflection with minimal errors that states: what they learned, what questions they still have, and why it is important to have this knowledge in the real world.

Student writes a self-reflection with several errors that attempts to answer several of the following: what they learned, what questions they still have, and why it is important to have this knowledge in the real world.

Student does not write a self-reflection; or student writes a self-reflection that does not answer the questions.




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