North Sea Jazz 2003 (2)


The large main area gives everyone a chance to mingle and plan the evening.

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Not very good shots but a popular Dutch blues band is playing loud and hard with the lead singer strutting around the stage like a cross between Paul Gasgcoine and Mick Jagger.

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Here we see the mixing desk though by the looks of things the key sliders are set to 11. It an old Spinal Tap joke don worry about it.

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It a warm Summer evening and crowds are mingling outside the main Statenhal.

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Another shot of the mingling crowd.

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We check out the action in the Statenhal and by accident enter by the side entrance giving us this full shot of the band.

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The saxophonist looks a bit like Mark Knophler from Dire Straits though the set was far more interesting. Or maybe a young Steve Foster who knows.

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He waves to the crowd after a solo.

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Back in the foyer and a blues band have taken over welcoming duties.

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More stalls and a chance to buy some coloured neckwear but how much is it for a free kick specialist.

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A shot from the balcony and things are warming up.

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We reach the temporary stage to find a band from London are finishing their set triumphantly

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Time to release the tension though the audience were equally extatic.

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We head outside and take a breather though hardly anyone seems to have noticed the five piece in the temporary bandstand.

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A shot of the mixing desks - a bit worrying as the main deck looks to be able to handle earthquakes.

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Alternative refreshments and by the looks of things most of them appear to double the legal drinking age.

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A smaller venue but it looks as if the German tourists have beaten us to it and no we won be resigning over it.

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Thank you you've been a great audience. Good Night.

Encore, Encore ...

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Here something that came out of a jam session just before the Unplugged cover. It didn't make it because our editorial board thought it was too powerful and may entice legions of office workers to leave their desks, sell the Ford Mondeo and buy a six string.

Oh and somehow we couldn't find the Statenhal to see Stevie Windwood - and spent a frustrating ten minutes wandering round the complex a bit like they did in Spinal Tap. We gave up and headed out only to hear his familiar voice coming from the Statenhal which was marked in big letters outside the complex. We thought about heading back then changed our minds and headed home.

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