Introduction to Political Science First Exam Review Sheet


  • You are responsible for the lecture notes and chapters 1, 2, and 4.
  • You will have 80 multiple-choice questions on the exam. Each question is worth one point.
  • Bring a scantron number 882. They are available from the bookstore.
  • Bring a number 2 pencil.


  1. What is political ideology?
  2. Which ideology places emphasis on stability, tradition and patriotism?
  3. What is the role of government according to classical liberalism?
  4. Which political ideology places stress on the welfare state?
  5. What are the characteristics/steps of the scientific method?
  6. What is a hypothesis? What is a theory?
  7. What are the characteristics of the Great Depression and the Vietnam cohorts?
  8. According to Almond and Verba, which country has the “best” civic culture?
  9. What are the criticisms of political science as a science?
  10. What are the different types of political knowledge?
  11. Which political ideology would be most opposed to flag burning?
  12. How do you measure economic growth?
  13. Abrahamiam's study of the "paranoid style of Iranian politics" is an example of what type of political research?
  14. What are the shortcomings of the study “The Civic Culture?”
  15. What does “normative knowledge” or “normative statement” mean?
  16. What does the scientific method allow researchers to prove?
  17. What are the elements of a democracy?
  18. Which ideology believes in personal freedom and limited government the most?
  19. What are participants, subjects, and parochials?
  20. What did Max Weber say about the scientific method?
  21. What is the best method to uncover the political culture of a society?
  22. What type of culture dominates in a democratic society?
  23. What are normative, affective, and cognitive orientations?
  24. How does the conservative and liberal view about inequality differ?
  25. What type of political culture dominates in Less Developed Countries?
  26. Who invented the concept of mass and elite belief systems?
  27. What are the definitions of politics?
  28. Which political ideology is “suspicious” of human rationality?
  29. What are the sources of information about politics?
  30. Which ideology particularly emphasizes that humans can be substantially altered by their environment?
  31. What is political culture? What is political socialization?
  32. How do revolutionary political systems socialize kids in their “new” societies?
  33. How do children view the political system?
  34. The scientific method needs reliable evidence. What does “reliable” mean?
  35. What does the story of “Feng Zhang” reveal?
  36. What is “validity” in the scientific method?
  37. What is “phi” and “Cramer’s V?” How do they measure indicators?
  38. Which ideology relies on a strong state that guides its people and promotes equality?
  39. What is the Aristotelian view of political science?
  40. Which countries were included in the “civic culture” study?
  41. What are the values of post-materialism?
  42. Which political ideology believes in slow change?
  43. What do religious revivalist movements seek?
  44. What does the term “liberal” mean in the United States?
  45. How do researchers translate variables into indicators?
  46. Which political ideology is hostile to democracy?
  47. Why is it important for social science researchers to define their concepts?
  48. What are the sub-fields of political science? What is a “boundary spanning” sub-field?
  49. What are the characteristics of the beliefs of “mass publics?”
  50. What are the belief systems of the US foreign policy elites?
  51. How did Mao Zedong view the family?
  52. What does the Patti Hearst example reveal?
  53. How do the three major political ideologies view change, the individual, private property, symbols, and markets.
  54. Which type of political orientation do Americans score high on?
  55. Getting angry and lashing out against Muslims/Arabs after September 11th 2001 reflects what type of political orientation?
  56. Understanding the causes of September 11th 2001 reflects what type of political orientation?


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