Final American Government Exam Review Sheet


·        This exam is made up of 100 multiple choice (MC) questions.

·        Each MC question is worth 1 point.

·        You are responsible chapter 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15.

·        You are responsible for everything that I cover in the lecture.

·        Bring a 100 question scantron #882 and a No. 2 pencil for the exam.


Areas of Emphasis:


1.     What are the powers of Congress?

2.     What does the majority leader of the House do?

3.     Which presidents have/had the power to persuade?

4.     Which president had charisma?

5.     What was the case of Marbury vs. Madison about? Who was involved? What did it establish?

6.     What are party whips? What do they do?

7.     What is a pocket veto?

8.     Which presidents served in office during poor economic times?

9.     What are appellate and original jurisdictions?

10. What was the Cold War?

11. Who was the “paranoid” president?

12. Under which president was the policy to equip and arm guerrillas like Osama Bin Laden enacted?

13. Under which presidents did the policy of financing and arming guerrillas like Osam Bin Laden continue?

14. What did the US Supreme Court emphasize during different periods of US history?

15. What has the US Supreme Court done to abortion rights since Roe vs. Wade?

16. What are judicial activism and restraint?

17. How is the control of committees and chairmanship of committees determined?

18. Who are the people that make up the White House staff?

19. What percentage of bill introduced in Congress become laws?

20. What was the case of Brown vs. Board of Education about?

21. Who has the right to re-organize the federal court system?

22. How are Senators elected?

23. Who is the President of the Senate?

24. How long is the term in office of a federal judge?

25. What was the Dred Scott vs. Sandfrod case?

26. What can a president do to a bill?

27. What is racial gerrymandering?

28. What determines presidential success in Congress?

29. What was “court packing?”

30. What is the original jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court?

31. What are the early months of a President’s term known as?

32. What is the most common occupation of members of Congress?

33. Where does Congress do most of its work?

34. What is the function of the four Congressional agencies?

35. What was Marbury vs. Madison?

36. Which presidents ended their term in office more popular than when they started?

37. How does a federal court of appeals work?

38. What causes a president’s popularity to fluctuate?

39. What was triangulation?

40. What is the filibuster?

41. Based on what article in the Constitution did the US Supreme Court decide Roe vs. Wade?

42. In which Congressional chamber do bills dealing with revenue originate?

43. Which president created the policy of containment?

44. What precedent did Plessy vs. Ferguson create?

45. What does a Congressional standing committee do?

46. What is a “writ of certiorari?”

47. Tell me about the Cuban Missile Crisis?

48. What is “cloture?”

49. When do scandals hurt a president’s popularity?

50. Why can’t Congress reduce a judge’s salary?

51. Who is the closest person to the president?

52. What was Clinton I and Clinton II?

53. What is the name of the process that presidential candidates use to chose a vice presidential candidate?

54. What is re-districting and what is re-apportionment?

55. Which policy making federal institution has seen its power grow during the 20th century?

56. What was the fiscal impact of President Reagan two-term in office?

57. Which branch of the federal government did the founding fathers want to be the most powerful?

58. What is the Congressional power of oversight?

59. How are chairmanships awarded in Congress?

60. What is a mark-up session?

61. What did the US Supreme Court say in the decision of Gideon vs. Wainwright?

62. How does the President tell Congress what his agenda is?

63. What is “stare decisis?”

64. Who is responsible for re-districting?

65. What Constitutional power does the vice president have?

66. What does the president do as chief of state?

67. What are the types of Congressional rules?

68. What did the US Supreme Court decide in UC Board of Regents vs. Bakke?

69. What is the purpose of a conference committee?

70. Who’s “advice and consent” does the president need after signing a foreign treaty, appointing a cabinet secretary or ambassador?

71. What is judicial review? Where is it mentioned in the Constitution?

72. Who was the last person to become President without winning the popular vote?

73. Why did George W. Bush become President of the US in 2000?

74. What would have happened had ALL the cast votes in Florida for President been counted in the 2000 election?

75. What is the definition of “terrorist” under the PATRIOT Act of 2001?

76. What civil right violations have taken place under the Presidency of George W. Bush?

77. Why did budget deficits occur under the leadership of George Bush Jr.?

78. What is the relationship between Presidential power and waging war?

79. What is the process for impeaching a President?

80. Who was President when the US government supported Saddam Hussein to come to power in Iraq?

81. Who was President when the US government delivered to the Iraqi government material to build Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction?

82. What kind of foreign policy did the Founding Fathers envision for the United States?

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