This Tiger Swallowtail was seen sunning along the path to the restrooms in early April at South Mountains State Park in Burke County, NC.
After posting this photo, I got an e-mail from Ron Gatrelle stating that this may actually be the undescribed seperate species of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail that is in the NC Mountains.  He says, "The new [species] is huge compared to the small spring glaucus with lots of black on the inner part of the hind wing next to the body, and a solid line (not spots) on the underside of the forewing along its very edge.....The undescribed Tiger is only out in spring and early summer as it only has one brood a year."  He also said that it looks more like the Canadian Tiger Swallowtail than the Eastern.  I looked---and sure enough it does!   Wow!!!!!
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