(nCw Resurrection opens up to Wes Fox, Warren Rust, and Bad Mojo!)

Wes Fox- A few match results to pass along...the dark matches consisted of Rhiley Johnson taking on Rob Johnson, Makaveli taking on Chris Phere, The Captain taking on Tommy The Cat, Dallas Nash taking on Travis Turner, and Ander Carvetti taking on Jimmy Turner. Rob, Chris, Tommy, Travis, and Jimmy all won their matches fairly easily over their opponents. As we were getting ready to go live, the nCw Staff fired Rhiley Johnson, Makaveli, Nash, and Carvetti for poor performance. Now it is time to get on with the rest of the show!

(The nCw-Tron lights up as Buck Jones is seen on the screen as the crowd goes nuts. The crowd quietens down as Buck begins to address everyone.)

Steven "Buck" Jones- Everyone knows I am in Florida at the moment and I do apologize for being unable to make it to the show tonight. I am currently trying to create some sort of contract to sign Felecia Duarte! In my absence, Paul Powers will be running things until my triumphant return on September 19th at nCw's pay per view; Shock and AWEsome! However....we all know that Paul Powers has already shown his alliance towards a certain group called Fate with Adam Knite, Aaron Knight, Jon Quake, and Kelly Fox. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to hire a "Special Enforcer" to check and balance the decisions tonight and until I return. Now, I'm not going to give it away just yet; so he will be arriving in a limo later on tonight and will stay in the limo sending messages to what he thinks should be done. Whatever he submits must be followed by everyone! So in closing...good luck...Chief of Staff...and enjoy the show everyone!

(The scene opens up with Wes Fox, Warren Rust, and Bad Mojo.)

Wes Fox- What an announcement by Buck Jones...there is a limo outside and he said it is our new Special Enforcer....our new Chief of Staff!

Warren Rust- I don't have a clue on who it could be guys....it could be ANYBODY!

Bad Mojo- It has to be someone worthy of the position...someone Buck likes well enough and trusts well enough to handle things while he's gone. I think it is Davey Boone myself....

Wes Fox- That'd be insane of him to choose Boone...it could be Cruise...or even...

Warren Rust- TOMMY THE CAT!!

Wes Fox- He hasn't said a word since I can even remember!

( The screen fades to black and the lights dim in the arena. The fans look all around trying to figure out what is happening. Video is being played, showing blurry black and white clips of matches. Many matches, all with the same outcome of this one man, the focus, winning. A final clip is shown of him standing with a gold title belt held high over his head. The lights kick back in with a orange glow to them as orange mist comes forth from the ramp way. Telly Savales by Esham takes command, as the majority of the crowd stand and cheer, fully aware of who is about to arrive. Jon Breaker steps out from the back, with a new look, wearing a matching jump suit, with his hair dyed orange. He out stretches his arms and takes in the praise. Breaker goes to the ring and gets on the mic. )

Jon Breaker: For those who know, then what up dog? But for those who don't your about to get your mind blown. The names Jon Breaker, and I be attack'n player haters. I came to bring the pain and rearrange your main frame with my fucked up ways. If you think I'm all alone, then you better think twice before jumping me on your own. My boys will be here soon, and when they do, respect signs better come through. We're not here to take over, or even run the show. Every god damn person here already knows that even before the first blow we're holding all the gold. Before you start, shut your trap, and don't give me that bad act that your about to snap, all it takes is my fist, and your face go SLPAT! Got that? Good, now don't get me misunderstood. I'm not conceded, it's not needed, it's simple and plain that my game surpasses your ly'in no name brain. I'm gonna wrap this up, because most of these fucks already know what's about to erupt. But one last line before I say good bye. Half step'n to me, and I'll treat ya pussies like a vaginal disease, witnessing me and my cream.

( Breaker drops the mic, and the fans go wild. The newest addition to NCW makes his way up the ramp as his music comes back on. He turns around, and starts walking backwards with his arms out again, sticking his tongue out going wild. Breaker turns back around and disappears into the back. )

(Commercial Break!)

(Cameras cut the the limo outside the arena where the "Chief of Staff" sits....the camera catches JOHN REAGAN stepping out of the limo with a smile on his face. The camera zooms in and sees him shaking hands with whomever is in the limo! Scene goes to Fox and company.)

Wes Fox- Welcome back everyone and we are set for our first match of the evening. It is for the US title as Scorpion makes his first title defense against Aaron Knight!

(Scorpion's music hits as he comes out holding up his US title with the Canadian maple leaf seen taped on the front of the belt as the crowd gives him a mixed reaction. Knight's music hits the PA as he steps out from behind the curtain onto the stage as Paul Powers and Jon Quake both follow him out closely behind. Scorpion is in the ring waiting for Knight as Knight begins a dead sprint to the ring as Scorpion attempts a clothesline as Wes Fox calls the action!)

Wes Fox- Scorpion attempts a huge clothesline as Aaron Knight ducks it and comes off the opposite ropes...cross body block! KNIGHT MAKES THE PIN! 1...2...kick out by Scorpion! Knight picks up Scorpion and swings him back into the ropes who reverses it...and Knight reverses that and throws Scorpion clear over the top ropes! Knight gains the attention of the referee as Quake is seen stomping the crap out of Scorpion on the outside!

Warren Rust- Typical Paul Powers move there....and look at Powers helping them by addressing the referee himself giving Knight the chance to double team Scorpion in the corner with Quake.

Wes Fox- Quake drops off the apron as Scorpion staggers to his feet...Knight waits for Scorpion to turn around...he HOISTS UP SCORPION...SIT DOWN POWER BOMB! Knight with the pin...we may have a new US champion! 1.....2.....3!!!! AARON KNIGHT HAS JUST DEFEATED SCORPION TO WIN THE US TITLE!

Bad Mojo- Man, I've very surprised our US Champ and now former #1 contender to the Heavy Weight title just got dismantled by Aaron Knight. Very shocked over here guys!

Wes Fox- Knight rips off the maple leaf from the belt as they head to the back to celebrate their victory with the rest of Fate!

(The scene cuts backstage after the match as Martha Watkins is seen with a note in her hand yelling for Mr. Powers. Mr. Powers is seen with Aaron Knight, Jon Quake, Kelly Fox, and Adam Knite.)

Martha Watkins- Mr. Powers, I have a note from the new special enforcer, Chief of Staff. He said for Adam Knite and Eric Sands' match tonight....ALL MEMBERS OF FATE ARE BANNED FROM RINGSIDE! He has also said that the winner of their match tonight, will go on to Shock and AWEsome in Dallas, Texas September 19th to wrestle for the World Heavy Weight Title! If any member of Fate is seen at ringside...Adam Knite will lose the match and a shot at the World Heavy Weight Title!


(Powers and company are now outside the arena where the limo is seen in the background as Fate surrounds the limo. Powers walks over to the back door and yanks the door open to find a note inside. He picks it up and reads it to himself as Quake and Knight search the limo for people and find none.)

Paul Powers- "Riddle me this....riddle me that....I've decided to change the name of "Fate" to "FAT"???? Who the hell does this guy think he is?

(They look around and find nothing as the show heads to a commercial break!)

Wes Fox- Welcome back everybody...the cage has been dropped and checked out by security and staff and we are ready to see WHO'S CAREER WILL END TONIGHT! Davey "The Savior" Boone takes on Chris "Big Daddy" Cruise!

Warren Rust- A lot has been said and put into this match tonight...it will be a great match to watch and one nobody will ever forget once it is all said and done...I can assure you all of that!

Bad Mojo- I've had the privelage and the honor to step into the ring against "The Savior" of the nCw....Chris Cruise showed his dominance a couple of weeks back and last week as well...this will be a great match indeed!

(Chris's music hits as he makes his way to the ring jumping around. He comes out to a mixed reaction with mostly boos. He walks down the rampway with a very cocky attitude about himself as he comes to the cage door he looks around as if it were his final time and begins to laugh as the referee tells Cruise to get into the ring as Cruise shoves him back and climbs into the cage surrounding the ring. His music dies off as "Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix strikes up as the sold out crowd come to their feet! Davey "The Savior" Boone makes his way to the ring to a standing crowd giving him the greatest ovation one can imagine. He looks around and climbs into the ring as the referee locks the cage door and signals for the bell as his music dies down.)

Wes Fox- HERE WE GO GUYS!!! Boone and Cruise are circling each other around the ring flinching at one another as the crowd is going nuts! Now...finally BOTH MEN LOCK UP! Cruise begins to back Boone up quite dramatically and slings him across the ring as Boone slams down in the corner looking up at Cruise concerned! Cruise is flexing his muscles to Boone as the crowd begins to boo Cruise wildly! Boone is back to his feet and begins to dance around in a circle around the ring with Cruise stalking him. They tie up again...and Cruise quickly tosses Boone to the corner again! Boone is shocked at the strength of such a man and starts to look towards the crowd!

Bad Mojo- I don't think Boone expected so much intensity from Chris Cruise...

Warren Rust- You'd find that extra adrenaline somewhere if your career was on the line as well Mojo!

Wes Fox- Boone now back to his feet as they begin to lock up again as Boone now delivers a huge knee into the ribs of Cruise and starts to kick him in the gut as CRUISE CATCHES HIS FOOT...HUGE CLOTHESLINE DOWN BY CRUISE! Cruise now as the head of Boone and begins to deliver stiff punches into the face of Boone! Cruise stops and picks up Boone...he SWINGS HIM FACE FIRST INTO THE CAGE! Boone is now busted open! Boone is busted open! Cruise is now delivering vicious forearms into the face of Davey Boone. Blood is just pouring out of the face of Davey Boone.....Cruise is now up to his feet and begins to walk over to the side of the cage and climb the cage. He gets about halfway up as he's having trouble finding his next step up the cage...Boone is back to his feet and climbs up after Cruise and YANKS CRUISE HARD TO THE MAT!

Warren Rust- What a despiration move made by Boone to prevent Cruise from ending his career early on in the match! Only a veteran would do that...

Bad Mojo- Exactly, looks like Boone is now ready to go on the offensive himself!

Wes Fox- Boone is back up on his feet as Cruise is up a little dazed from the impact of the back of his head hitting the mat. Boone HUGE SPLASH TO CRUISE IN THE CORNER! Cruise falls face first onto the mat! Boone is signaling for the end as he picks up Cruise and places his head between his knees....he attempts to pick him up in a power bomb position...Cruise slips out of it...HOISTS UP BOONE FOR THE CRUISE MISSLE!!!!! Boone is out cold in the middle of the ring...but the move also took a lot out of Cruise!

Warren Rust- This match is all about survival Fox...and who wants to keep their career alive more! And Cruise is beginning to win that arguement from anyone! Boone literally looks like he's been through a car wreck...look at the devastation!

Bad Mojo- I wouldn't quite count Boone out yet Rust...he's a skilled and sound veteran...he knows what he's capeable of doing and will do whatever it takes to stay in the nCw.

Wes Fox- Cruise is back up to his feet and is now trying to climb up the cage once again...he gets past halfway up the cage as Boone begins to stagger to his feet. Boone looks around and notices Cruise near the top of the cage and hurries to the cage and leaps up halfway up the side of the cage! What an unbelieveable display of adrenaline by Boone! Boone reaches for Cruise at the top of the cage as Cruise is trying to kick Boone off! Boone almost falls off the cage as he is hanging with one hand from the cage. He regroups and finally grabs Cruise by the leg...HE YANKS CRUISE OFF THE CAGE YET AGAIN! Now Boone is looking to climb the rest of the way up the cage and win the match.....he's now at the top and standing up looking out to the crowd!

Warren Rust- What's he doing? He can climb down right now and win the match!

Bad Mojo- He's pointing towards the crowd...Boone's always been about pleasing the crowd and...oh my GAWD!! LOOK AT THAT!!!! HUGE SPLASH OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE ONTO CRUISE!

Wes Fox- BOONE MISSED THE SPLASH!! CRUISE ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY! Both men are down as Aaron Knight is seen now at ringside...what the hell is he doing here guys? HE'S KNOCKED THE REFEREE DOWN! He's got a pair of bolt cutters...and is getting into the ring! Knight is in the ring waiting for Boone to get to his feet......WHO'S THAT COMING THROUGH THE CROWD?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bad Mojo- That's THE VIOLENT ONE!!! I thought he was gonna be out of action this week? He's got his ribs taped up! He's climbing the cage as quick as a mouse...Knight doesn't even see him!

Warren Rust- Oh lord...tell me he's not going to....


Bad Mojo- The referees are trying to restore order and have pulled Knight and TVO both out of the cage. But they can't latch the door back and.....the match is going to continue!

Wes Fox- EMTs begin to escort TVO and Aaron Knight back up the ramp way....they begin to fight each other as Knight flips TVO through the crowd! Meanwhile back into the ring....Cruise is back to his feet as Boone is beginning to come to....Cruise grabs Boone and hoists him up again...ANOTHER CRUISE MISSLE! Cruise is slapping his hands together to signal that the job is over and done with as he now slowly begins his victory climb up the cage as the crowd is booing him wildly! Boone with blood pouring from his face still manages to fight back up to his feet and climbs up the same side of the cage beside Cruise. Both men are almost at the top and are feeding each other lefts and rights into the other's faces! Cruise has a leg over the top of the cage hanging off the outside as Boone is trying to grab him off...Boone helps himself up there as well!

Warren Rust- Both men are gonna end up falling off the top of the cage and hurting themselves very badly and could cost them their careers by injury!

Bad Mojo- But Boone now has a leg over the top of the cage...guys...what...what's going on now? Are we still there?

Wes Fox- I can still hear you guys...but I can't see a damn thing. The lights are out in Memphis, Tennessee...this is very dangerous! What's going on guys? I hear...somebody just hit the mat...or fell off the outside...somebody get the lights back on please...if anybody in the back can hear me...please get the lights back on!

Bad Mojo- The lights are back on...CRUISE IS OUT COLD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING AND BOONE IS STILL ON TOP OF THE RING! Boone looks around confused...who's that at the top of the entrance way?

Warren Rust- That's the new comer JOHN REAGAN! What's he doing out here though?

Wes Fox- Confused, Boone hurries down the side of the cage...THE MATCH IS OVER AND DAVEY BOONE REMAINS WITH NCW! Look at Reagan....he's pointing at Boone with an evil grin on his face...what the hell just happened guys?


Wes Fox- Welcome back folks...just moments ago Cruise left to a huge ovation by the nCw fans who respect what Cruise has done for the company. But now we are to our main event of the evening...for the #1 contender to the Heavy Weight Title...Eric Sands will be taking on Adam Knite....no members of Fate are allowed at ringside or Adam Knite loses his chance and including the match.

(Adam Knite's theme strikes up as he makes his way to the ring as the crowd begins to boo him wildly as he flips off some of the fans. He walks quicker to the ring and slides up under the ropes as climbs up on the turnbuckle and holds up the guns to the crowd as they continue to boo him wildly. "Enter Sandman" by Metallica then begins to strike up as Eric Sands is seen standing with the crowd as they are on their feet going nuts for the nCw legend! He's got "Mr. Kind-O" in hand as he makes his way to the ring. The referee meets him outside the ring and is telling him not to bring the kindo stick into the ring. Adam Knite then leaps over the turnbuckle and gives Sands a cross body block as the referee is demanding them to get into the ring as he climbs into the ring himself and signals for the bell to start the match!)

Wes Fox- Adam Knite has wasted no time in this match as he is now on the offensive against Eric Sands! He slides Sands into the ring he attempts to get to his feet...HUGE CLOTHESLINE UNEXPECTED BY ADAM KNITE! Eric Sands is staggering back to his feet and picks up Adam and throws him over into the corner and delivers knife edge chops into the chest of Adam Knite! The crowd is going WHOOOOO with every chop! Knite gets angry and grabs Sands and throws him into the corner and begins to deliver chops of his own! Knite swings Sands into the far corner and runs towards Sands...Sands sticks up his foot which connects to the chin of Knite...Sands climbs up on the middle turnbuckle and delivers a huge double axe handle blow knocking Knite to the mat!

Warren Rust- Great back and forth match so far between 2 of the top stars in the nCw Sands and Knite! Very exciting and high impact moves being done!

Bad Mojo- Two very extreme athletes butting heads here...a great main event booked by the staff!

Wes Fox- Sands makes a cover...1....2..Knite kicks out in plenty of time! Sands picks up Knite and swings him back into the ropes...POWER SLAM BY SANDS! Another cover...1....2...Knite kicks out again! Sands is starting to get very frustrated as he picks up Knite again and lifts him up on the top turnbuckle. Sands climbs up on the turnbuckle with Knite as Knite is trying to fend off Sands.

Warren Rust- Shannon has now made her way to the ring...maybe the tide has now completely shifted into the way of Eric Sands!

Wes Fox- Eric Sands delivers a couple of punches to the back of the head to Knite....BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPES! Shannon is clapping and slamming her hands down on the mat in support of Sands! Sands is slow to get to his feet and rolls over to make a cover...THIS IS IT SANDS IS THE NEW NUMBER 1 CONTENDER TO THE HEAVY WEIGHT TITLE! 1.....2....KICK OUT BY KNITE AGAIN! The crowd is booing the referee as Sands is extremely frustrated and begins to kick the bottom rope! Sands starts to signal for the SANDS DROP! Wait a minute folks...here comes John Reagan again...what does he got this time?

Bad Mojo- What's he doing to Shannon? He's grabbing her by the arm....Sands has dropped Knite from between his knees and is running over to save Shannon as Reagan has just knocked Shannon to the floor! The referee is trying to regain control of the match....LOW BLOW TO SANDS BY ADAM KNITE!

Wes Fox- Knite is back to his feet and grabs Sands..HUGE SINGLE ARM DDT! Adam Knite makes the cover...the referee is slow to get over and make the count...1....2...SANDS KICKS OUT! Knite begins to deliver stiff rights and lefts into the face of Eric Sands as the referee starts his 5 count as Knite stops and gets off of Sands. Remember...Boone had to leave off in an ambulance for precautionary reasons so nobody is left here to help out Eric Sands! Reagan obviously doesn't want Eric Sands to win...for whatever reasons he may have who knows? Knite picks up Sands and swings him into the ropes...Sands reverses it and comes back off the ropes and has Knite in a sleeper hold!

Warren Rust- That's really the only way you can beat Adam Knite is by grounding him...

Wes Fox- Adam Knite slides out of the hold and back body drops Eric Sands! Knite picks up Sands and swings him into the ropes.....REAGAN GRABS THE LEG OF SANDS ON THE OUTSIDE! WAIT A MINUTE! DAVEY BOONE IS BACK! HE'S ATTACKING JOHN REAGAN FROM BEHIND AS THE 2 MEN ARE BRAWLING IT OUT AS BLOOD IS STILL POURING DOWN THE FACE OF BOONE! Boone swings Reagan into the steal steps shoulder first as Boone continues the assault on John Reagan.....he picks up Reagan near the security barrier and DROPS HIS FACE FIRST ON THE GUARD RAIL! Reagan is hanging over the guard rail as Boone pushes him over through the crowd as the crowd is going crazy! Meanwhile...Knite is waiting for Sands to turn around who is admiring Boone's work on the outside and making sure Shannon is alright....Sands turns around...PERFECT DARK SUPER KICK TO ERIC SANDS! LIGHTS OUT FOR ERIC SANDS! Knite makes the cover...1....2....3!!! BOONE TRIES TO MAKE THE SAVE BUT CAN'T GET THERE IN TIME! Knite slides out of the ring as the referee raises his hand in victory as Boone is trying to wake up his fallen comrad Sands!

Bad Mojo- Knite is excited that he's now the #1 contender to the heavy weight title...but who will he face at the pay per view Shock and AWEsome? Here comes the rest of Fate out on the rampway to celebrate with Adam Knite as Kelly Fox is seen with the Cruiserweight title and Aaron Knight with the US title around his waist! Paul Powers has a mic...lets listen to what he's got to say as Reagan is now stepping back over the guard rail pissed off fixing to get back into the ring to get his hands on Boone!

Paul Powers- Stop right there John Reagan! You too Boone....Boone...your career was suppose to be over earlier tonight...but do to the aid of John Reagan...you managed to find a way out of it. So I took it upon myself to write my own little note to the so called new "Chief of Staff"....since this week your career didn't end...the fans will get ANOTHER CHANCE next week to see it come to a close...when you go one on one against John Reagan...you lose...and YOU ARE DONE FOR GOOD BOONE!

(Chuck Watson walks out from behind the curtain and taps Quake on the shoulder and gives him a note....furiously Quake knocks Watson down to the ground and hands the note to Paul Powers!)

Paul Powers- "Dear Mr. Powers, I think it is a great idea that you book Boone/Reagan next week.....and it is great that you've got your own stipulation...fine by me. But I've added a stipulation of my own....the winner of the match will go on to face ADAM KNITE for the nCw World Heavy Weight at Shock and AWEsome?" What the hell? He can't do that? "Signed.....nCw Chief of Staff and his Assitant....P.S. I CAN TO DO IT AND I JUST DID PAL!" YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!

Warren Rust- YES! Next week, John Reagan and Davey Boone will face off against each other....winner is the other opponent in the world heavy weight title match to face Adam Knite at Shock and AWEsome September 19th in Dallas, Texas! However, if Boone does lose and Reagan gets the shot at Adam Knite...BOONE'S CAREER IN THE NCW IS OVER FOR GOOD! What a night everybody...good night and best of wishes!

(nCw logo comes up on the screen as the show fades to black!)

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