Notes: Red font= Matches, White font=Segments/storyline stuff. Chris was suppose to write TVO vs. The General match, but his electricity went out and his internet got screwed up and he couldn't get it to me. TVO won the match which ended up all over the arena. Both guys got seriously injured and we will have more updates on their condition. Makaveli and Raymond Clark no showed their match. Raymond Clark was rumored to have had personal problems with his family and is on a leave. Makaveli never contacted Buck or Powers on anything so it is still unknown on his status. I appologize for these matches not making the results. Other than already know the rest of the story!

Chuck Watson- We are here with The Captain and Tommy The Cat....guys, rumors have just fired up that you guys are going to be teaming up here in the nCw...Mr. ummm...well...Mr. Cat...what are your comments?

Tommy The Cat- ........................................................................

Chuck Watson- Anything at all?

Tommy The Cat- *uses hand motions*...........................................

The Captain- GREAT COMMENTS CAT! Up next is me match Chuckster.....Catty me boi here is got me back out there. So if ye Sandman has got anything to say 'a'bout it then he had better pre'pare for a beaten of his life! EYE EYE THERE CAT?

Tommy The Cat- .........*salutes The Captain while patting him on the back*

(A deep, gothic voice is heard of the PA as he begins to speak as the crowd is in a hush.)

Deep, Gothic Voice- When you lay down at close your eyes all snuggled up safely in your bed...your parents just down the hall to heighten your security feelings. Your eyes are closed...and you are now taken to a whole other world...a whole other deminsion...a place created by only the sickest of minds. You walk around wondering...where your parents are...where your family is...or even that blanket you snuggled up into that made your feeling of security that much more. They wonder around dazed...confused...unknowing of what will come out around the next a rat in a maze coming to a dead end at every corner. Then the time comes when you wish you had just come to another dead see a man standing there with a stick relaxed on his shoulder with an evil smile on his face.

*pauses briefly*

Deep, Gothic Voice- Frieghtened as hell you begin to scream as this man comes closer and closer into the very dim light. The man comes closer to you and smiles as he tilts his head to the side and says...."SURPRISE...THE SANDMAN IS HERE!" You run, but now at every corner he's there waiting for you! With nowhere to run...nowhere to turn...and nobody to help you...helplessly you curl up into a ball as the Sandman is heard laughing and chanting..."NOWHERE TO RUN..NOWHERE TO HIDE...NOW COMES THE TIME THAT YOU MUST DIE....YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE...TO PAY THE TOLL....FOR THE SANDMAN HAS COME...TO TAKE YOUR SOUL!" You scream one last time as you leap up from your bed to only hear his laugh...lingering in your head! The Sandman Eric can run....BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!

("Enter Sandman" by Metallica strikes up over the PA as the crowd is going nuts as Eric Sands comes out on the stage holding up "Mr. Kind-o". He also has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he walks on down to the as he throws down his cigarette before getting into the ring and stomps on it putting it out. He climbs into the ring swinging the stick around as the crowd is still going crazy for him. The Captain makes his way to the ring only to be met with "Mr. Kind-O"!)

Wes Fox- The referee has sounded the bell after Captain took that shot to the face! Captain is back to his feet as Eric Sands meets him with a huge clothesline! Here comes Tommy The Cat to the ring to help his fallen friend!

Warren Rust- Eric Sands is literally dominating the Captain!

Bad Mojo- I think The Cat is here to even up the score!

Wes Fox- Tommy The Cat has "Mr. Kind-O" as The Captain has the attention of the referee! Sands turns towards Tommy The Cat as Captain takes out a leg of Eric Sands! Tommy The Cat climbs up on the apron with Mr. Kind-O in his hands as Captain picks up Eric Sands and motions for The Cat to hit him with the stick! Captain swings Sands into the ropes...REVERSED BY SANDS! TOMMY THE CAT JUST NAILED THE CAPTAIN WITH THE KIND-O STICK! Captain turns around slowly....SANDS DROP! Eric with the cover...1...2...3!!! Eric Sands has defeated The Captain! The Captain looks mad!

Warren Rust- You damn right he's mad Fox, his own partner just nailed him with the stick! The Cat is in to consol his opponent....Captain shoves him out of the ring!

Bad Mojo- Looks like The Captain and Tommy The Cat have some business to settle!


(The scene opens up as Martha Watkins is seen interviewing Davey Boone.)

Martha Watkins- Mr. Boone, several people are wondering just if you could explain why everything happened in last week's main event the way it did?

Davey Boone- Well, it looks like Paul Powers was being his asshole self by screwing over Sykotic in the long run. After my good friend Eric Sands saw that I was getting screwed and my back was against the wall and came to help me out...Powers knew it was all over for Sykotic to begin with. So he did the next best thing he could do...that was to screw over Sykotic costing him the match.

Martha Watkins- Then what's the best thing he could have done?

Davey Boone- Never "offering" to referee a match involving myself to begin with. But it looks like Powers has found his "puppet" and it isn't me, it is Jon Quake. What will become of Sykotic? I couldn't answer that, he'll have to answer that tonight for himself.

Martha Watkins- Also, next week you face Chris Cruise in a Cage Match...what are your thoughts on him and that match?

Davey Boone- Ahhh...Chris Cruise...when will the nCw ever be rid of him? He's tried time and time again to make a run in the nCw, but usually doesn't even show up! Later on tonight, in that very ring Chris Cruise and I will sign the contracts with a residing nCw lawyer present. I can tell you is gonna be one hell of a match!

Martha Watkins- Why do you think Adam Knite got involved in your match last week almost costing you the match?

Davey Boone- Adam Knite has always been jealous of my ability to remain in a match not just on my intelligence, but also by my endurance. He's already made a claim to the nCw Heavy Weight title...just not publicly yet. And as far as all the rumors going around about me wanting a shot at the title...let me reassure everyone that I will NOT be making a bid towards the Heavy Weight title...and if I do ever get a shot I will give it everything I've got. Adam was acting out of a jealous rage...and I still managed to pull off a win with the help of my friend Eric Sands who will have my "FULL" support throughout the rest of our careers. But as far as Adam and I isn't over...and we aren't even...I plan on getting even later on tonight. Thank you Ms. Watkins, what are you doing Friday night?

Martha Watkins- Ohhh...well...nothing...but what do you mean you plan on getting even with Adam Knite tonight?

Davey Boone- Just watch sweetie...and I'll pick you up Friday at 7...check ya later *winks*

(There is a huge white curtain up with 2 people heard talking behind it. You can see their shadows as there is a bright light on the otherside of the curtain. One of the people is down on their knees as the other one is standing up facing them. The camera tones in on what's being said.)

Voice 1- Come on Jimmy, you know you want to man...I dare you to!

Jimmy Turner- Rob, you know how hard it is to get it is SOOOO HAAAARD!!

(The shadows show something sticking out of Rob Johnson's crotch with Jimmy Turner on his knees and his mouth on the tip of whatever is sticking out. Adam Knite and Kelly Fox are now shown in the view of the camera as the camera backs up some as Adam and Kelly watch.)

Rob Johnson- I've got more balls than you do man...just look...they are so big. I doubt you could even fit one of them in your mouth! Here, put one of them in your mouth....

Jimmy Turner- I could fit anything into my mouth man...stick it in my mouth!

(Adam Knite rips open the curtain as Jimmy Turner is seen on his knees with the cue tip of a pool stick in his mouth as he's trying to bite off the end....and now he's trying to put a pool ball in his mouth as they are near a pool table. Adam, disgusted goes off on them both!)

Adam Knite- What in the name of Michael Jackson are you 2 idiots doing?!? JIMMY TURNER IS JOINING ROBERT JOHNSON'S CLUB?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Jimmy Turner- Adam, I can explain...

Rob Johnson- Dude, we were just....

(Adam pops Jimmy on the top of the head at the sametime he grabs the pool stick and whips it around knocking Johnson face first onto the pool table!)

Adam Knite- Kelly, get a referee so I can make quick work of this piece of crap!

Wes Fox- Adam Knite is taking care of "Mr. Midnight" on the pool table...

Adam Knite- You like balls in your mouth you faggot boy! Huh? Do ya? TAKE THESE!

Wes Fox- Adam Knite is on the pool table thrusting his crotch into the face of Robert Johnson! Knite gets off...I mean...he's not on the pool table anymore as he drags Johnson off of it! He takes the pool stick and attempts to shove it up JOHNSON'S ASS! What the hell? Knite stops as Kelly has come back with a referee!

Warren Rust- That's gotta be the sickest shit I've ever seen in my whole entire life!

Bad Mojo- If you think that's should have seen my bunions in 1997 in the first nCw....I'm talking makes you wanna puke. I won a match once by just taking off my shoes and showing them to my about puking every damn where!

Wes Fox- Adam Knite has Johnson by the hair as he picks him up and press slams him back on the pool table as the referee clears the balls off the table. Knite climbs up on the table...SINGLE ARM DDT TO JOHNSON! Adam Knite looks around....he grabs Johnson by the leg...THE RESTLESS KNITE IS APPLIED! Is Johnson going to tap out? Wait a minute...Jimmy Turner grabs at Adam as Adam drops the hold...Kelly walks over to Jimmy but ADAM KNITE WITH A FLYING CLOTHESLINE ON JIMMY TURNER!

Warren Rust- What the hell is going on guys? This match isn't a hardcore rules match...why won't the referee gain control of the match and get it to the ring?

Bad Mojo- You don't know the 2 personalities of Adam....sometimes he snaps and does what he wants to do. You want him to bring it to the ring? THEN YOU GO TELL HIM!

Wes Fox- Johnson finally gets back up as Knite is now beating on Turner's face!


Wes Fox- Whatever, Johnson is now back to his feet as Knite stops beating on Jimmy Turner and turns his attention to Johnson has he grabs his leg again causing him to slam down on his back! Adam Knite puts him in the Restless Knite again! The referee is asking Johnson if he's through....Johnson refuses to tap out! With nowhere to go...JOHNSON TAPS OUT!! JOHNSON TAPS OUT!! JOHNSON TAPS OUT!!

Bad Mojo- And Adam Knite takes the win on his return to the nCw! What a crazy match guys...Adam Knite is holding up his arms in victory!

Warren Rust- Adam just landed on his back on the pool table hard! Who is that Wes?

Wes Fox- That's...DAVEY BOONE! Boone is now beating on the head of Adam Knite as the referee is trying to pry Boone off of Knite...Boone throws the referee back as Kelly is screaming! Knite and Boone are brawling it out on the pool table as Boone climbs up on the table himself....what the hell is Boone doing now? BOONE'S DAY DEVICE THROUGH THE POOL TABLE! Davey Boone just got his revenge on Adam Knite for sticking his nose in his business! What will come of this guys? Both men are down and hurting...I don't think I've ever seen that done before, a match ending on a pool table...and then somebody delivering a sit down powerbomb to someone through the table!

Bad Mojo- It is this kind of stuff you see in the nCw that makes you go, "Wow, what will they think of next?"


(The scene is now in Buck Jones' office as Scorpion walks in as Jones asks him what he can help him with.)

Scorpion- Sir, all the rumors going around....I was wanting to know if I was going to get a Heavy Weight title shot at the ppv?

Co-CEO Steven "Buck" Jones- The nCw just doesn't had over that spot to anybody, you gotta earn it first. And that goes for anybody, whether it be you, Adam Knite, Davey Boone, Trent Helms, Ander Carvetti, or John Reagan. Thus far you have competed in the nCw very well, that's why tonight if you beat Sykotic and win the U.S. will get your nCw Heavy Weight title shot on September 12th. If you lose tonight....then it will be back to the drawing board for you. That sound good to you?

Scorpion- You got a deal....

Co-CEO Steven "Buck" Jones- So that's how I've decided to make my choice on a #1 we just gotta wait for later tonight and see how Powers makes his...

(Scorpion shakes Buck's hand and gets up and leaves his office as the cameras bring up a podeum in a center somewhere unknown. There is a man standing at the podeum addressing people down sitting at tables. There is another very young man sitting in a chair off to the side beside the curtain. The man at the podeum begins to speak.)

Man- Dallas Nash grew up rough in the Dallas,Texas area watching the young Dynasty of Football. He watched and dreamed of growing up to be like the hometown heros Emmit Smith,Deion Sanders, Troy Aikmen, and Micheal Irving. The Kid had an incredable amount of talent. When he started elementray he won his first competition in the Spelling Bee Contest. He then realized the crave to win everything he stepped out to do. Many People Thought of him as the hope of Texas. When he hit Middle School his Grades still were straight A's and He aced both in the Classroom, on the Football Field, and on the Mat. He was adored by a lot of the girls and During his Freshman Year in High School. He got an offer to attend the University of Texas, a big dream for anyone from Texas.

(The young man sitting beside the podeum in a chair starts to shake his head and become slightly emotional.)

Man- As He was not only Strong and Athletic but very intellgent. Winning 4 Texas High School State Football Championships and Winning Gold in Wrestling State championships from Texas.Graduated at the Bright young age of 18. But the next move would be his downfall. As he would betray the State of Texas and accept a ride to the rival Oklahoma Sooners. Slowly We could tell that he had Changed for his personal Life began to crumble. As the young man from Texas would meet his match with Lady issues. He started to do Cocaine and was accused of beating his Girlfriend Heather and raping Heather and other females on campus, saddly the young mans life would be thrown off track. As Oklahoma Released him from the scholarship. He went back to Texas where he was looked down upon by friends,girlfriends,family,teachers, and More importantly his Father. But Dallas refused to let this hold him back; he hit back to the books and drug rehab and wrestled in the Indy scene to pay for college.

(Now the young man in the chair is crying as he rakes his forehead with his hand and is sniffling.)

Man- Saddly do to the Cocaine and his wild night youth that he thought he was untouchable in. He now could not go to Pro Football or The Olymipics. Dallas still 18 years old In a amazing remark Dallas lifted the Professional Wrestling Game winning the World Title in under a month. Then capturing Tag gold within 3 months and many more titles. Dallas Nash is "The Answer to professional Sports and is what the youth can look to for a man with his back against the wall not to give up on life it's self. Dallas Nash finally back from back surgery signed a contract with nCw. He also got greater news that month when he graduate from The University of Texas majoring in Sports Bussiness Management at the bright youthful age of 19. He is currently Dating his girlfriend from Germany. Dallas Nash, you have came a long way for a man of your age. You will be turning 20 in only a few months and be on your way to becoming a man. I believe the brand new start you have made for yourself right now has you on the right track to you becoming a good man. Congradulations to Mr. Dallas Nash, the 2003-2004 Rookie Wrestler of the Year. Thank you, here is Mr. Nash!

(The young boy gets up out of the seat as he embraces the man at the podeum. He stands behind the podeum as he begins to deliver his acceptance speech.)

"The Answer" Dallas Nash- Thank you....thank you very much. I'd like to start out by thanking my family for always sticking beside me through my rough trials in my life. I'd also like to thank the nCw for signing me on and giving me a 2nd chance in life at finally getting back to success. My goal in the nCw is to be a positive example for everyone that even if nothing is going your way and you can find noway out...don't give up hope because hope will finally find you as it did me. I plan on starting action in the nCw in my debut match August the 30th. I would also like to thank my father....*begins to cry*....for always being there for me....and believing in me the whole time. I want to thank everyone's support....for me....on picking me as Rookie Wrestler of the Year...thank you again!

(The crowd gives the young man a standing ovation as again the man on the stage with him embraces him as people begin to come up on stage and shake his hand.)

(The scene now cuts back stage as Sykotic is seen in an attempt to attack Paul Powers as security it escorting him out of the building!)

Co-CEO Paul Powers- Guess what have been SUSPENDED! You won't be wrestling for the US title tonight...Scorpion is officially the US champion!

(Scorpion is seen waving bye to Sykotic as Powers has the US belt now drapped over his shoulder. He hands the belt to Scorpion and raises his hand in victory!)

Wes Fox- There went our main event folks! The show has turned out to be pretty crappy tonight!

Warren Rust- I think I'd rather watch Bad Mojo here, The Punisher, "One Eyed" Johnson, and Irish Hound play dominoes than what I've seen tonight!

Bad Mojo- HEY! I'd for damn sure kick their butts in it too!

(Kelly Fox's theme is heard as she walks to the ring. She gets a mixed reaction as she steps through the ropes. "Downfall" by Trust Company hits the PA as the roof literally comes off the place! Everyone is waiting for Trent to make his return to the nCw...but....nobody comes out. Nobody comes through the crowd..nothing...Kelly Fox is looking around with nobody to go up against . Buck Jones is out with the Cruiserweight title in his hands. He asks for a mic...)

Steven "Buck" Jones- I would like to announce.....that none of the other Cruiserweights have showed up tonight and Trent Helms won't be wrestling for the nCw. Atleast not at the I'd like to go ahead and hand over the Cruiserweight title to the one person who showed up for the Cruiserweight Rumble...Kelly Fox. Congradulations...

Kelly Fox- Thank you Buck, I really wasn't expecting to win this title....but since there isn't anyone here tonight to challenge me for it...

("Voodoo Child" by Jimmi Hendrix fires up over the PA as Davey Boone makes his cocky way down to the ring. He steps through the ropes and tells Buck to get out of the ring. Boone has a mic in his hands as he begins to address Kelly Fox.)

Davey Boone- You know are I are first cousins by marriage...and you saw what happened to Adam earlier in the it looks like it is you and me now. I may be a little over weight to become Cruiserweight champion....but none of the other Cruiserweights are even here tonight. So it is down to you and me....

(Eric Sands slides in the ring behind Kelly Fox as Boone smiles.)

Davey Boone- Let me introduce you to my good friend....ERIC SANDS!

Wes Fox- ERIC SANDS CLOTHESLINED THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION FROM BEHIND! Boone is laughing as he picks up the Cruiserweight title and is shining it up in the ring. Sands picks up Kelly Fox and holds her....wait...HERE COMES ADAM KNITE TO THE RESCUE!

Bad Mojo- THERE'S JON QUAKE AND AARON KNIGHT WITH HIM? What the hell is going on guys? I thought they weren't here tonight!

Warren Rust- It looks to be all over for Davey Boone and Eric Sands!

Wes Fox- Knite slams his forearm into the back of Boone as Sands goes to help but is double clotheslined out of the ring by Quake and Knight! Sands lands somewhat on his head outside the ring! What is going on guys? They are all doing a number on Boone now in the middle of the ring....Knite pulls Boone over into the corner....Fox climbs up on the top turnbuckle....WHAT??? THE HELMISPHERE! Why is she copying Trent Helms? What is Paul Powers doing in the ring now? He's now standing over Davey Boone as he is out cold in the middle of the ring...folks...we are running out of time! We will see you at a new time next week...FRIDAY NIGHT!

Paul Powers- Hold on a minute! I've got something to say to Davey are a and whoever associates with you! You've always been a nobody you scum bag! *crowd is booing wildly as Powers slaps the face of Boone!* You see these people standing in the middle of this ring with me now? Let me just say to you Boone....YOU'VE MET YOUR FATE!

(Show goes off the air!)

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