("South Texas Death Ride" by The Union Underground plays as a video intro is shown of nCw's past and present superstars. Davey Boone is seen battling "One Eyed" Johnson in the well known Hell in a Cell matches. Adam Knite comes up on the screen showing him battling Chris Cruise. Trent Helms is then seen battling Shane Corgan and holding up the world title! The Knucker is seen battling Y2J Chris Jericho [Zack "QB" Kitchens the handler then]in one of the greatest matches in nCw history! The Punisher is now seen fighting Eric Sands in a hardcore fight. As the song begins to close quick shots of Dallas Nash, Sykotic, Scorpion, The Captain, Ander Carvetti, Aaron Knight, Raymond Clark, and the rest of the current new nCw superstars who haven't been a part of the past nCws who represent its future! The scene fades out as "South Texas Death Ride" is still playing over the pa as pyros begin to fire off in every direction!)

(nCw Ressurection opens up live from Houston, Texas as Wes Fox, Warren Rust, and former nCw superstar Bad Mojo are all seen at the announce table.)

Wes Fox- Hello to everyone who wants to be like me....NCW is back on the map folks!

Warren Rust- That's right Fox man, the CEO Paul Powers and CEO Buck Jones has made all our dreams come true by bringing back the nCw for its final ride! You can literally feel the life in the arena tonight! I'd like to first welcome back Bad Mojo who is a member of the nCw Hall of Fame....WELCOME BACK BIG MAN!

Bad Mojo- Thank you Mr. Rust and Mr. Fox, it is an honor to be here tonight. I've not only been hired to be an announcer, but also a referee when needed. I don't think I've ever been so excited in my whole life...seeing Davey Boone, The General, and Adam Knite all back in the nCw...along with Chris Cruise...it is a dream come true like you said Warren.

Wes Fox- But we all know the real dream come true is here now in the nCw...myself, Wes Fox being head announcer and you 2 being by my side. Folks, we've got an action packed night for everyone here tonight! The first match of the evening is Raymond Clark taking on The General!

("Highway to Hell" by AC/DC hits the PA as Raymond Clark makes his way to the ring as the arena fills with cheers for the young superstar. He slides up into the ring and hops around on one foot holding out his arms. The General marches down to the ring and wastes no time as the referee calls for the bell as General lays into Raymond Clark delivering rights and lefts into the young man's face.)

Wes Fox- The General wastes no time in his attempt to pick up his first win in the nCw...if I'm not mistaken in HIS CAREER! What a joke The General has been in the past gentlemen.

Bad Mojo- Wrong Fox, General has won a match in the nCw before and I've got a tremendous amount of respect for him. He's really laying into Clark right now and doing a great job as he swings Clark into the ropes who ducks a clothesline from the General and comes back off the ropes....HUGE FOREARM SMASH BY RAYMOND CLARK!

Warren Rust- That was an ecceptional move by Clark, the youngster now is on the offensive as he picks up the General and backs him into a corner and is slamming huge knife edge chops into the chest of The General who is yelling out in pain! Clark swings General into the opposite corner...Clark swings himself off the near ropes as the General staggers out of the corner he just slammed into hard...HUGE CLOTHESLINE BY CLARK! Clark with a cover...1...2 General kicks out just before a 2 count!

Wes Fox- What a first match so far guys...Clark picks up General to continue his vicious assault as General slams a forearm into the midsection of Clark...then another one...Clark slams his forearm over the back of the head of General! The General holds the back of his head as Clark slams another forearm into the back of his head. Clark picks up The General and swings him into the ropes and waits for him to come out...The General comes out of the corner staggering around as Clark goes for a huge kick and General ducks out of the way and delivers a huge splash to Clark into the corner!

Warren Rust- The General takes a step back and is motioning for Clark to come on out of the corner. Clark turns around as General attempts...THE GENERAL'S ORDER! Clark gets out of the way as General gets hung up on the ropes! Clark walks over to the ropes and starts to pull up on the top rope bringing more pain to the midsection of General! General just falls over to the outside in pain clutching his groing.

Bad Mojo- Raymond Clark flips himself over the top rope to the outside and lands on top of The General as the referee is attempting to restore order as both men are down! The referee administers the 10 count as Clark is to his feet first and slides back into the ring and rolls on over to the far side of the ring as General finally slides back into the ring himself. General gets up to his feet as Clark slowly gets back to his...Clark turns around...THE GENERAL'S ORDER! General connects and makes the cover...1....2....3!! The General starts off his stint in the nCw with a big win over Raymond Clark!

Wes Fox- Great first match guys....who's that coming down the ramp?

Bad Mojo- That's another former nCw superstar The Violent One...but what's he doing up there? He's got a mic in his hand.

(The crowd gives TVO a pop as he is about to address something.)

The Violent One- General, I remember you back in the days of the old nCw...and you aren't the same General as then, we both know that. Because that General, WAS A JOKE and he never, ever won a single match here in the nCw. I also remember an old tag team partner he used to have....THE KNUCKER...also another joke of a wrestler and a coward at that. Who never wanted to face T.V.O. or T.X.O. of Team Extreme because the fear of losing. He never wanted to lose....he's also never beaten Adam Knite...Davey Boone...Eric Sands....The Punisher...or even "One Nut" Johnson! None of the old greats in the nCw you've ever beaten...YOU'VE BEATEN NOBODY! So why waste your time in the PWW not getting anywhere like we all know you are doing...and bring your ass to the nCw and face your DOWNFALL! We both know you aren't coming here anytime soon...so here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna come down to the ring and stomp a damn mudhole in your friend The General....smear his blood all over an autographed picture of ME...and send it to the PWW addressing it to YOU! Just to show you what will happen if you ever grew a sack...or even hair on a sack...and showed your damn face here!

(TVO comes down to the ring as The General sits waiting on him as Clark gets up The General turns his back as Clark gets the hell out of dodge and TVO comes in firing lefts and rights into the face of The General as the referee clears the ring!)

Warren Rust- TVO is wailing away on The General as he swings him into the ropes...BIG BOOT! TVO picks up General wasting no time...he picks him up in a suplex position...wait...DDT!?!?!?!?! THE VIOLENT DROP HAS BEEN DONE TO THE GENERAL! General's blood is pouring out of his face as TVO has split General open! My gawd TVO has arrived back into the nCw and is wanting Knucker!

(The scene cuts to Buck Jones' office as the camera zooms in on him filling out some paper work as he stops and smiles at the camera and address the whole nCw.)

Steven "Buck" Jones- I have an announcement concerning next week's show in Kansas City, Missiouri in Kemper Arena...the Cruiserweight title will be on the line in a Cruiserweight Mini-Royal Rumble. The participants will be as followed; Aaron Knight, The Captain, Chris Phere, Jon Quake, and a mystery person. This match will also see the debut of TRENT "THE GIANT KILLER" HELMS! *crowd errupts to this announcement!* No disrespect to any of the competitors, but as far as the nCw's history goes I predict Trent Helms will be the favorite in this match. Thank you and may God Bless everyone

(Commercial Break)

(Cameras are now outside the building earlier today as Adam Knite is seen pulling up in a limo. Chuck Watson immediately rushes to the big man for a few words.)

Chuck Watson- Mr. Knite, can I get a few words from you?

(Kelly Fox gets out of the limo behind him smiling as Adam smiles in agreement.)

Adam Knite- Please Chuck, call me Adam...what's up?

Chuck Watson- I don't know if you've heard what everyone just heard....TRENT HELMS will be in action next week in Kansas City...what are your thoughts on your old friend?

Adam Knite- Trent has always been a tough competitor and has fought through hell. I've got a tremendous amount of respect for him and if he does return to the nCw...I'm sure he'll do a great job. If I was down a back alley....I'd want Kelly and maybe a ham and cheese sandwich beside me....oh..and Trent too if that's not too much to ask....it isn't too much to ask for is it?

Chuck Watson- To be quite honest with you Adam...I don't really like ham...I'd prefer a cheese sandwich.

Adam Knite- Let me ask you something Chucky....are you a damn rat? Are you? Can you knaw through wood? Hell...CAN YOU SEE THROUGH WOOD?? I didn't think so...so before you go off running your mouth...you might want to review your facts...BEFORE YOU TALK SMACK! You ASSHAT! Can I get a CHUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU?? Oh screw it...come on Kelly!

(The crowd is laughing at Adam Knite's comments as he and Kelly go inside the building as Chuck is confused.)

Wes Fox- Welcome back everyone, what strange comments by Adam Knite huh? I guess that's what happens when you let a bafoon speak. Anyway, our next match is between "Mr. Midnight" Robert Johnson and another former nCw wrestler Chris "Big Daddy" Cruise. Who do you guys pick in this one guys?

Warren Rust- Well...it looks like it will be a close one, but I see..

Wes Fox- Who cares? Here comes Rob Johnson....and Cruise jumps him from behind! Cruise is feeding huge forearm slams onto the back of Johnson as he finally picks up Johnson and throws him into the ring as the ref calls for the bell and the match is underway!

Warren Rust- Cruise leaps over the top ropes and into the ring as Rob is trying to get to his feet as he staggers around as Cruise meets him with a big clothesline almost decapitating Rob Johnson! Cruise points towards the crowd as he receives a mixed reaction from the fans.

Bad Mojo- HERE COMES THE CRUISE MISSLE! Chris Cruise with the cover....1....2...3! Chris Cruise literally dismantled Rob Johnson.

Warren Rust- They should call him "Mr. GOOD NIGHT" after that match! Just exactly how long did that match last Fox man?

Wes Fox- Looks about like 27 seconds!

(Chris Cruise demands a mic.)

Chris "Big Daddy" Cruise- I've been in this company on several different occasions...and I'm starting to get pretty damn tired of seeing it close after a week of opening its doors. I don't put any of the blame on the wrestlers....I put all of the blame on DAVEY BOONE! That's why 2 weeks from tonight....I want to face "The Savior" one on one in a steal cage! You deserve to be punished for your wrong doings Boone...and I'm the perfect man to do that!

Warren Rust- Some pretty strong words by Chris Cruise towards Davey Boone...and he could very well be right about all of them!

Bad Mojo- I don't really blame Davey Boone for closing down the nCw while I was a wrestler....Sephiroth injected his cancer into the nCw and eventually brought it to its knees and to its downfall while I was there. The rest of the time...you could have blamed him because when you say NCW...the first person people usually think of is Davey Boone.

Wes Fox- The first thing I think of is BIG JOKE because none of them had yours truely as the head announcer...but this time around they should get it right! Boone isn't the first guy we think of when we say nCw...it has always been guys like The Punisher or "One Eyed" Johnson or Eric Sands or even Jon and his brother Eric Hardy. Not Davey Boone...not the biggest joke that wrestling has ever seen...and tonight is a disgrace for me to even be calling the main event because to me...that son of a bitch doesn't even deserve to be in it! So main event time...I'm getting up and I'm leaving early...the show will be over anyway because there is no way Davey Boone will survive a First Blood Match against SYKOTIC...the man is what he says he is...and that's SYKOTIC! Take a look....

(Scenes from Sykotic's first promo in the nCw is being shown as the man looks very intense and shows "Bob" up on the screen and says he will be using it to cut Boone open with. The scene cuts back on the announcers after that 90 second cut on Sykotic.)

Bad Mojo- I've known Boone for a long time now...and if it is hardcore he's gotta get in order to win a match...then that's exactly what he'll do. I think he will send this youngster packing his bags and going back to whereever he came from.

Warren Rust- I've followed this Sykotic some 2 years ago and he did make a lot of mistakes then. But I've heard people talking about him now and they say he's gotten really tough and has eliminated a lot of those mistakes. If he makes the right mistake at the right time..."The Savior" will walk out of this one with a victory no doubt.

Wes Fox- To be honest, I don't think it really matters what the 2 of you think...Boone won't make it out of the building alive and even if he does then Cruise will make a fool out of him in 2 weeks and end "The Savior's" era in the nCw once and for all. Right now, we've gotta get to our next match on the card! The Captiain taking on Scorpion!

("Devil's Dance Floor" by Flogging Molly hits the PA as The Captain comes out waving to everyone as the crowd is laughing at him. He shakes everybody's hands as he slides into the ring and starts to jump up and down in the ring waving. "Faith" by Limp Bizkit hits the PA as the crowd come to their feet in anticipation of the highly spoken about "Phenom" of the nCw Scorpion. He makes his way through the curtain as he looks towards the crowd with a very serious look on his face. He high fives some of the crowd has he runs and slides into the ring as The Captain is already there waiting for him and begins to stomp on him as the referee calls for the bell and the match is underway!)

Warren Rust- The Captain knowing how leathol this man is suppose to be immediately starts the attack on Scorpion. Scropion is trying his damndest to get to his feet but The Captain continues to pound away on his back! The Captain finally stops and runs up on the top turnbuckle and waits perching......Scropion gets to his feet as Captain leaps off with a cross body block as Scropion catches him in mid air and almost falls back with The Captain in his arms and delivers a huge power slam!

Bad Mojo- Devastating move by Scorpion....he's definately got a height and weight advantage over little Captain! Scorpion looks towards the crowd as the big man.....he's going up top? I didn't know big men could fly like this?!?!?!?!? He leaps off for a big splash...MOVE LITTLE CAPITAN...MOVE!!

Warren Rust- I didn't know you could speak Spanish?

Bad Mojo- Yeah, wrestled about 4 months in Spain...damn luchadors!

Wes Fox- The Captain just moves out of the way as Scorpion is now clutching his mid-section as The Captain delivers a huge drop kick knocking Scorpion back into the ropes...Captain gets a big run and CLOTHESLINES SCORPION OVER THE TOP ROPE! Scorpion is a little confused on the outside as he landed on his feet about the fiestiness of The Captain in the ring. Probably didn't expect this much from him....

Warren Rust- Maybe a little cocky going into the match, but now he's regain his composer and knows what he's gotta do. He goes to climb back into the ring, BASEBALL SLIDE BY THE CAPTAIN KNOCKING HIM BACK INTO THE BARRIER! The Captain is waiting for Scorpion to get to his feet as he LAUNCHES HIMSELF TO THE OUTSIDE ONTO SCORPION!

Bad Mojo- Great veteran moves by The Captain to maintain the attack on this big man...that's how you go into a match with a bigger opponent...you just gotta keep at him. Both men are a little slow in getting back to their feet... the referee is already at a 6 count.

Wes Fox- Scorpion is to his feet first as he picks up The Captain and rolls him back into the ring breaking up the count. Scorpion climbs back into the ring and picks up The Captain by the hair and slams a huge forearm into his face! He swings Captain into the far corner then chases after him giving him a huge splash in the corner! Scorpion steps back waiting for Captain to get up off the mat....he measures him up...SCORPION KICK!

Warren Rust- WHAT A MOVE! Scorpion makes the pin...1....2...3! Scorpion ALMOST KILLS The Captain!

(Commercial Break)

(The show comes back as "Downfall" by Trust Company is playing as there is a video of Trent Helms' wrestling career as scenes of him teaming up with Davey Boone and Adam Knite in the AoV are shown...his stint in The Colosseum is shown...then several different scenes of him facing Shane Corgan for the nCw Heavy Weight Championship a few years back is shown as Trent Helms is seen making the pin on the giant as the referee raises his hand in victory Trent drops to his knees holding the Heavy Weight title close to his face as he kisses it! The promo lasts for about 2 and half minutes as he is seen holding the nCw Heavy Weight title the words "The Giant Killer" returns August 23rd to nCw in Kansas City.....RECLAIMING HIS NAME TO FAME!)

Wes Fox- What an exciting night it will be next week in Kansas City, Missouri when Trent Helms makes his return to the ring and to nCw as he will be participating in the CRUISERWEIGHT ROYAL RUMBLE! I can't wait to see this man walk back down that ramp actually wrestling!

Bad Mojo- Trent Helms' heart is the biggest I've ever seen...he keeps going and keeps going...when you expect someone to have nothing left in them...that's when he takes it to a whole other level and prove that he's more than just a man...he's definately an IMMORTAL GIANT in wrestling...along with a GIANT KILLER!

Warren Rust- I couldn't agree more with you there Mojo...it will be a great night for wrestling to see Helms make his return to the nCw and bring life back into everyone in the locker room area once again!

(Cameras cut to the backstage area as Martha Watkins attempts to get an interview with Robert Johnson.)

Martha Watkins- Mr. Johnson, if you don't mind me getting a few quick words from you about your loss earlier tonight...

"Mr. Midnight" Robert Johnson- F##k off lady! I don't have time for pieces of sh#t like you right now...

(Determined to get the story she pushes herself up against Johnson who shoves her down to the ground as Kelly Fox notices what just happened and runs up to Johnson and slaps him across the face! Johnson then knocks Kelly to the ground too! Adam Knite hearing all the camotion was watching Johnson as he knocked Kelly down as is sprinting down the hallway! Knite leaps up in the air and nails Johnson from behind and begins the beating!)

Wes Fox- Adam Knite is beating the hell out of Rob Johnson for knocking down both ladies in the back and for being a complete d##khead!

Bad Mojo- Easy there Wes...Adam Knite just slammed Johnson through a table! He continues to deliver stiff rights and lefts into the face of Johnson opening him up! Referees and other security personel are back there to try to restrain Adam Knite, but he continues the assault! Kelly Fox is also kicking Johnson while he's down as well! He is literally dragging Rob Johnson outside the arena by his hair! He walks up to a dumpster behind the arena and lifts up Johnson and press slams him in THE DUMPSTER! Adam Knite ladies and gentlemen...taking out the trash and his opponent for next week!

("World So Cold" by Mudvayne hits the pa as Jon Quake makes his way to the ring. The crowd is on their feet as this match up is looking to be a great one between Quake and Knight. Quake slides in under the ropes as he climbs up on a turnbuckle and holds up his arms. Aaron Knight's music hits the pa as he makes his way towards the ring with a huge smile on his face. Knight climbs into the ring and steps up on the turnbuckle holding up his arms as the crowd is going nuts! The referee calls for the bell as the match is underway!)

Warren Rust- Both men start to circle each other in a very anticipated match-up between 2 of the top competitors in the cruiserweight division in the world! They lock up as Knight now has Quake in a side headlock as Quake swings him into the ropes and shoves him off them into the opposite side....Quake jumps down on the ground as Knight leaps over him...Quake gets up and leap frogs Knight as Knight comes back...MONKEY FLIP done by Quake on Knight!

Wes Fox- Knight is quick back to his feet as Quake comes running towards him...drop toe hold as Quake goes down hard! Knight gets up and comes off the ropes and drops a huge leg drop onto the back of the neck of Quake....makes the cover...1 Quake kicks out at 1!

Bad Mojo- Both of these men are very smart and know how to capitalize quickly on their moves. Knight picks up Quake and swings him into the ropes as Knight leans down to deliver a back body drop...Quake flips over him and comes back off the ropes with a FLYING BULLDOG! Quake now goes for a quick cover...1..Knight kicks out at one as Quake steps back and both men stare at each other! Great skills by both men!

Warren Rust- What a match so far gentlemen....both men circle each other again as they lock up Knight starts to throw stiff punches into the face of Quake as the ref is trying to tell him to open his fists up. Looks like Knight is tired of this back and forth wrestling and wants to try to beat down Quake! He has him in the corner stomping away as the crowd is on their feet going crazy for Knight. Knight runs to the opposite corner and runs towards Quake and delivers a huge knee lift to Jon as Jon collapses face down on the mat holding his face.

Wes Fox- Knight picks up Quake by the hair as Quake is slow to get back to his feet after taking the brunt of that big knee lift to the face. Knight has Quake back up to his feet as he swings him into the ropes again as Quake ducks a clothesline and comes back off the ropes to deliver a huge flying crossbody block! Quake rolls off of Knight as the ref was getting ready to make a count. Knight gets back to his feet and swings wildly at Quake who ducks and turns around as Knight also turns around, Quake kicks Knight but Knight catches his boot...Quake goes for the inziguiry as Knight ducks it...Quake with a MULE KICK! Sends Knight to the outside of the ring!

Bad Mojo- What is Quake going to do now? Holy crap....Quake with a corkscrew plauncha! He connects on Knight to the outside! It literally looks like a car wreck outside the ring! This is by far the best match of the night thus far! The referee is already at 7 as Quake rolls slowly back into the ring as Knight follows as both men stagger to their feet...Quake swings wildly at Knight as Knight ducks and goes off the ropes yet again...huge drop kick Quake is down!

Wes Fox- This match has been so back and forth, will we ever see a clear cut winner? Knight is going to the top rope as Quake is getting back to his feet...Knight with a flying kick that connects as Quake hits the mat again! Knight makes a quick cover...1....2...Quake kicks out barely! Knight picks up Quake again and twists his arm as Quake flips over and lands on his back and flips back up to his feet and twists Knight's arm flipping him on his back. Quake then swings himself into the ropes and does a roll and lands on Knight!

Warren Rust- Quake heads to the top rope as he waits for Knight to get to his feet..Knight is up...FLYING HEAD SCISSORS TAKE OVER BY QUAKE! Quake is signaling for the After Shock! Quake picks up Knight in a reverse suplex....looking for the inverted spinebuster finisher! Knight flips on over behind Quake and rolls him up...1.....2.....3!!!! AARON KNIGHT PICKS UP THE WIN! Listen to this crowd cheering for Aaron Knight! What a match-up...the Cruiserweight battle rumble is gonna be a great one next week guys!

Wes Fox- No doubt about that with the addition of these 2 cruiserweights along with Trent Helms, Kelly Fox, and the newly acquired Rhiley Johnson...the cruiserweight rumble will be a great one next week!

(Commercial Break)

(Chuck Watson is backstage with Davey Boone as he is fixing to make his way out towards the ring to face Sykotic.)

Chuck Watson- Mr. Boone, what is your mind set going into this match?

Davey "The Savior" Boone- One thing on my mind...making this punk bleed. I've never been more focused....I'm here to make this youngster pay.

("Mobscene" hits the pa as Sykotic makes his way to the ring with Paul Powers walking right behind him in a referee shirt. The fans are booing him wildly as they both climb into the ring as Paul Powers is jumping up and down as if he's getting ready to wrestle himself. Several different weapons are seen in the ring as "Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix hits the pa as the crowd come to their feet as Davey Boone walks out wearing a nCw baseball t-shirt hoping around on top of the stage. He begins his strut towards the ring as he high fives the crowd on his way. He stops near the ring apron and points in the ring towards Paul Powers. Powers is telling him to come on as he signals for the bell and starts the 10 count!)

Wes Fox- I have no idea why Paul Powers is giving Boone a 10 count...this is a First Blood match...

Bad Mojo- Powers is the CEO here so I guess he can do whatever he wants.

Warren Rust- Boone finally slides into the ring as Sykotic begins to pound away on him as Boone keeps trying to get to his feet...Sykotic keeps him grounded!

Bad Mojo- That's the only way you can really beat Boone is by keeping him on the mat...he's the best brawler and one of the top hardcore wrestlers in the business today. Sykotic is doing a great job of keeping Boone on the ground and now has him in a rear chin lock as Powers is making it seem like he's made sure it isn't a choke....

Wes Fox- IT IS A DAMN CHOKE AND POWERS IS IGNORING IT! That son of a bitch is cheating Boone! Boone is trying to power himself out of it....the crowd is starting to really get into the match already! Boone is back to his feet...he begins to sling elbows into the ribs of Sykotic! Boone off the ropes HUGE CLOTHESLINE BY SYKOTIC! Powers is directing Sykotic to the weapons in the ring.

Warren Rust- Sykotic has a trash can as he waits for Boone to get to his feet....Boone is up..SYKOTIC SLAMS THE CAN INTO THE FACE OF BOONE! I don't think he has started bleeding yet though....no..not yet. Sykotic now with a chair...SMASHES BOONE WITH THE CHAIR! Powers checks for blood..still no blood yet. A very frustrated Sykotic goes outside of the ring as Powers is trying to direct him back into the ring as Boone is struggling to get back to his feet. Boone is finally up and looks for Sykotic...

Bad Mojo- BOONE SUICIDE DIVE! I don't think I've ever seen him do something like that before! Sykotic and Boone are both out in the middle of the ring, Boone's head is red...but no blood yet. Boone is back to his feet as he rolls Sykotic into the ring....he throws in...A SLEDGEHAMMER! Boone has thrown a sledge hammer into the ring the crowd is going nuts! Sykotic is back to his feet as BOONE NAILS SYKOTIC IN THE HEAD WITH THE SLEDGE! Powers is lookin for blood and nobody has started to bleed yet.

Wes Fox- Just goes to show how tough these 2 individuals are fellas...Boone is signaling for the end as he sets the chair down near a corner and picks up Sykotic....he sits on the turnbuckle with Sykotic's head between his knees....what's he doing?

Warren Rust- BOONE'S DAY DEVICE ON THE CHAIR! HOLY CRAP GUYS! That was a very high risk manuevor! Boone is even a little shook up himself...he's back to his feet and grabs the sledgehammer again. He rares back....what the hell is Powers doing? HE'S TAKING THE SLEDGE AWAY FROM BOONE! Boone turns around...POWERS NAILS BOONE WITH THE SLEDGE! Still no blood from either competitor...Sykotic picks up Boone...EGO TRIP!

Bad Mojo- Look at the carnage! Powers checks Boone yet again for blood...we've been going on for almost a half an hour and still no blood! SYKOTIC IS BITING BOONE! Powers is looking away at something else Boone is kicking around in pain as Powers turns back around he begins a slow count to get Sykotic off of Boone...Powers checks again and still no blood! Both men are battling their hearts out...well..Boone is and Powers is just helping Sykotic all that he can.

Wes Fox- I don't think he really needs that much help guys, he's pretty much man handled Boone the whole match and continues to do so. Sykotic is grinding the sledgehammer into the face of Boone as Powers is holding him down....the crowd is coming to their feet...what's going on? Who's that coming through the crowd?

Bad Mojo- He's got a kind-o stick...THAT'S ERIC SANDS! ERIC SANDS IS HERE! What is he going to do though? He climbs in the ring...HE HIT POWERS IN THE BACK OF THE LEG! Sykotic turns around....ERIC SANDS IS GOING OFF ON HIS HEAD WITH HIS KIND-O STICK! He's hammering him repeatedly in the face and head with the stick! SYKOTIC IS BUSTED OPEN! BLOOD IS POORING FROM HIS FACE!

Warren Rust- Paul Powers is busy clutching his leg as Sands exits the ring and heads back into the crowd to celebrate! He holds up his broken stick in the air in victory as Boone gets to his feet and looks towards the crowd and holds up his fist in the air! He walks on over to Sykotic and picks him up to deliver another Boone's day Device! He goes to lift up Sykotic as...ADAM KNITE IS HEADED FOR THE RING IN A SPRINT! He's trying to wake up Paul Powers. Knite notices the chair laid out in the middle of the ring as Boone holds up his arm to Knite and Knite holds his up back!

Wes Fox- You've gotta be kidding me...they are gonna get AoV back together! Wait a minute...YES! YES! YES! SWERVE! SWERVE! SWERVE!! Adam Knite just clotheslined Boone! He picks Boone up....kick to the gut....DOUBLE ARM DDT ON THE CHAIR! Boone is busted open! Knite leaves the ring and runs back up the ramp as the crowd is booing him wildly! Adam is waving towards Eric Sands who is trying to make his way back through the crowd as Paul Powers is still clutching his leg. As Eric Sands gets to the ring barrier he stops as JON QUAKE is in the ring?

Bad Mojo- What's he doing here? He is saying something to Powers...Quake as "BOB" with him as Powers is telling him what to do with it. Quake climbs into the ring as Sykotic is back up on his feet as Sands is just watching smiling on the outside. Sykotic reaches out for the knife as Quake just looks at Sykotic...QUAKE WITH A HUGE CLOTHESLINE! Quake drops the knife and leaves as Powers is watching now. Boone climbs over and grabs the knife and continues to crawl over to Sykotic.

Warren Rust- BOONE IS INGRAVING THE KNIFE INTO THE FOREHEAD OF SYKOTIC! Powers calls for the bell as Quake is standing outside the ring laughing! Sands is in the ring holding Boone up on his shoulders as he's exhausted.

Ring Announcer- The winner of the First Blood Match Main Event of the evening....SYKOTIC!

Warren Rust- YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! Why would Adam Knite do this to Boone? What is Trent going to think about this next week? What the hell just happened here guys? Boone cheated to make Sykotic bleed!

(Powers rolls out of the ring as Sands is tending to Boone. He walks over to the announcer and is telling him something.)

Ring Announcer- I'm sorry, the winner of the match is DAVEY BOONE!

Bad Mojo- Adam Knite was the one who made Boone bleed though...not Sykotic! Boone used "BOB" on Sykotic causing him to bleed and that's what Powers saw. Boone got the win!

Wes Fox- DAMN IT! I shouldn't have stayed out here....I thought for damn sure that Sykotic had won the match until that bastard Eric Sands had to get involved! Tune in next week folks, live from Kansas City Sykotic will get his chance at redemption and become the U.S. Champion. Does this mean Powers and Quake are a team now? I don't know what's going on...I thought for sure Sykotic had this match won with Powers' hatred for Boone...Knite helping...I dunno...we will have to sort this out later folks!

(Credits come across the screen...then the nCw logo...then black.)

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