|=]|:Frequently Asked Question about nCw:|[=|

Owner's Note:

The way I personally judge rps isn't based on quantity, but 10 line roleplays wouldn't be a wise move to do. And one should tone down on the 5 page rps, they tend to be repeating a lot and get boring to read. There will be a couple of examples of great quality rps at the end of this page for everyone to check out. Quality over quantity is what I always say and is what I preach.

Steven "Buck" Jones

Question: Grammar?

Answer: Hell yeah. If you write a roleplay that noone understand because you used the wrong There/their/they'res to/too/twos and pear/pair/pares than it's just your own damn fault for not using a spell-checker such as on microsoft word or wordpad when you lose. Got me? Make sure you appear to be in your RP writing at least AS cognizent, if not moreso, than in real life. It will reflect on your intellect badly if you ignore this one.

Q: Is HTML important for an RP? I know it makes it look flashy, but does that matter?

A: Everyone would think that having their own website for their own personal rps is a wise decision. People believe that HTML is the key to having a great roleplay. Not true, however, it could help you in the long run and help you better your rps. The key to winning matches would be CONTENT. By content, we don't mean you should write up a long novel of you in a rp. We mean for you to be creative and come up with interesting stuff that everyone would enjoy to read. The staff is also very impressed with someone putting forth effort throughout the week, people who bust their humps just to make everything fun for everyone in the nCw.

Q: Does length matter?

A: When quantity rules: Quantity will only take a 1 up on any opponent if their opponent does only 10 line rps. Every rp should be atleast 20 lines long, spamming the boards with very short rps won't be acceptable. Extremely short RPs will not be voted favorably upon, and neither will long RPs. Try to find a happy medium of about a page or so of interesting fast paced dialogue or action/adventure/comedy/romance/drama/shakespeare...ahem. Make sure you can read through it all by yourself after you've read it to make sure that it's not long and boring, nor short and leaving much to be desired.

Q: What's something everyone wants to see in a RP?

A: Being Creative: The whole "coming to the ring" rps get kinda boring after a while. So changing up rp scenes would be a wise thing to do. For example, I used to work at Wal-Mart around the town I am from and I would do rps that would take place in the parking lot of Wal-Mart or even inside the store. Other great scenes would be like cemetaries (if your character is a dark one), shopping malls, or maybe you are old fashion and like doing rps in your locker room. A very creative rp is one where you start on and start coming up with cooler stuff as you go along faster than you can write it down or type it up. Noone (That votes on the RPs at least) wants to see trash talking. It's ok if you say a word or two about how your opponent at the next show said or did some things you didn't like and would like to get back at them or something similar to that. But do not start and end an RP with a long strain of trash talking about your opponent(s). It's extremely easy to do, so even a child could do it, and it shows a lack of creativity to bring up points about the opponents weaknesses or actions within an RP.

Q: What's the difference between a character developing RP and an RP that will win me a match?

A: Mentioning Your Opponent: One thing much detested by the staff is when there is a long rp and it says nothing really about their opponent. If this ever happens, the rp would have to be considered as a "development rp" and wouldn't go towards your match. However, the rp would go towards the whole "busting your hump" thing and will be taken into consideration. If you do an rp, please mention your opponent! On a side note, mentioning your opponent does not mean you have to trash talk them, it also doesn't mean that you have to speak about them directly. Mentioning an opponent can be done inside the character's head, used as metaphor; Example : The girl who walked in was as ugly as Cody Carson's spelling and twice as morbid as Raven's wrestling. Always make sure you keep in character. Don't mention another character and say something about how he said something in an RP. Be creative, maybe the RPs are segment on a TV show. Maybe nCw has it's own TV station that watches wrestlers all the time. Be creative :)

Q: Keep in character? But can I break the fourth wall?

A: Yes, yes you can, just don't do it too frequently as it gets old fast. If your character breaks from the storyline to say, "You might want to skip this part readers, it's about to get gory." That might be alright. But it's better to be subtle. Use the subtext rather than the dialogue to break the fourth wall, it's much more entertaining and the quality of the RP rarely suffers from it if used sparingly.

Q: What is a segment?

A: A segment is a pre-written present-show event that is written by YOU the wrestler/handler and sent to the staff as an idea or preferance as to how things will work, minute details. If you want to trash talk an opponent in the locker room a week before a big PPV match while he/she is in the ring fighting for their life, make sure the staff knows, or they can't write it into the show. Also make sure that all parties involved know and approve of the use of their character in the segment. Otherwise people get pissy, and we don't want that.

Q: What is an angle?

A: An angle is an interesting plot device or interesting fed-related storyline. An example of which would be a feud with another wrestler/tag team/stable or a mysterious man who attacks you back stage only to reveal himself as a former member of the federation your character quit two years ago! In this situation it is good to talk to the staffers and let them know you want to implement this angle into your character's current goals. Angles take lots of time and work and patience on both the staff and RPers part. Use them well and they will get you anything you want...as long as your RPs don't suck.

Q: How can I get storylines goin? My brain is teh d34d. What should I do? Also, I have an idea I think would work wonderfully with the current storylines, how do I get it into the shows?

A: Creating Storylines/Working with the staff: The staff here has always been about the wrestlers. The nCw has always been based on caring about what the roleplayers think and what interests them the most. You must understand that the staff cannot use everyone's suggestions or ideas, but all of them will be read through carefully and taken into effect. Development rps would also be accepted here in the nCw. You have a storyline you think would be great, run it by the staff and if we give you the green light and you want to do a development rp then go for it. This would not only be helping you, the roleplayers out, it would also be helping out the staff as far as storylines. Also, there is always the whole, "I got jobbed because of a storyline". I've done this a few times myself, jobbed to help better a storyline. If this ever happens, we will discuss the issue with you before we make any decision. This hardly ever happens unless a member of the staff is involved into the match, then we would probably job ourselves to make the storyline better. So to keep a good working environment, the staff is very dedicated to working with the wrestlers 1 on 1.

The staff of the nCw would like to thank The Captain for also emplimenting his rp ideas and strategies into the nCw's FAQ rp guide. Below are a few rps you can take a look at in your spare time. Thanks also needs to go out to Aaron Knight for allowing us to use a rp he did in another efed. We'd also like to thank Sykotic for allowing us to use a Matt Hardy rp he did in another efed.






The Above RP is an example of what we in the business call a "Drunken RP". Wherein the handler has imbibed way too much alcohol to be coherent and writes some funny-ass shit. Check it out if you would like a small laugh and keep in mind that this is in no way a quality RP. Also, Squeaky McChimps (also referred to as Squeaky) is a one-eyed pirate monkey. Andrew Foley was the current owner of the fed which this RP was written for. Enjoy it :)

Disclaimer Note: The following rps may not be duplicated, copied, or reused for anyone's use or pleasure without the express permission of nCw. The rps are not meant for anyone to criticize good or bad, but are for our enjoyment only and to express positive examples of solid roleplays or drunken silliness. You may not, under any circumstance degrade any of the roleplays above or there will be strict action taken upon you. Like maybe we will cut off your thumbs or something. Anywho, just don't make fun of them and enjoy your stay!

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