North Carolina Wing Cadet Programs Monthly Report

Report for the month of

Squadron Name:

Unit Charter Number:

Your Rank and Name:

Your Email Address:

Squadron Meeting Activities For Week 1:

# of cadets at meeting:
# of senior members at meeting:

Squadron Meeting Activities For Week 2:

# of cadets at meeting:
# of senior members at meeting:

Squadron Meeting Activities For Week 3:

# of cadets at meeting:
# of senior members at meeting:

Squadron Meeting Activities For Week 4:

# of cadets at meeting:
# of senior members at meeting:

Squadron Meeting Activities For Week 5:

# of cadets at meeting:
# of senior members at meeting:

Check all the milestone awards earned by your squadron during the past month. Make sure the date posted on national headquarter database matches the reporting month. Enter the number of awards earned in the first box. Enter the names of the cadets in the second box.
Wright Brothers Award
Billy Mitchell Award
Amelia Earhart Award
Ira Eaker Award
Carl Spaatz Award

Has your squadron offered testing (leadership, aerospace or physical fitness) in the past month?

Has your squadron conducted moral leadership in the past month?

Has your squadron conducted any cadet orientation flights in the past month?

Has your squadron conducted any ES training with the cadets during the past month?
If yes, please describe the training conducted:

If your squadron conducted any special activities (i.e. field trips, fundraisers, recruiting events, etc.) with cadets in the past month, please enter the dates and descriptions in the box below:

If you have any cadet programs related comments about your squadron, please enter it in the below box:

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