Return to Diary 2006

We stayed at the Fortina in Sleima across the water from Valetta which is seen
here during the day and at night. The big dome is the Carmelite church.

and bringing it closer from our balcony

Valetta is a walled city with tight roads,little parking space and intriguing alleys leading to palaces and mansions

This is the harbour looking inland from the Fortina followed by a view of the Fortina from the harbour.

One of the water ways the other side of Valetta - deep enough for the cruise liners

What country are we in? Here is a shot of Mdina

and the cathedral within

The fishing boats are brightly painted - often with eyes on bow

The Palace isn't open to the public

but some beautiful houses are - which may look nothing special from the street

Many churches are domed - wonderful constructions and beautifully decorated

only don't get caught short on a Sunday

Return to Diary 2006

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