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Last update:   10/01/98

Member Utility Gets Recognition

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Santee Cooper was recently recognized nationally as a utility that promoted and supported the McGruff Truck Program as a positive influence within the communities which it services. This was the first time a utility that was not part of the original coalition received such an honor.

September 22nd-25th ear-marked the tenth anniversary of McGruff, the "Crime Dog." Additionally, this was the fourth annual National McGruff Truck Training Conference, held in Park City, Utah. The purpose of this conference was to allow all companies and municipalities to come together to receive training, showcase model program initiatives, and to recognize outstanding companies and municipalities who have contributed significantly to the National McGruff Truck Program.

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Santee Cooper was represented by Jack Monroe. Jack was the person directly responsible for the adoption and implementation of the McGruff Truck Program at Santee Cooper. "If we, Santee Cooper, see only on child saved by this program, then it has been worth it all"; said Jack. "There aren't too many areas around town  that you won't find a Santee Cooper fleet in or around."


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For additional information on the McGruff Truck Program click here: Grnlight.gif (227 bytes) or if you are interested in opening your home to become a McGruff House click here: Grnlight.gif (227 bytes)


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What price do you put on the safety of your children? Would you increase their factors of safety with no hesitation? Then the McGruff Truck Program is for your company. It was once said that everyone is like a snow flake, one of the worlds most delicate creations. By itself it has no strength, just beauty, but if many snow flakes are gathered into one place than they can cause avalanches, block roads, and create scenic pictures and landscapes. - author unknown."If all utilities would come together like snowflakes in a storm, we could blanket our nation and our nations children in safety." says Jack. "Please look t becoming a part of a national network to protect our future leaders and families from danger."

"Again, we thank you and your wonderful company for the recognition that was presented at the national meeting. You have certainly contributed significantly toward the safety of children and families. We are greatful for your leadership and commitment. - Tibby Milne; Executive Director, National McGruff Truck Program

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