Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
House of the Ivory Serpent (NE-002), Ashen Plain/Omaha (NE-D01)


Alysen Byers, CST [email protected]
Julie Maheux, Narrator [email protected]

I am interested in running the Changeling games on Sunday afternoon, either the 2nd or 4th Sunday of each month. The game would run from 1-4pm, and the game site would vary according to plotline, mood required, availability, or weather. The only admission fee I am interested in charging is the standard domain-wide fee of $1.00 or one can of food to be donated to the Omaha Food Bank.

IC Event Locations and Times:
Varies. See contact info.

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

Primary themes--The primary themes of the Omaha Changeling games will be the loss of innocence jusxtaposed with the cynicism of adulthood. The characters have in their hearts a world of dreams, imagination, and magic, yet they are forced to deal with the crushing banality of living day to day in the mortal world of darkness. Child-like wonder, and a sense of freedom, spontaneous and wild, courses through game play, and often crosses with darker dreams, nightmares, and madness.

Setting--The setting is a dualistic one. On one side you have the world of darkness. Mortals wander the world in a haze of desperation and depression. Drugs and violence are everyday occurences, and gloom, cynicism, hatred, and logic are a part of the normal mortal mindset. The darkness and decay are pervasive: buildings crumble around us, the alleys are littered with homeless and orphans, suicide hotlines ring without answer, and children disappear from the playgrounds without a trace.

The other side of the setting is the true home of all Changelings: Arcadia, the Dreaming. The dreaming is the absolute opposite of the world of darkness. The legends describe a land of ultimate beauty, wonder, peace, and magic. It is a world of blessing and love, the place where all fae originated and from which all changelings on Earth are forever exiled.

Earthbound changelings, the primary characters, are caught in between these two worlds. They are struggling to find a balance between their true fae selves and the mortal forms they hide in from the crushing weight of banality.

Character restrictions:
The only character restrictions I have in play are those set by the current Camarilla Rules Supplement. This can be found at in the members only section. Role-play--The players will bring their characters into this dual world and be constantly reminded of the isolation they feel through use of plotline, setting, and gradual exploration of the story. They will be given glimpses of understanding about the beauty and wonder of fae existence. These moments of light experienced will shine brightly in contrast with the darker elements of the world they are exiled in, making their return to the mundane even more dismal.

Proxy rules:
As per current Cam supplement. Players interested in sending a character in as a proxy must have minimum approval of both storytellers, here and in their home chapter. Please send a complete copy of your character sheet, experience log, and approval log per the current Camarilla supplement. I would prefer a minimum of 72-hours notice before a proxy is played. Proxied characters will only be played by the Storyteller, assistant, or a narrator. If the player has a preference other than those listed above, this can be worked out with both players and the ST ahead of time.

Travel risks:
None specified.

As per current Cam supplement.

Player Notes:
The majority of the players are new to this venue, so I will be setting up an OOC area which will be staffed by at least one narrator who will be on hand to answer questions. I will also attempt to provide a safe, relaxed atmosphere in which to role-play. I hope this encourages players to act in a free, child-like, and unself-conscious manner. There will also be a variety of workshops the ST team cycles through in regard to changeling character creation, themes, costuming, and other details of play.


I am interested in hosting some Changeling specific workshops for the group. Because changeling is a game that can be played during the day, this will free up our schedule tremendously and allow for weekend play if we like. Some examples are:

  • Changeling character creation--This will be the first workshop and every person attending may walk out with a copy of their completed character sheet. This may be held at my apartment depending on the number of people interested.
  • Changeling themes--This workshop will explain the basic themes and settings of our game. We will also discuss a variety of misconceptions and explain how Changeling is part of the White Wolf world of darkness. I would like to hold this concurrent with a small potluck picnic at Damsite 16 so others may become familiar with a likely game site.
  • Changeling costuming--Our group has always had a lot of fun with costuming, and I am interested to see what ideas everyone brings to the table. I would like to hold this in a larger apartment so everyone can bring pieces of costuming they are fond of. This will be half loose discussion and half show-and-tell.
  • Others--Many workshops can be put together and done rather quickly. The ST team will watch for questions that come up, and listen to the players for possible ideas. For example, if many people seem to be having difficulty grasping the concept of Arts & Realms, maybe the following week, we need a short workshop.


    I am very interested in getting a changeling website up and running. I will be enlisting the help of the membership, and also scouring the web for possible designs and pictures to use. I think seeing it come together will be a good experience for me, and it may renew our resolve and give the vampire site some momentum.

    Storyteller Information

    Venue Storyteller
    Name: Alysen Byers
    Title: CST
    Phone: 402-551-3854
    Email: [email protected]
    Passed Thespis (y/n): Sent 08-Jun-2001

    I plan to create a much more plotline-intensive game than what is usually experienced in the Vampire venue. While Changelings can be very good antagonists for each other, because of the new-ness of the players, most starting sessions will involve plots that familiarize the players with the setting and rules system.

    No specific venue antagonists specified.

    Venue rules:
    XP awarding is unaltered from Shining Host, p118. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

    No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

    Instead of chimerical items being designated with a green sticker, I will be using a coat of clear, glitter-filled gloss spray. I feel this fits the costuming-heavy games our group seems to be partial to. In situations where this is not possible, the player in possession of the item and I will be creative with our solutions.

    Visiting character/plot policy:
    Any player with a pre-approved character sheet is welcome to join us in our game. We welcome players and characters from other chapters, domains, and regions, and look forward to the in and out of character interactions. Any plot information your character brings from other areas is also welcome, provided it is spread in an in-character manner. I would prefer to discuss details of higher approval plot points (DST and above) with the ST in charge beforehand.

    I require a copy of your character sheet with the appropriate signatures, and a little bit of your time before game to get a feel for your character and her motivations/reasons for coming.

    Style of Play
    1 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
    3 : Action (combat and challenges)
    5 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
    4 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
    2 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

    (1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

    Summary: In summary, I would like the game to focus mostly on different enigmas and investigation of plot points. Characterization of drama and moments of tension will be present in every game, with occasional combat. Darkness is listed as minimal, because although the ST will be reminding the characters of the ever-present darkness, character death will only be initiated through pc-driven plots. The politics and negotiation of the courts is listed as no content because this will vary widely according to the characters present and if a formal court will even be arranged. Much of these kinds of details will be left to the whim of the players and is going to become more evident after a few orientation sessions.

    Approved 19-Jul-2001 - NC2001-06-15-CH-001
    Hosted by
