Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
That One Domain/Bozeman (MT-D01)


Mark Wilson, ADST Changeling [email protected] 406-586-3694

Places and times will be listed by the domain coordinator of That One Domain on the website

IC Event Locations and Times:
None specified.

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

Changeling is a game that takes place in two worlds. The ordinary World of Darkness, populated mostly by mortals who live banal, boring lives with no realization of what is truly out there, and the Dreaming, populated by fantastic creatures born from the dreams of mortals, where anything can, and will, happen. Changelings have to live in balance with the two worlds, become engrossed with the mortal world, and a Changeling will start to forget their Fae self, eventually becoming undone and forgetting that they were ever the very stuff of hope and dreams, or even nightmares. Neglect the mortal part of themselves, their Mortal Seeming, and become insane and lose yourself in the Dreaming and entering Bedlam. But between these two worlds, is the very stuff of adventure, hero's, and villians, quests to find magical treasures, or quests to save your friends from those who wish to make them forget the truth.

This game will focus on the juxtaposition of the two worlds, one day focusing on the destruction of hope when one starts to forget their childhood, growing up into the mundane Banal adult world, the next focusing on the joy of talking to your stuffed animal that talks back to you, and takes you into a quest to find the magical Dixie cup that will keep your friend from growing up. I will keep a balance between the hope of Glamour and the darkness of Banality. For Changelings must keep in touch with both worlds.

Character restrictions:
No Selkies. Due to the lack of access to an ocean, there is absolutely no way for selkies to be here.

Proxy rules:
As per current Camarilla rules supplement, with the addition of no Selkies.

Travel risks:
Normal means of travel will work just fine, as well as any magical means. There are no risks for travelling beyond the occaisional practice flights of military planes.

As per current Camarilla rules supplement.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Mark Wilson
Title: ADST Changeling, CST MT-004
Phone: 406-586-3694
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): N

My main focus is on the actual world where Changeling takes place, and the beings that people it. Most people don't know much about it, so there is much to discover. There are the levels of the dreaming to explore, as well as treasures to be found. With so many possibilities to explore in easy reach of the players, there are many places to explore, each and every one unique. My secondary focus will be on the battles between glamour and banality. This is the primary struggle of all changelings after all. Characters will be confronted by the joyless parts of the world of darkness everywhere. In mortals, and non-mortals, or even factories and mines where people struggled with hard work just to earn them and their familes a chance to survive. But off-setting this will be the wonder of the Dreaming. Characters will encounter many chimera, some that help, and some that hinder. And there are always the toy stores where the owners gave free toys to the poor, and the parks where plays take place.

The main antagonists will be Dauntain and Autumn People, as well as the force of Banality itself. There are also darker chimera inhabiting this area, spawned from the ruined dreams of the mortal world

Venue antagonists are defined as Dauntain, Autumn People and chimera.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from Shining Host, p118. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Visiting character/plot policy:
I, the storyteller, reserve the right to refuse any items that may unbalance the game or cause problems with the plotlines I set up. Everything that comes in will be judged on a base by base cases.

Style of Play
4 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
3 : Action (combat and challenges)
4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
5 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
3 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 18-Dec-2001 - NC2001-12-02-CH-001
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