Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Chapter Blackmoore (MT-002), That One Domain/Bozeman (MT-D01)


Noah Martin, Lead ST [email protected]

Games will be held 2 Sundays a month. Location will vary depending on weather.

IC Event Locations and Times:
The Caern, Bozeman, Umbra, and the surrounding area.

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

Bozeman has become corrupt with the arrival of the Wyrm. The Garou of Bozeman faced with a never ending struggle to protect the wyld. Only the strength of the mighty Garou can hold back the sweeping presence of the Wyrm and Weaver.

The fate of Bozeman rests in the hands of the players. This fact might be heavier than most can bear. Corruption fills the land and is ever increasing into the wyld. This fight is one of desperation and despair.

Role-play will be mostly character driven with plot additions to compliment the characters. While Garou is definitely a combat oriented game, this venue will strive for deeper explorations of Sept/pack politics.

Character restrictions:
As per current Camarilla Supplement. Backgrounds will be required in order to play the character. Also short and long term goals are strongly recommended for all characters.

Storyteller approval must be had to play either a Lupus or Metis as each require more experienced role-playing as well as the fact that each are rare compared to their homid brethren. Note that under Garou 5.1, DST approval is explictly required for all Lupus characters.

Proxy rules:
As per current Camarilla Supplement. Each Proxied character must be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine effect on current game. Proxies must be sent at least 48 hours in advanced to be played in that game.

Travel risks:
Traveling to Bozeman is fairly safe if taking normal weaver routes. The Umbra can vary its danger from day to day, but with the growing presence of the Wyrm it may prove challenging. The lands around the Caern are completely wyld so only normal dangers apply there.

As per current Cam supplement.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Noah Martin
Title: ACST, Garou ST
Phone: 406-994-4217
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): No

This Venue will focus on character driven role-play. That being said the game will still be influenced by Storyteller�s plots. The potential is out there for the Garou to claim some of the greatest stories in Garou history, but they will be hard pressed by the overwhelming presence of the Wyrm who will meet that at every step.

Of course the Wyrm and its minions (Fomori, BSDs, Banes, etc.) will be a major antagonist in the Venue, the Garou will have to face each other and overcome their differences if they are to save Gaia from the Apocalypse. The weaver will also make itself known as an antagonist from time to time as it constantly expands into the wyld surrounding Bozeman. Venue Antagonists are defined as Fomori, BSD�s, and Spirits.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from Laws of the Wild, p202. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Visiting character/plot policy:
No visiting plot policy is in place though prior notice is recommended.

Style of Play
3 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
3 : Action (combat and challenges)
4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
4 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
3 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 01-Nov-2001 - NC2001-10-01-GA-002
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