Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Infinity Theatre/Wichita (KS-D01)


Derrek Floyd, ADST Mage [email protected]

4th Saturday of the month, Location TBA. Site Fee $2-$3, Hosts TBA.

IC Event Locations and Times:
Varies. See contact info.

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

The 21st Century holds many pitfalls on the Mages path. The Technocracy has suppressed the history of magic and enforced a sterile, rational order over the world. Mages must hide among the Sleepers and avoid notice, lest their supernatural capabilities draw undesired attention. The days of world-shaking spells, in which monsters and arcane treasure were commonplace, have ended. The few mages who dare to continue their work find that magic itself is a sputtering, dying force that grows increasingly more difficult to invoke.

And yet, the disappearance of Earth�s magical Masters has given birth to a time in which every individual mage can make a difference according to their own drives. A mage has literally the entire cosmos to plan, if only they have the dedication.

Yet the threat of Armageddon still looms. Old legends and prophecies foretold that the world would end after a terrible war or a conflagration takes its toll. Recently, a great Reckoning has come to pass, and it has resulted in the destruction of the most powerful Tradition and Technocracy strongholds. What�s worse, a vicious storm rages in the spirit worlds, making passage there a harrowing and perilous undertaking. If these events truly herald Armageddon, as those old legends and prophecies foretell, then the fighting over petty politics will avail nothing, and the true measure of greatness will be in those mages who leave their mark on the world before it ends or is reborn.

Character restrictions:
No Marauder PC�s, no Nephandi PC�s and no Technocracy PC's. Craft Mages are allowed, but only with appropriate background and ST approval - they can be handled as Orphans, but without an IC or OOC structure.

Players must provide detailed write ups for Chantries and Nodes. Particularly high Node ratings (above 3) run the risk of being noticed by other supernatural entities. The storyteller will determine the location of Nodes after evaluating the character.

No more that one supernatural merit is allowed at character creation without an appropriate background and ST approval.

Proxy rules:
As per current Camarilla rules supplement.

Travel risks:
Air Travel is reasonably fine. Countryside surrounding Wichita is known to be inhabited by Lupines, and Vampires occupy Wichita and many of its suburbs and outlying towns. The Shroud in Wichita appears to be fairly strong.

As per current Camarilla rules supplement.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Derrek Floyd
Title: ADST Mage
Phone: 316-652-9857
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): N

No specific storyteller style described.

The Technocracy has a strong presence in Wichita. As such any outlandish actions or blatantly vulgar magical effects stand a better than normal chance of attracting unwanted attention. There is an influential Group of Celestial Chorus who have taken up residence at the convent on Lincoln between Hillside and Oliver. This particular group has strong ties to the conservative religious right wing here in town.

Venue antagonists are defined as the typical Technocrat cabal.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from Laws of Ascension, p121, with the exception of a base award of 2xp (Base 2xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

Players may be awarded 1xp for a Downtime report turned in during a month the character was played. This award may be given only on a week the character was not played and is to include character activities other than those that occurred during the game. A maximum of 2xp per month may be awarded for downtimes.

The optional rules of Consensus Coincidence, and Compressed Scale and not used. All other optional rules are in use (Superhuman Ritual still requires the appropriate approval with each use.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Visiting character/plot policy:
No policy specified.

Style of Play
4 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
4 : Action (combat and challenges)
3 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
3 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 18-Dec-2001 - NC2001-11-10-MA-001
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