Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Dominion of Solitude (KS-001), Sanguine Harvest/Topeka (KS-D02)


Melissa Eaden, CST, 785-234-0981or [email protected]
Kelly Langley, CC, 785-449-2130 or [email protected]

Varied place, on the first and third Saturdays of each month at about 6 or 7 p.m. Site donation is $2.00, subject to change by the CC, as necessary.

IC Event Locations and Times:

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

Generally the theme is about politics and political maneuvering. Sometimes there are overtones of other aspects related to the nightly activities of kindred but for the most part it is to see who the top dog in Topeka really is. Other aspects of the game include intrigue and mystery with a lot of darkness inserted for flavor. Moods of the game are generally dark, and somber. They mostly are composed of heated debates and discussions on how to take care of problems, otherwise they tend to be boring on the surface but when layers of the game are peeled back, one can see that it is anything but a simple town in a mid-western state.

All manner of role-playing is acceptable for this venue, however intrigue and suspense is greatly preferred to such things as pc killing. Mass murdering of mortals and destruction of property is also discouraged, but might not be denied if it enhances the story.

Character restrictions:

Proxy rules:
As per current Cam supplement. Proxies are welcome with a 48-hour notification of the Venue Lead at [email protected] Description of the ways that characters would travel to the game: Walk, fly, drive, swim; however a character wants to get there.

Travel risks:
Surrounded by Anarchs and outlands, it�s a wonder that it isn�t more difficult to travel to Topeka, but stay to the main roads and you should be fine.

As per current Cam supplement.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Melissa Eaden
Title: CST
Phone: 785-234-0981
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): N

The players provide the game, I provide the text. This means that most of the story is provided by the Player Characters themselves. I am assistant to the game in progress. I insert plot where the story lulls and where I deem nessesary to keep player interest, otherwise why mess with a good thing.

Antagonist for the Camarilla /Anarch venue tend to be the infighting of the PCs themselves. But in addition to PC plot antagonists, the CST will provide sabbat, garou and hunters to spice the mix. Expect the unexpected and from the most unlikely of sources.

Venue antagonists are defined as the typical pack of Lupines.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from LotNRev, p122, except for a base of 2xp. (Base 2xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)
One xp a month is possible with a downtime report submitted to the storytellers for a character that was active that month. The awarding of the xp for downtime is solely at the storyteller's discretion.

Initial blood pool test is unaltered from LotNRev p106. The venue lead may vary the results of the test due to unusual situations.

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Visiting character/plot policy:
Characters from other domains and chapters must have a signed copy of their character sheet that is approved for play by their storyteller. Any allowances made are solely up to the venue lead. All characters must have item cards to use for objects in a game. Cell phones and pagers are exceptions to this rule and are based on PC desire to have these items. Characters entering from other domains are subject to the same risks as the PC�s that are located in Topeka

Influences for Topeka are tabulated once a month at the end of each month and are due but the last week of the month. No influences are allowed to be used during game play. All characters are required to have resources, retainers, contacts, allies or other backgrounds that may apply to immediately affect a game situation. If a character from another Domain wants to affect Topeka with influences, their CST must contact the influence coordinator with verification that their influences are free for that month to use in the Topeka domain, then the player may contact the influence coordinator with their influence requests with domain and regional costs applying. Influence Contact: [email protected]

All items must be on item cards containing the signature of the character's presiding storyteller for that venue. The storyteller may also deny an item based on its unusual nature or its ability to unbalance the local game.

Discussion of events and plotlines from other areas is encouraged. Some aspects of dealing with plotlines from other areas may be accepted into the game, especially if dealing with such a plotline is likely to create interesting role-playing opportunities for the local players.

Style of Play
5 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
2 : Action (combat and challenges)
4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
5 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 01-Dec-2001 - NC2001-11-11-CA-001
Addendum 18-Dec-2001 - NC2001-11-11-CA-001
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