Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Shadowed Reflections, Corazon De La Obscuridad/Denver (CO-D04)


Shelley Chasteen [email protected]

6:30pm check in, game on 7pm
Date: 3rd Thursday of each month
Loc: The game will be held at Cedar Run Apartments at this time, although the site may vary with warmer weather

Cedar Run Apts, 864 S. Oneida, Denver, CO 80224

IC Event Locations and Times:
IC location is the Shadowlands,Denver Colorado

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info. Directions will be posted and made available on [email protected] prior to game

This chronicle is about the struggle to survive, maintain and obtain goals as a group and as individuals. One of the primary goals in any Wraith game is to the Shadow in check, to find a way to survive day after day without surrendering to the taunts and goading of their personal darkness.

This will also be primarily a heretic and renegade game. Keeping this in mind, the players will have to be constantly wary of Legionnaire patrols. How tempting will it be for a new Wraith who is unsure of the politics of the Shadowlands to betray their circle for the proven security of the Hierarchy? Or for the established Heretic who is tired of fighting to sell out for a chance at peace?

The characters can be part of a circle at an established Haunt of minor strength. The Haunt has been hard won by those already present and outsiders may not receive the warmest of welcomes initially. Characters do have the option of forming smaller Haunts in the area, but must be aware of the dangers. Their relative size and lack of strength can make them easy pray for both slavers and patrols. Not to mention renegades who will simply take what they want if they have the strength to do so. Smaller haunts have little protection from Spectre attacks and can expect any help from others to come at a price.

The Wraith society is built on politics and trading of favors. With the right deals it will be possible to find those that are stronger to assist smaller less established Haunts, but characters must walk a fine line when making deals. It is all too easy to make powerful enemies in the process. Reavers will continue to be a threat for both the established Haunt and the newer haunts. Any time there is chance for them to grab enfants or thralls, they will be present. The Reavers are not the only threat, for the Enfants the resolution of regrets from their living days and perceived failures will shape their actions as they seek to understand the world they have been cast into. How do they keep from giving up and surrendering to the final Oblivion?

The circles whether Renegade or Heretic at times will have to resolve personl issues and band together in order to survive. The shadowlands are harsh and unforgiving. A lone Wraith, unless extremely powerful, will easily become someone's prey. And no Wraith can stand alone againest the Tempest or the denizens within.

Mood: The mood will vary from game session to game session. Wraith by its very nature tends to promote a mood of anger and horror and loss. There is also a strong element of bizarre and surreal elements that are an integral part of the Shadowlands. In dealing with the constant political intrigue that is part of the Wraith culture, paranoia will be a common factor as will fearof the constant threat the Shadow poses.

Wraith is a dark setting but the characters will glimpse moments of hope to help them fight against the final Oblivion. This is esepcially true for Heretic characters who must relie on faith to help them survive this exsitance.

Roleplay: While there will always be story threads and plot lines in place this will be very much a character driven chronicle. Interaction between the PC's and intense focus on histories and backgrounds is paramount in Wraith.

Fetters, thorns and passions are the driving factors behind the Wraith. Those aspects need to cultivated and explored through the storylines.

The game will be less comabt intensive. The greatest part of the chronicle will focus on character interaction, intrigue and mystery. The characters are alone for the most part having only the other members of the circle to rely on.

Most games will have a clearly defined plot line for the session and will fit within a long-term chronicle. Character backgrounds will strongly affect storyline and characters should be aware of this. Any merits and flaws will eventually be brought out in game.

Character restrictions:
Character creation will follow The Oblivion and the current Camarilla Supplement. Players should be aware that characters can be killed in chronicle for simply belonging to a guild, or possessing the Arconi Flux, Intimation, and Mnemosynis. Any PC wishing to belong to a guild or have a limited Arconi should check with the VST during PC creation.

Merits and Flaws for Wraith may also be found in The Camarilla supplement guidelines available at the Camarilla web site.

All players must submit their PC to their CST before entering game. Players should also be advised that even if their CST approves the character it may be denied for the Venue. Histories and/or breif backgrounds are required of all players for the Wraith Venue. Any player wishing to bring an infiltrator into play, must be cleared in advance with the VST.

Proxy rules:
Players outside of the area are encouraged to submit their characters for proxy. Each will be evaluated on an individual basis and based on current Camarilla policy. Proxies with less than 48 hours notification may be refused.

Proxies will be incorporated into the game whenever possible but may be dependant on the current story line or availability of players to portray proxied PC's.

Travel risks:
Travel without Argos is typically dangerous unless characters are using the Midnight Express, a Ferryman, or major byways.

As per current Cam supplement.

Due to some vague rules calls on retests for certain arconi, the ST/narrorators may allows retests based on appropriate abilites. Players are expected to keep track of the amount of pathos and corpus traits for their PC during game. Upon request an ST/Narrator will assist. ST's will also track angst, and Shadow sheets will be checked prior to every game.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Shelley Chasteen
Title: NC-ARST Solitary Chapters, ADST Wraith, ACST Faceless Empires
Phone: 303-780-9824
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): Completed

The story will focus more on role-playing than combat and challenges. Combat will exist but as it is very difficult to kill a Wraith, will not be a major emphasis of the game. Characters should keep in mind that their Shadow poses one of the greatest threats to them and a Harrowing can happen unexpectedly.

The players will take an active role in deciding their own fate. The focus of the game is not about death, but how the players deal with their current exsistance and the decisions they make in their enviorment

There will be multiple antagonists with some being reoccurring. Characters will have to deal with members of the Hierarchy, Spectres, gangs of renegades, reavers and other forces that exist as part of the Shadowlands.

Their own Shadow should also be viewed as an Antagonist. Outside Venue antagonists, will be kept to a minimum. If they are brought in, their involvement will be vague and secreative. There should be some mystery left.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from MET Oblivion. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Visiting character/plot policy:
Characters from other chapters/areas are encouraged to visit. However advance notification would be apprecaited so their PC's can be looked over in advance. Any items (odd weapons, abilities...etc) that are considered unbalancing, or that do not have appropriate approvals may be denied from entering game.

Style of Play
4 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
4 : Action (combat and challenges)
3 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
5 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 01-Nov-2001 - NC2001-10-16-WR-001
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