Camarilla Venue Style Sheet

Part 1: Basic Information

Chapter NameCamarilla of Boulder
Chapter NumberCO-014
VenueCam-Anarch (Anarch)
Lead Venue StorytellerShaari Ladue CST
Storyteller Contact<[email protected]>

Games Hosted On

1st Saturday, 6:30p check-in,7:30 game-on

Part 2: Styles of Play

Style of PlayDescriptionRating
ActionCombat and challenges3
Character DevelopmentPersonal dilemmas and choices3
DarknessPC death or corruption2
DramaCeremony and grand story3
IntriguePolitics and negotiation4
MannersSocial etiquette and peer pressure2
MysteryEnigmas and investigation4
PaceHow fast do stories emerge, develop, and resolve?2

1Never present
2Sometimes present
3Often present
4Usually present
5Always present

Part 3: Description of Venue

Boulder is an Anarch controlled city, nestled in a valley amplified by natural geomantic forces. The city is a magnet for psychics, religious fanatics, New-Age con artists, freaks, homeless, and rich college students. It has been a haven for independents, Anarchs, wandering Gangrel, eccentric artists, and Kindred who are trying to escape from their pasts.
There are only three rules in Boulder.
1) Don�t kill mortals if you don�t have to, and make sure someone covers it up if you do.
2) Don�t crap in someone else�s yard, ask first.
3) Don�t Breach the Masquerade, or we�ll breach you.

Although surrounded by cities controlled by Camarilla interests, Boulder has been rejected by the Camarilla for its worthiness primarily because of its transient and unpredictable mortal population. It also has a strange effect on people and kindred alike. Most kindred don't feel comfortable in the town because of the ambient energy of the place, however, a few feel like the city is trying to imprison them. Their cars break down, something detains them, someone steals all their money, etc. This happens much more often to mortals, but kindred are not immune to what is often called "Niwot's Curse".

Early in the 1960's, a group of Tremere settled in Boulder to investigate reports of occult or mysterious phenomenon in the area. They were unable to find any substantiation to the claim that Arapahoe Chief Niwot cursed the area, and found only a greater than average amount of liberal-minded, hippy activists among the mortal population. They concluded that the population was affected by altitude and climate and tended to have more of a "spiritual" outlook on life at least in part because of the availability of marijuana and acid. They left soon after.

The kindred groups that have found a home in Boulder are often unusual and have rejected (or been rejected from) mainstream Camarilla society. Many are young, thin-blooded, 13th and 14th generation teenagers who travel the paths of the former Grateful Dead, in and out of town, but still are quick to defend what they consider free territory. They hang out at Penny Lane and the Pearl St. Courthouse, and sleep in warehouses along the 204 bus line.

Other kindred groups are secretive and keep their homes and their activities very private. Several years ago, though, Anarchs claiming to be from Boulder attacked Camarilla outposts in Denver as if to start a broader conflict. Although the independents and the more organized of the Boulder Anarchs claimed to have no part in these events, a representative from the Denver Prince came to Boulder to serve as an "ambassador" of sorts, with the charter to "keep the peace" between Anarchs and Camarilla, lest the wars begin again. Initially, some of the Anarchs in Boulder were suspicious of this, wondering if the Anarch "attacks" in Denver weren't a staged provocation to introduce Camarilla influence into Boulder. Since that time, however, the �ambassador� has been accepted into the Boulder Vigilance Committee. Others believe this "ambassador" was acting out of his own self interest, attempting to create a microcosmic "domain" for himself in whatever territory he can claim in Boulder. Whether that is true, it�s apparent that the Camarilla distrusts him, as the last five Princes have had problems with Boulder. War has come close to breaking out between the two cities several times, usually avoided by last-ditch negotiation by the calmer heads on both sides. However, when freedom and order clash, chaos rules.

The game is played in one house, however different parts of the house represent different areas of Boulder. I.e., the living room is Bob Wayne�s Manor, the kitchen is CU, the dining room is The Hotel Boulderado & Casino, the back porch is a caf�. Locations are subject to change depending on house or game needs. Index cards are located in each room, and represent mortal NPC's that players can meet, interact with, and make use of by manipulating, dominating, and either pitting them against other players or utilizing resources that they can provide. Most of the cards require the possession of Influence in the area in which the NPC resides (Health, Bureaucracy, etc). PC's compete against each other for resources in Boulder, and NPC's serve as provocative agents for new conflicts to arise. The main purpose of this game is to play a Vampire in a world of mortals, and maintain the Masquerade at any cost. Players must remember that any advantage an influence card may give them is only good in Boulder, unless other CST's want to expand our storyline into theirs.

The game is a complicated interaction of many different PC's and NPC's. The main purpose of this game is to play a Vampire in a world of mortals, and maintain the Masquerade at any cost.

Part 4: Storytelling Mechanics

Approved 18-Oct-2002 - USA-NC-CA-0208-01520
Hosted by