Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Where the Wild Things Are, Theatre Magique (CO-013), Corazon de la Oscuridad/Denver (CO-D04)


Bradley Cook CST [email protected]

There is no set location that will be use it will be posted to D-Denver before each game

IC Event Locations and Times:
None specified.

OOC Directions:
Varies. See contact info.

The Sabbat is rising up from the ash that used to be their Denver. The Camarilla is as strong as ever in Denver. The Sabbat will be hard pressed to reclaim their dangerous Denver. The Mortals getting tried of this Vampire infection are now willing to fight this battle also. The battle for Denver in now all out war! Which side will win? The time of wakening elders and other unnamable dangers will the Sabbat be ready? What is the Sabbat inhuman monsters or just alien minds in twisted bodies? What is the Sabbat religious zealots or enlightened sages? The Sabbat is the honorable sword of Caine. The enforcers of a better way - Caine's - way. All who stand against the Sabbat will be destroyed. The Sabbat will do war against them for they are the righteous.

Character restrictions:
As ST I reserve the right to reject any concept/character that might take away from the story I'm trying to tell. Character backgrounds must be provided for each character, and are not to exceed five pages. They should included significant events of mortal and immortal life, time and circumstances of embrace, goals and motivations. Blackhand members will be allowed, again with appropriate backgrounds and approval.

Proxy rules:
Characters being proxied into the game must meet all requirements listed in the current Camarilla rules supplement. If I as the ST feel that the character is going to unbalance the game I will reject the request for proxy.

Travel risks:
Characters that go south of I-70 will find heavy Camarilla presence and all of the danger that follow. Going into Boulder will meet you with the Anarchs who are more relaxed towards the Sabbat but are still a larger danger. Travel through the wilderness is very dangerous. Who knows what's out there (this is the world of darkness after all.).

As per current Camarilla supplement.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Bradley Cook
Title: CST
Phone: 303-428-0150
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): No

The bickering of the Sabbat is something I'm going to discourage. The game is going to be half player driven and half plot. I believe that if it too much in favor of plot player gets over whelmed with keeping up. If you let it be mostly player driven the game loses it consistence and direction. The game will show the inhuman side of vampirism. After all the Sabbat is a religious fight order. The Sabbat has an alien mindset and their not necessary evil. Most human will see them as evil because they think differently. Heavy with mortal interaction, the game will show depth

I may disregard rules if it will aid in the depth of the story. The times when I do this will be very few and very far between but if necessary, I will disregard them. The story is what is most important to me. The current Rule supplement will otherwise be untouched.

Since I started playing in 1998 I've people disregard the importance of mortals and other things in the world around them. I plan to make consequences for player's actions and the like. Mortals will be active and reactive to all things done in their world. After all the world of darkness have more beings in it then vampires in it. No specific venue antagonists specified.

Venue rules:
Initial blood pool test is unaltered from LotNRev p106.

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

XP awarding is unaltered from Laws of the Night Revised, p122, except that the base award will be 2. (Base 2xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

Characters can increase per game xp by achieving the following conditions. Xp can also be reduced per character at a game to as little as none for reasons to be determined by the ST. Most common reason will likely be detracting from role-play by going OOC or arguing with the ST after asked to stop. These reasons will mostly be judged based on if it affects the role-play of the other players. Reasons for exp awards:

Visiting character/plot policy:
None specified.

Style of Play
3 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
2 : Action (combat and challenges)
4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
3 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 01-Feb-2002 - NC2001-12-30-SA-001
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