Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Pueblo's Hierarchy, Scarlet Armageddon (CO-012), Shattered Hallucinations/Pueblo (CO-D05)

Wraith, Hierarchy

Tom Brown 719-545-0681 [email protected]

The Alternate Universe 410 W 24th St. Pueblo, CO 81004, Time: Alternating Saturdays 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; set-up will begin one hour prior to game-on being called.

IC Event Locations and Times:
The Shadowlands, with varying specifics (usually the Pueblo Necropolis)

OOC Directions:
From North Colorado � Take I-25 South to the 29th St exit. Turn West onto 29th St.
At Elizabeth St. and 29th St. Turn South onto Elizabeth St. At Elizabeth St. and 24th
St. Turn East onto 24th St. The Alternate Universe on the South hand side two blocks down.
From South Colorado � Same as above
From West Colorado � Take Hwy 50 and turn South onto Elizabeth St. and follow above
From East Colorado � Take Hwy 50 to I-25 North and follow above.

Granted inalienable freedoms throughout their living days, what happens once a person dies and is faced with the structure and ancient bureacracy of the Hierarchy? This is one of the questions players in the Pueblo Wraith venue will have to confront as they play newly-dead members of the Shadowlands. The darkness and oppression of the Shadowlands is a horrendous force, and might of Charon's Creation is oft-times the only protection Wraiths have, giving a sense of structure and purpose to the afterlife, but conversely it is seen by many as an outdated smothering leviathan. When faced with Oblivion, do players stay within the bulwarks of the Hierarchy, turn to the possibilities of the Renegades or believe in the hopes offered by the Hieratics? What compromises must be made and what values overturned to stave off Oblivion?

Players within the venue will be starting as newly reaped Legion members within the Pueblo Necropolis, as governed from the Stronghold of Rosemont. The Necropolis - like many other Stygian bastions - is faced with the constant threat of the Malfean forces (e.g.: Spectres) and the decay of Oblivion. Furthermore, disparate elements of the Hierarchy - from disgruntled "lower management" to traitors - seeks to disrupt the structure and power of the Necropolis's ruling body. Hieratics, Renegade groups and illegal Guilds also ply their trade both in and around the Necropolis, possibly pulling further at the character's loyalties. Players will be given the opportunity to set the course of their own fate, starting out as lower members of the Legions and working their way from there. While there will be some combat within the venue, the primary focusof plotlines will deal with political negotiations and the assorted mysteries that arise throughout the Necropolis. It's all in an eternity's work.

Once past all the "nifty arcanos and strange settings", a Wraith chronicle is about emotion and how humans are tied to it, even in death and that will be the focus of the mood in this venue. The fate of the Shadowlands is not one any Mortal was ever expecting or wishing. We've all been given our dreams of a better Afterlife, so what happens when you're faced with living out an eternity in the depths of what many consider to be a dark purgatory? The temptation of interaction with the Skinlands - to once again taste of life - is so strong that even the threat of Soulforging is never enough to curb it. Furthermore, wraiths are always in tune with the darkest most fetid parts of their being - the Shadow. The Shadow will be an omnipresent foe in the venue, forever seeking to pervert the most noble of intentions and the purest emotions. Yet, while there is plenty of despair facing the protagonists, there is always the treasure of Hope, be it in the form of making a place for yourself in Eternity, growing to Transcedence, or just basking in the glowing embrace of the strong passions of the living. While the focus of plots may be political interaction, the focus of the game will be these emotions.

Character restrictions:
Basic character creation and restrictions will be according to rules found in Oblivion, as amended and clarified by the most-current Camarilla supplement for Wraith (currently 5.0) and Prime (currently 5.1). ***Some arcanoi require DST or RST approval to learn and those restrictions will be enforced.*** Players need to remember that not only are the standard "illegal" arcanoi - Flux, Intimation, and Mnemosis - considered worth severe punishement (including the possibility of character removal), but that any arcanoi that interferes or affects the Skinlands (most especially Puppetry, Pandemonium and Embody) is also restricted to "official or approved usage only" in the Hierarchy. Any player wishing to possess an arcanoi that affects the Skinlands must clear with the VST how and/or why they were trained and authorized (if applicable) to use the arcanoi. All starting characters will begin as members of the Hierarchy. No starting player may belong to a guild, unless cleared by the VST. Also, due to the venue theme, no starting wraith may begin with an arcanoi higher than the second basic level. These restrictions may change as the venue's timeline extends away from the venue starting date. A character submitted from outside of Scarlet Armageddon must first submit to Armageddon's CST (see above for contact info) for approval. All characters must have cleared a background/history(including Death) with the VST/CST before being brought into play.

Proxy rules:
Proxying will follow the rules in accordance with the most current appropriate Cam supplements. The following additions and clarifications will be made to the standard proxy rules: There will be no proxying to this venue for the first six game sessions, so that players may learn the venue and build cohesiveness without outside concerns; once proxying begins, the ST will require 72 hours advance notice and contact information for proxying player and his/her storyteller. There will be proxy reviews, which will include contacting the players ST to verify accuracy of all info, and to allow for questions to be asked by the ST team regarding behavior and motives. Players proxying for the sole purpose of killing a character need to have a compelling in game motive. Proxy characters will not initiate any challanges without an ST present, and only those challanges that the player has expressly permitted... (e.g.: a player could say you may initiate combat challanges).

Travel risks:
Travel in the Shadowlands is a very risky thing due to the nature of the Tempest and threats such as Dark Kingdom incursions and Spectres. Characters are encouraged to use Argos, the Midnight Express, a Ferryman and/or Byways. Players traveling to/from the Pueblo Necroplis need to contact the Wraith ST for further information as to which travel methods will be available at the time of travel

Players may perform unsupervised non-combat challenges if both parties agree. All challenges will be run per the current Camarilla supplement for resolution. Players may request a storyteller or narrator to witness or arbitrate at any time if they believe there is cause for a neutral party to be involved. Static challenges will be overseen by the narrator(s). Due to the frequent usage of Extended Static Challenges in the Wraith venue, players are highly encouraged to know Cam optional rules on Extended Challenges. Any questions or disputes will be handled after game is called off. All rules contained in the most recent versions of the sanctioned materials will be used except when they conflict with the previously stated venue challenge rules.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Tom Brown
Title: CST
Phone: 719-545-0681
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): Y

While there will be existing plotlines as set by the VST, a majority of plotlines will be generated according to player RP and IC decisions. Intrigue and political maneuvering to try and stabilize the Necropolis and surrounding areas will be a primary focus of beginning plotlines, though there will be some combat (possibly more, as dependant on character actions). Further plotlines will also emphasize role-playing, based upon the outcome of the venue's initial plotlines. Essentially, it is up to the players to make what they will of their environment.

The venue antagonists of the Wraith venue should be considered the characters' Shadows as they are ever-present and seeking to draw the characters into Oblivion. Spectres, Shadowland entities/forces, Dark Kingdom personalities, Renegades, rogue Hierarchy, Hieratics and Mortal Hunters will also be considered typical venue antagonists. Special antagonists may occur based upon special plotlines. There will be reoccuring antagonists, some dictated by character choices and some due to ongoing plotline.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from MET Oblivion. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

In order to encourage prompt attendance we will be instituting the following attendance policy:
Players arriving on time will win ties on challenges needed for pre-game (e.g.: Merit/Flaw tests, Memorium, etc.) Players arriving late without giving prior notice will automatically lose appropriate pre-game challenges. Players arriving from out of town will be exempt from this rule.

Visiting character/plot policy:
While we greatly encourage players from outside of the chapter/domain, there are a few rules that we ask and enforce. First, unless the VST, player and player's home CST have approved the character to be based out of the Pueblo Necropoli, visiting character's Influences will most likely be at half-effectiveness (to be determined pre-game at ST discretion; player will be informed pre-game as to decision). Effectiveness of contacts and influences will also be at ST discretion. Any non-standard items, powers or arcanos MUST be cleared by the storyteller, as well as documentation from the WSIP lists that the items, etc. have been approved by the appropriate levels. The aforementioned items, arcanoi, etc. will not be allowed to enter play without proper documentation of approvals. All players MUST provide an XP log and signed character sheet at check in which will begin 1 hour before game time. Players who wish to introduce outside plotlines, etc. should contact the storytellers in advance so that preparations and research can be done. Players will be advised at that time what special actions they may need to take. These actions may include getting the home VST to e-mail background material and plans for their plotline in the future, so as to not interfere with their story. At a minimum a contact e-mail or phone number is required so any actions related to the plotline can be passed to the home VST. The VST reserves the right to reject a visiting character based upon game imbalance, controlling player actions/disruption, et. al.

Style of Play
5 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
3 : Action (combat and challenges)
4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
5 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 12-Sep-2001 - NC2001-08-19-WR-001
Approved 26-Nov-2001 (updated)
Hosted by