Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Scarlet Armageddgon (CO-012), Shattered Hallucinations/Pueblo (CO-D05)


Tom Brown, CST [email protected] 719-545-0681

The Alternate Universe, 410 W 24th St. Pueblo, Co 81003 or Mineral Palace Park
Alternating Mondays from 6:30pm to 12:00 a.m.

IC Event Locations and Times:
Various. See Contact info.

OOC Directions:
From North Colorado � Take I-25 South to the 29th St exit. Turn West onto 29th St.
At Elizabeth St. and 29th St. Turn South onto Elizabeth St.
At Elizabeth St. and 24th St. Turn East onto 24th St.
The Alternate Universe on the South hand side two blocks down

From South Colorado � Same as above

From West Colorado � Take Hwy 50 and turn South onto Elizabeth St. and follow above

From East Colorado � Take Hwy 50 to I-25 North and follow above

The setting is Walsenburg � the center of what appears to be an area with active supernatural entities. "Upon investigation of the local communities, I have found a disturbing amount of evidence to support that there are supernatural entities in Pueblo and Canon City areas. We need to form a team of investigations to look into this and find out what they are up to. Then determine if they pose a major threat." Walsenburg will be the base operations for an investigative team that has been assembled. The team "Falcon" will investigate possible supernatural occurrences in the Walsenberg area only. If at all able to identify, count, and collect information on any creatures� habits that are encountered. Only destroy the creatures if the leader of the team deems it absolutely necessary, or uncover a plot that threatens us all or exposes us to the masses.

Character restrictions:
Standard rules of the Camarilla apply to all characters to be played or created for this venue. Please contact the Venue storyteller for help in fitting characters into the current plotline. Characters must be of a cooperative nature. Character types will be restricted to not overbalance the venue and will be subject to all of the normal special approvals. Cross Venue Lores such as Changeling, Garou, Kindred and Wraith will be subject to the normal approvals process. Werewolf, Fairy, Vampire and Ghost Lores are allowed with normal approval. All other character types should be cleared with the VST prior to character creation.

Proxy rules:
A minimal number of proxies will be allowed. In addition to the standard proxy rules the following additions and clarifications will be made. We will require 72 hours advance notice. Contact information for proxying player and his/her storyteller. Proxy reviews include contacting the players ST to verify accuracy of all info, and to allow for questions to be asked by the ST team regarding behavior and motives. Players proxying for the sole purpose of killing a character need to have a compelling in game motive. Proxy characters will not initiate any challenges without an ST present, and only those challenges that the player has expressly permitted... (IE a player could say you may initiate combat challenges) when normally this would not be allowed.

Travel risks:
Any contact with myself or the CST will constitute an IC knowledge of who to contact to get the location of the team and valid travel precautions. There are travel risks.

Players may perform unsupervised non-combat challenges if both parties agree. All challenges will be run per the Camarilla 5.1 supplement for resolution. Players may request a storyteller or narrator to witness or arbitrate at any time if they believe there is cause for a neutral party to be involved. Static challenges will be overseen by the narrator(s). Any questions or disputes will be handled after game is called off. All rules contained in the most recent versions of the sanctioned materials will be used except when they conflict with the previously stated venue challenge rules.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Tom Brown
Title: CST
Phone: 719-545-0681
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): Y

This venue will be based on one man�s quest to learn more about supernatural entities, and those individuals that he has called to his aid. For this reason, the storylines that are being run will be very intrigue based with quite a bit of PC investigations. There will be combat involved, if the PC�s are not careful. Mortal is a deadly venue if a PC charges blindly into the mists. The PC�s will be encouraged to create plotlines on their own by pursuing new investigations.

Dressing in costumes/clothing that reflect your character�s personality or beliefs is encouraged to help add color to the game.

No specific venue antagonists specified.

Venue rules:
XP awarding is unaltered from Laws of the Hunt, p96. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

Approved backgrounds will be required for all characters. Characters may be approved and brought into play without a background, however, no xp expenditures will be allowed until a background or background worksheet is approved by the STs.

Visiting character/plot policy:
Because of the location outside influences will be severely curtailed (actions at half effectiveness), unless the player and the player's home CST have approved the character to be based out of this city. Effectiveness of contacts and influences will be at storyteller discretion. Any non-standard items, powers or disciplines MUST be cleared by the storyteller, as well as documentation from the WSIP lists that the items, etc. have been approved by the appropriate levels. Without documentation of the proper approvals, the items, etc. will not be allowed to enter play. Additionally, all players MUST provide an XP log and signed character sheet at check in. Check in begins 1 hour before game time. Players who wish to introduce outside plotlines, etc. should contact the storytellers in advance so that preparations and research can be done. Players will be advised at that time what special actions they may need to take. These actions may include getting the home venue storyteller to e-mail background material and plans for their plotline in the future, so as to not interfere with their story. At a minimum a contact e-mail or phone number is required so any actions related to the plotline can be passed to the home venue storyteller. The VST must receive a written document with player�s expressed understanding that their character may be killed, due to the deadly nature of the PC�s investigations.

Style of Play
3 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
2 : Action (combat and challenges)
5 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
3 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

(1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

Approved 16-Aug-2001 - NC2001-07-12-MO-001
Approved 26-Nov-2001 (updated)
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