Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Scarlet Armageddon (CO-012), Shattered Hallucinations/Pueblo (CO-D05)


Tom Brown ACST 719-545-0681 [email protected]

The Alternate Universe 410 W 24th St. Pueblo, Co 81004
Alternating Sundays 2pm to 6-8pm

IC Event Locations and Times:
Varies. See Contact info.

OOC Directions:
From North Colorado � Take I-25 South to the 29th St exit. Turn West onto 29th St.

  • At Elizabeth St. and 29th St. Turn South onto Elizabeth St.
  • At Elizabeth St. and 24th St. Turn East onto 24th St.
  • The Alternate Universe on the South hand side two blocks down
    From South Colorado � Same as above
    From West Colorado � Take Hwy 50 and turn South onto Elizabeth St. and follow above
    From East Colorado � Take Hwy 50 to I-25 North and follow above.

    The mages will be based in a Traditionalist Chantry, with a sponsor funding their studies. They are trying to recover from the Avatar Storm and rebuild some sense of the previous Traditions. Emphasis will be placed on teamwork due to the nature of the chantry and the struggle to ascend. Player characters will be facing adversaries from the Technocracy, as well as Nephandi and Marauders. Attempts will be made to explore the moral consequences of the Ascension War as well.

    Character restrictions:
    Standard rules of the Camarilla apply to all characters to be played or created for this venue. Please contact the Venue storyteller for help in fitting characters into the current plotline. Characters must be of a cooperative nature. Lone Wolf or similar natures will be discouraged due to the teamwork atmosphere of the chantry.

    Proxy rules:
    As per current Cam supplement. For the duration of the limititation on travel of the National Plotkit - Avatar Storm, no proxies will be accepted.

    Travel risks:
    None specified.
    For the duration of the limits on travel of the National plotkit in Summer/Fall 2001 - The Avatar Storm, there will be no travel allowed.

    Players may perform unsupervised non-combat challenges if both parties agree. All challenges will be run per the current Camarilla supplement for resolution. Players may request a storyteller or narrator to witness or arbitrate at any time if they believe there is cause for a neutral party to be involved. Static challenges will be overseen by the narrator(s). Any questions or disputes will be handled after game is called off. All rules contained in the most recent versions of the sanctioned materials will be used except when they conflict with the previously stated venue challenge rules.

    Storyteller Information

    Venue Storyteller
    Name: Creston Hof
    Title: VST Mage
    Phone: 719-545-2743
    Email: [email protected]
    Passed Thespis (y/n): Yes

    We will be running preplanned story arcs, with consideration given to player generated plotlines. This will be an action-oriented venue with initial emphasis on survival, but eventually focusing on knowledge and Ascension.

    Other mages and mortal society, with an encroachment of Technocracy cabals initially after the Avatar Storm settles, later dealings Nephandi cabals and lone Marauders on a limited scale, and much later occasional run-in with werewolves or vampires.

    Venue Antagonists are defined as typical Technocracy cabals, typical Nephandi cabals, and the average lone Marauder.

    Venue rules:
    XP awarding is unaltered from Laws of Ascension, p121. (Base 1xp per game, with additional xp for exceptional roleplaying, etc.)

    No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

    Approved backgrounds will be required for all characters. Characters may be approved and brought into play without a background, however, no xp expenditures will be allowed until a background or background worksheet is approved by the STs.

    All optional rules will be utilized in the venue. Paradox will be determined by a Paradox Judge, not by Consensual Paradox.

    Visiting character/plot policy:
    None specified.

    Style of Play
    3 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
    5 : Action (combat and challenges)
    4 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
    3 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
    4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

    (1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

    Approved 21-Jul-2001 - NC2001-06-28-MA-001
    Addendum Approved 10-Nov-2001 - NC2001-06-28-MA-001
    Hosted by
