Venue Style Sheet

Player Information

Venue Name:
Silence in the Night, Faceless Empire (CO-007), Domain of Corazon de la Oscuridad/Denver (CO-D04)


Steven Truesdell CC [email protected]
James Reardon CST [email protected] 303-430-7484

Game locations can change depending on conflicting schedules and availability. All games are posted to the [email protected] email list.

Two games are held a month:

  • The Third Saturday. 6:30 Announcements. 7:00 pm Game On.
  • The Fourth Sunday. 4:30 Announcements. 5:00 pm Game On.

    IC Event Locations and Times:
    Denver, Colorado. IC site can change. Havens are often changed or destroyed through warfare. The host will be stated at announcements.

    OOC Directions:
    See contact info.

    Dark and Spiritual.

    This is a game about mystery and intrigue, isolation and danger. Hidden pasts and secret agenda collide with the present to turn simple goals into nearly insurmountable obstacles. Darkness slowly encroaches on the characters from without as the beast stalks their souls. Surrounded on all sides by either the Camarilla, Anarchs, Hunters, or the Garou nation, the character must rely on themselves and their pack mates to survive; help will not be forth coming from the outside world. The clever and intelligent will plumb the mysteries of the city to face the darkness, and the brave may find redemption. The slow of wit will find that no strength of arm can save them, and the coward will find no place to hide.

    Character restrictions:
    Due to the nature of the game players are encouraged to have only one active character in the venue at a time, and to make as many games as possible. Creation of backup characters in encouraged.

    Character concepts should primarily be investigation, stealth, and social interaction oriented, although a small number of fighters will also be present. Note that fighters without auxiliary skills will be unable to pull their weight and may be eliminated as dead wood by their pack mates. Character backgrounds must be provided for each character, and are not to exceed three pages. They should included significant events of mortal and immortal life, time and circumstances of embrace, goals and motivations. One or two potential NPCs would not hurt. No minutia. Including a character timeline of events is helpful. Characters of the following clans are likely to be permitted with little question: Lasombra, Tzimisce, Venture Antitribu, City Gangrel, Nosferatu Antitribu, Malkavian Antitribu, Brujah Antitribu, Toreador Antitribu, Pander and Assamite Antitribu. Country Gangrel will be admitted if they can demonstrate a solid reason to be in the city. There will be a limited number of Ravnos Antitribu and Serpent of the Light characters. Other bloodlines and clans which require High or Top approval will be heavily restricted, but not prohibited and require a solid background and plothooks which will make that background significant. Blackhand members will be allowed, again with appropriate backgrounds and approval.

    All city events are held in the city of Denver. There is some haven and activity in Longmont, but plots are not focused in that direction. A previous decree was sent out by the former Bishop looking for Sabbat to help create a stronghold to be used in a future assault on Denver�s Camarilla. People are welcome to use that decree as motivation to come to the city. Since then it is known the Sabbat have moved into Denver. Otherwise the activities of the local Sabbat have hit the venue lists and some public news. Any outside players or new characters may just have heard of the cities Sabbat control.

    Proxy rules:
    Characters being proxied into the game must meet all requirements listed in the current Cam supplement. Character sheets should be sent as either plain text, postscript, or Adobe Acrobat document. The name and e-mail of DST for the originating domain is also required, and characters will not be allowed to proxy into a scene until their home storyteller has approved the character sheet that is sent for the proxy. Characters which have High or Top approval items require proof of the approval before the item can enter play (this applies to rare clans, etc.) Any character may be summarily denied the opportunity of the proxy if it is the feeling of the ST staff that the character would over power the local game. The majority of players in Colorado are below MC 6, power levels will be enforced accordingly. Exceptions will be made when there is a compelling story reason, or players are willing to limit their characters actions primarily to soft role-play.

    Travel risks:
    Characters traveling into the game must also account for their transportation to the IC location of the game, and players are advised that most major transportation routes pass through Camarilla or Garou controlled territory. Those characters, which fail to account for this, may find themselves in a different venue and game than the one they meant to attend. This will primarily be an issue for proxied characters. However, those intending to attend games in person will also need to take these issues into account. Characters will be given a warning that their actions may put them into a cross-venue situation. They will also be warned that their characters death is highly possible. They will be put into a time-freeze until they can resolve their scene with the proper approvals.

    As per current Cam supplement.

    Due to the nature of the Sabbat and the bonds of vinculum between pack mates it is likely that combat between character may occur which is neither intended to be lethal or have lasting effects in terms of status or position. Characters are encouraged to resolved such conflicts through soft role-playing rather than rock paper scissors. A quick examination of character sheets and a join narration of the results should be sufficient to handle such conflicts. In order to speed play, the storyteller may simply narrate the results of such non-lethal challenges. Players understand that this may take place and their participation in the game denotes their acceptance of it. Situations involving character death or permanent effects will not be dealt with in this manner.

    Player Notes:
    Gadgetry will be largely limited to everyday items. Ultra-high tech, semi-magical, and magical items will be restricted to only those items absolutely crucial to the story. Players should expect such items to leave play permanently when their function is fulfilled. Oddities available in the current Camarilla supplement and weapons designed to handle celerity and potence will be allowed provided the appropriate influence expenditures are made. Custom made, James bond type gadgets will generally not be allowed into the story, even if approved in other domains. This includes weapons with modifications other than those listed above. The game is likely to include large numbers of large caliber guns, although the exporting of these to other games will be strictly prohibited.

    Monsters, creatures, and strange critters will appear from time to time to menace, threaten, cajole, reward, and prod the characters. They will generally be immune to gun fire. Other antagonists may appear in various forms, and they will often posses information the characters need. Overly savage crimes will attract the attention of the local populace and has potential to have them create their own reaction forces, and the Arcanum is already present within the city, as is the inquisition. There will be very few "cookie cutter" villains, most NPC�s will be reoccurring and develop as the chronicle progresses.

    Players are encouraged to offer to play NPC�s in the venue. Having NPC�s to interact with the players increases role-play. Players will be given a choice to award a venue character with 1 exp rather than accepting the standard prestige for playing a NPC for a full game. This can only be awarded to a PC which was vulnerable in play that month. Playing a NPC�s will give players plot hints and allow for to possibly play characters that they could not normally create. Most NPC�s will be short term and not overly powerful or involving. But some NPC�s will have a long-term use and severe plot involvement and motivation.

    Vinculum is handled through an online database and processor. All submission can be handled on the online website,, in the Vaulderie and Vinculum section. Vaulderies that occur in game need to only be notified to the ST for that event so they can record the participants and calculate the actual event at a later time. This is mostly to remove the OOC paper handling side of the Vaulderie to leave more room for the Role-playing aspect of the event. Chalices, Sermons of Caine, and deception is welcome in the event. All participants are preset to remove as much blood as put in. Blood donated can be documented at sign in or the ST will default to the previously recorded donation amount. Different amounts can be donated at different Vaulderies. If the amount donated exceeds 5 or is 1 or none. It will be noticed and commented to the participants. Reaction will be IC.

    Sign in sheets will be provided. A specific ACST will be appointed to handle feeding and possibly havens. At sign in all players will perform a Simple test for feeding. Feeding results will be based off of the base system in current Camarilla supplement. Adjustments to that system can apply per plot or player driven reasons. Plots on feeding grounds and herd types will be implemented to promote story.

    Storyteller Information

    Venue Storyteller
    Name: James Reardon
    Title: CST
    Phone: 303-430-7484
    Email: [email protected]
    Passed Thespis (y/n): Yes

    Plots will be scripted, with few pauses for Politics and rituals. Most games will run from a certain initial event until resolution of the central conflict, there will be few times in which the characters do not have something looming over their heads. Risk of character death will be high. Character backgrounds will effect the ongoing storyline.

    No specific venue antagonists specified outside of a typical Lupine pack or a typical solitary wraith.

    Venue rules:
    Experience Points:

    Players will be given a choice to award a venue character with 1 exp rather than accepting the standard prestige for playing a NPC for a full game. This can only be awarded to a PC which was vulnerable in play that month.

    Game base for exp will be 2. Characters can increase per game exp by achieving the following conditions. Exp can also be reduced per character at a game to as little as none for reasons to be determined by the ST. Most common reason will likely be detracting from role-play by going OOC or arguing with the ST after asked to stop. These reasons will mostly be judged based on if it effects the role-play of the other players.

    Reasons for exp awards:

  • Promotion of main plot. (Can be awarded to multiple players)
  • Creating new plot avenues. (Can be awarded to multiple players, but is more limited)
  • Assisting with making another player more involved in the venue. (Limited but available)
  • Most ingratiating character. (Can be awarded to one character per game. Must fulfill multiple other exp awards and have a general consensus of the players.)
  • Good Role-play. (Multiple awards possible.)

    Downtimes will award players with up to two exp per month for submissions. There will be a standard of one exp for a submission per month. If the background is involved and related to plot, it will award the second point.

  • Initial blood pool test is unaltered from LotNRev p106. There may be story and plot variations from month to month.

    No variation from suggested influence setup in Prime.

    Visiting character/plot policy:
    None specified.

    Style of Play
    5 : Intrigue (politics and negotiation)
    4 : Action (combat and challenges)
    5 : Mystery (enigmas and investigation)
    4 : Drama (ceremony and characterization)
    4 : Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption)

    (1-No content of this type, 2-Minimal (usually player introduced), 3-Occasional, 4-Consistent (available every game), 5-Focus of Game.)

    Approved 03-Dec-2001 - NC2001-11-06-CA-003
    Hosted by
