Camarilla FAQ

Revised 7/26/99

General Information

Q: What is the Camarilla's official mailing address.
A: The Camarilla, PO Box 27974, Salt Lake City, UT 84127-0974

Q: Where is the Camarilla's web page?

Q: I've lost my membership card and I need a new one. How do I get one?
A: Please send a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) to the Camarilla mailing address, Attn: Director of Memberships.

Q: I've lost my _Tome of the Camarilla_ and would like to get a replacement. How do I do this?
A: Send a check or money order made out to "The Camarilla" to the Camarilla mailing address. The cost is $5 per copy. You may also access the online Tome on the Members-Only page on the Camarilla website.

Q: I missed the issue of the Requiem. Why is this?
A: The most common reason that the Requiem does not make it to the member's mailbox is because the address in the national Camarilla database is not correct. Other reasons may include being lost in the mail.

Q: Can I get missed Requiem's replaced?
A: Please identify the issue you want and send $2 per issue to the Camarilla mailing address. Additionally please include your most up to date address.

Q: I've just moved, what should I do to keep my address up to date?
A: First, inform your Coordinator of your new address and contact information. Next, please send your new contact information (and chapter if applicable) in a message to [email protected] with "ATTN: Director of Memberships -- New Address" in the subject line.

Q: I've sent in my Ordeal/Membership/Etc and I haven't heard anything. What should I do?
A: First, wait 9 weeks for processing. If you have not heard anything within that time frame, you should contact us right away. Please send a message to [email protected] and direct it to the appropriate Director. In your message please be specific as possible and include:

Q: I'm having problems and I would like to make sure my complaint is heard.
A: Try [email protected]

Q: My question is not answered on this list, where do I go?
A: Try [email protected]

Chapter Coordinator Information

Q: Our Chapter needs a replacement Chapter Packet. How do I get this?
A: Send a check or money order made out to "The Camarilla" to the Camarilla mailing address. The cost is $10 per copy.

Q: How much prestige can I earn in a month?
A: The 100 point cap is no longer valid. If you go over the 100 points the ADoCh will forward that to the RC for review. You can actually earn up to the maximum for each category that is in the Tome. These will be reviewed by the RC.

Q: Why have I not gotten the Coordinators Recognition Prestige?
A: This is a simple question. To get this you must send in your report ON TIME AND COMPLETE for 6 straight months. Complete means that you include the list of members with all their information, prestige breakdown for each member, Questions (if any), what the chapter is doing.

Q: When are my reports due?
A: Chapter reports are due by the 1st of the following month. If you are reporting for April your reports are due by May 1st. Domain reports are due by the 7th of the following month. If your reports are going to be late drop us a line and let us know. This helps out and we don't think you have forgotten or the chapter is no longer active.

Q: What can you do to get your chapter status back to Green?
A: You can send in any back reports which will get you there faster. You can also send in your normal reports on time and this will get you on track again.

Q: How do I get my questions answered in a reasonable amount of time?
A: This is a very good question. The DoCh has instituted a policy to get you your answers within two weeks of your reports being filed. Your RC should answer them in that time period. If they are really busy (sometimes this happens) the ADoCh or myself will answer the questions. You can also send any of your questions to [email protected] which will be forwarded to the appropriate people.

Q: Do the CC and CST get presige for attending their chapter meetings?
A: No. They do not get the prestige for attending meetings they attend in an official manner. It is part of their job and they get up to 50 prestige for this.

Q: I want to start a chapter can I send membership applications with the chapter applications or do I have to wait until I get the Membership applications back?
A: Send the membership applications with the chapter application. This will speed up the process and cut down on multiple mailings.

Communications Questions

Q: How do I find out the username and password for the Members Only sections of the Camarilla website?
A: Contact your CC or email [email protected] for it.

Q: How do I get on all those lists?
A: send email to "[email protected]" with the body "help" and look at the lists and subscribe commands

Q: My email doesn't get posted to the list, what' up?
A: Make sure your email address in the from line on mail you send is the same as the address you subscribed to the list with (sometimes ISPs will change the machine they send mail from, and the address will change between [email protected] to [email protected]). If you continue to have problems, contact the list moderator of the the particular list you are having trouble with by writing to [email protected]

Q: I can't send an attachment to the list, what's up?
A: Attachments are not forwarded by the Camarilla lists to avoid propagation of email viruses.

Q: The list moderator is not doing their job, is non-responsive, did something really bad, what do I do?
A: Send email to the to the Assistant Director of Communciations who oversees the moderators at [email protected] and it will get fixed.

Q: I need a email list for .
A: Write up the intro and info files (that describe what the list will be for) and send them to the Assistant Director of Communications who oversees the moderators. If it is a regional level list, talk to your RC or RST and make the case for its use in all regions (if it's good enough for you, it should be good enough for everybody. :)

Q: The Camarilla web page has errors, out of date links, or I would like to have something added. Who do I talk to?
A: The National Web Administrator who oversees web page stuff can be reached at [email protected]

Q: My chapter/domain/clan/tribe/kith/guild needs a web page.
A: The National Web Administrator who oversees web page stuff can be reached at [email protected] and can provide you with an account to put up web pages. Please include 'WEB ACCOUNT NEEDED' in the subject line of your email.

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