North Central RST Policy

Advantages and Disadvantages

(Policy 01-Nov-2001) This has been an unwritten policy for some time, based on what I think should be fairly apparent. If you wish to play a character without the disadvantge of the type, that will take RST or higher approval. Example: Wanting to play a Ventrue who has no feeding restriction (and not play a caitiff.) Nockers who never curse. Tremere who aren't affected by their hierarchy. Giovanni who are anarch. Etc.

Now, the advantage is something slightly different. Sometimes of the advantages can sometimes be not used, but it is highly dependent. In Changeling, the Kith advantages and disadvantages are enforced by the Dreaming, so those must be used. The vampire advantages are frequently social ones - such as a free influence (easily lost or destroyed).

Unless an advantage specifically states that it goes above power class maximum (i.e. gen max for a vampire), it doesn't. Changeling advantages do as a rule of thumb, Vampire ones don't as a rule of thumb.

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