{Ed. note: Article posted with permission of author. Edited slightly for web formatting.}

From:"Tim Clancy" <[email protected]>
Date sent:Wednesday, September 05, 2001 9:41 PM
Subject:[se-st] real quick on paths and beasts

I've seen some interesting concepts which leads me to believe folks have vastly different opinions on what paths, beast, moratity are. Rather than a six page thesis I'll try and make this brutally painless and please understand as with anything this is just my opinon =)

The Beast in a Kindred - A seperate entity/creature/force that seeks to take control of the vampire. It is not guilt, regret, or frenzy, rather it is something inside which wants to be the one in charge. Frenzy is a method in which it exerts itself, same with Rostcherck. It can be a great ally at times, the street thug you don't introduce at parties but if the shit goes down in an alley you wish you have by your side.

Path's - These are philosophies/worldviews which at their core are "mechanisms" for dealing with the beast. They vary in approach but each mechanism has a way of controlling the beast and a method to recover when you screw up. Imagine that thousands of differnt variations and philosophies have been tried and these dozen or so are the only ones which have proven effective. They are morality, philosophy *but also* defense against the beast. You aren't humane because it feels good, but because it protects you from the beast.

Self-Control based Path's - The "mechanism" is to hold the beast off through force of will/control.

Frenzy in Self Control Path's - Imagine handing your character sheet over to an ST and leaving the room to come back after five minutes everytime your character frenzied, that is what a self-control frenzy is like. That is how much it should be feared....*total loss of control*.

Instinct based Path's - The "mechanism" is if you can't beat 'em join 'em...give the beast its reign and the two co-exist together.

Frenzy in Instinct Path's - Imagine handing your character sheet over to an ST and telling them a one word synopsis of what you want to do "fight/flee/defend" then standing nearby and watching them play your character. That is what an instinct frenzy is like, not total loss of control, but delegation of finite decision making to a more primal creature.

Hierarchy of Sins - This is the philosophy behind each mechanism of controlling the beast. Sins is probably a bad word becuase people begin thinking good v. evil...think of sins though in the literal definition; an breach against an expected behavior or method of life. In this case when you sin on a path, you give the beast room to exert more control.

Virtue Checks - If you fail to adhere to the hierarchy of sins of which makes a successful "mechanism", the entire thing falls apart slightly bringing you closer to the beast. Don't put oil in your car regularly, it will seize up and fail. Those with low Path ratings have a thinner margin between who is really in control...the beast or the character.

Conscience based Path's - Through regret for actions that do wrong you bolster the "mechanism" which keeps you in control of the beast. If you did not have a conscience telling you right from wrong the beast would more easily take control with "wrong" actions. When you do something that threatens to give control to the beast you realize it, justify/rationalize/apologize/ it within yourself and try not to get in the same situation again.

Conviction based Path's - Mistakes happen. But you believe in the Path and resteel yourself to continue using the "mechanism" and because you believe in the philosophy as the right thing to do.

Humans = No Beast
Yes that means a human sociopath is the worst of the evil creatures and you'll never know it. But comparing humans to kindred is wrong becuase humans don't have the beast. They can, and should be, more capable of evil than kindred. Ultimately on the grand stage kindred are two-bit hucksters compared to mortals when it comes to evil.

The Camarilla in the source material is founded on humanity meaning it *has* to deal things in a non-violent social method. It's why Salons, Elysiums, and Toreador Balls exist with all the social sniping and gossip....because they are layers of protection in a Humanity Path against invoking the beast with combat, murderous or inhumane acts. Becuase if you don't the mass of mortality realizes what's going on and comes after the monsters under the bed.

The Sabbat approaches it differently, rather than keeping the beast at bay the have time-share agreements (mostly). This does not mean they are evil, but to survive they segment off human and kindred into two different groups. If they cared about humans they couldn't survive on their paths doing what they need to do to work within their mechanisims.

In summary the aspects of Paths, Virtues, Hierarchy of Sins, Virtue Checks, are *critically* important to the game, moreso than just about any other element in my mind (which is only my opinion). Players may not like them because they don't like the thought of losing control of their characters, but that is *exactly* what the Vampire game is about whether it is Sabbat or Camarilla; you know the tagline: "monsters we are lest monsters we become"(tm).

Tim C. 9307-018
VST Sabbat

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