{Ed. note: Article posted with permission of author. Formatted slightly for web site.}

Date sent:Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:58:38 -0400
From:"Michelle Webb" <[email protected]>
Subject:[stcircle] The long vision and some ramblings

Hey gang, this one is gonna be longer (nods to Marc) but hopefully not as long as a Torley <grin>

We've been talking about darkness and broken rules and plotlines that folks love or hate. One thing I'd like to see happening over the next year (ICC to ICC) is the encouragement of consequences on PC's for their IC actions. The theme for this years ICC is just that and I'd like to have you help me bring the wattage down on the light bulb in our WoD.

I have heard folks bitch to the high heavens about the diablerie rule (not a huge amount, but a vocal minority). Problem I see is there are no consequences for those diableries. No effect. No reaction. Repercussions are non-existant. Many will counter that the PC's in their games don't have the stats to deal with a rampant diablerist or that they treat them like power ups when they get a new MC.

My question to you as ST's is why are there no consequences? When did it become something we turn a blind eye to? How would a diablerie effect contacts, or herds, or influences, or mentors? How would it effect bound individuals or ghouls or the Giovanni who are getting put out of business.

Where does it say that the WoD no longer notices these crimes. When did we stop as ST's, encouraging players to have their PC believe that it is bad? What about those nifty lores we use? Wouldn't they be going against all they've been taught? When did stagnant and slow to unchanging vampires become teenagers who defy their parents?

Consequences for good or ill for their actions.

Oathsworn - You ever see one of those "make no interest or payments for 2 years" advertisements. You always wonder where the catch is or where the hidden charges are right? Well, consider that many PC's swore an oath of fealty to blindly uphold the tenets of the sect but have never been called to active duty. Why? What plans do they have for this elite squad? They got the cookie but never gave the blood for it.

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Basically, the practical upshot of this very short winded MT special is that we don't show enough follow through as ST's. Now I'm not saying run out and start whacking PC's indiscriminately, I'm ju st saying that the PC's don't live in a static world. The PC's are the stagnant part of an ever changing world. When someone dies, people notice. Not everyone does, but it makes a ripple. It eff ects someone or something in the world around it.

Every decision has a consequence. Good or bad, it does. You want to improve your health? You start eating better and working out. Consequence - you likely get in better shape.

This is our job. To make players via he stories we tell understand that they can do whatever they want to with their PC but be willing and ready to accept the consequences of those actions.

Big brother is watching and we need to make sure players PC's from neonate to elder understand that they are never totally alone. No secret is ever absolute. That they can be found out and they can be called to task for their actions.

We need to make them fear what they cannot control. What they can't see, smell or feel.

We need to make them understand that karma always requires payment.

Discuss <lobs to Marc>

Michelle Webb
NST US/Canada
The Camarilla (r)
ICQ - 35514048
AIM - GreeboTrill

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