{Ed. note: Article posted with permission of author. Edited slightly for web formatting.}

From:"marc" <[email protected]>
Subject:[stcircle] Thoughts on Elders
Date sent:Thu, 30 Aug 2001 12:13:28 +0100

(side issue- kind of a marc rant)

Some thoughts on Elders...

The MOST annoying type of Elder PC is the 'I am an Elder and therefore I transcend the Camarilla' type.

Speaking personally:



No, no, no, no, NO, no, no...


No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!




This concept is WRONG. This concept SUCKS. Why does it suck- because it fits the Dark Ages and dies in the light of the Camarilla.

Because ONE Elder PC who does this damages the Camarilla more than 10 neonate anarchs. An Elder type who transcends the Camarilla should NOT be IN the Camarilla. Autarkis is good. No status. Elder PC's get huge advantages without the additional status. But a PC who accepts ONE point of status accepts the Camarilla has power over them. Period.

I enclose the following by way of illustration. This is one of the upcoming documents from the Timelines project. Timelines is rocking right now- slightly slower than I wanted but we are making COOL headway. This document is one of MANY to aid players and ST's get their heads around the past and older nights.

I enclose it for one reason- TOO many folks play Elders and they have this whole 'My PC is older than the Camarilla and thus transcends it' type attitude. This document is designed to show how BIG the Camarilla impacted upon folks lives. For even a thousand year old Elder, the coming of the Camarilla was an event that DESTROYED the world he knew and IMPOSE a new order. Hopefully what is below is a hint at the order that went before.

I put it here by way of illustration. It's a way of saying to Elder PC's- "Sure, you remember a time when you ruled JUST BECAUSE, but look at all of these thing Elders COULD do and now CANNOT do, and you get to see how Elders have had to bend the knee to the Camarilla'.

The whole 'If Elders really DO just rule without ANY limit on them, why can't they do any of this' idea.

Just some thoughts and a minor rant... anyway- enjoy and hopefully this will illustrate some of the juicy stuff that is to come from Timelines over the next few months.

The Language of Darkness:
Feudal terms used by Kindred circa. 1100-1500 CE.

To understand the full difference between life before the Camarilla for most Kindred and life after the Camarilla, and also to better expand the multitude of reasons for the Anarch Revolt would take many, many pages of documentation.

What is included here however, is a document which oversees certain words and phrases once common in Kindred dialect. Many Cainite Elders would understand such terms at once- these words are manifestations of what was; and they show how dramatic the imposition of the Camarilla was upon the Kindred of Europe.

Most importantly, what we see here, is a world wherein the 6 Traditions were not all. There was a multitude of other rules upon the Kindred all designed to focus power upon the Oldest and the most powerful. Many of these rules originated with the Grand Court of European Kindred in 719- the Grand Court was in many ways a precursor of the Camarilla- it was the first attempt to unify the Kindred of Europe since the fall of Rome- and it presented a series of rules designed to keep Kindred in check. The basis of all these rules was the Six Traditions, but they went far, far beyond that.

Below you will see the origins for being cast out of ones clan; the earliest terms used to describe Domains of Bad Standing; how Boon Broken Kindred could destroy their entire bloodline, how the right to feed and even beyond that, the right to Praxis was merely a tool to be dispersed by capricious Elders; how many 'modern posts' came to be developed (few remember that once upon a time Sheriffs were Harpies and one could encounter Justicars almost every night); all told these words alone and their meanings give some idea of the vast differences between the world before 1450 and the world after 1450.

The examples citied below tend to come from either common European history or the History of Albion.


ABJURATION: A renunciation, under oath, of heresy to ones Elder; later used in conjunction with the Camarilla (rare).

The Great Oath of the Camarilla presented to the Cainites of North America in October 1999 was in fact an Abjuration to allow true loyalty to the Camarilla. Earlier examples of Abjurations include the Treaty of Thorns of 1493 and the Abjuration's of 1154 by the Elders of Albion towards Mercurius the Golden.

ADULTERINE ELYSIA: An Elysium declared without a Prince's approval.

The first serious case of a Adulterine Elysia was the one established in northern France (Normandy) by Rufus Hackwell, a 7th Generation Gangrel, in 1071 AD, expressly without the permission of the nominal Elder of the region, Mercurius. The Ventrue declared it Adulterine; Alixander of Paris declared it legal; it was Mercurius destruction of it using mortal pawns in 1087 AD which led to the 'Sundering of the Tree'- the start of the Jyhad between the Alixanderian and Mercurian Ventrue. Later, during the Anarch revolt, any enclaves established by the Anarchs were condemned as being Adulterine Elysia.

AMERCEMENT: A 'financial' (boon) penalty inflicted at the MERCY of the Prince or his justices for various minor offences. The offender is said to be "IN MERCY" and the boons paid to the crown to settle the matter is called "amercement".

The Brujah influenced rebellion of Flanders against the French in 1338 was said to have been sparked by harsh Amercement placed upon Flemish Kindred after the crushing of the Flemish forces by the French ten years earlier.

ANATHEMA: Once meant someone Bloodhunted by over 20 princes; later used to describe someone placed upon the Red List of the Camarilla.

Gosdov the Gangrel Elder (suggested to be 5th Generation) was declared an Anathema by Mercurius and the Princes of Britain from 1153 until 1450; when the creation of the Camarilla and his role in it meant this status was removed.

APOSTATE: The term used to describe Kindred who breaks service from their Elder and or Prince.

Notable Kindred Apostates and reasons for being called this- Frans Ackermans (Brujah) for rebelling against his Sire (1382), John Hawkwood (1421), Prince Hoffimber of London for working against Mercurius (1487) and Robert Wolsey for actions against his Clan (1687).

Apostate eventually became reserved solely for actions against ones Clan- after the creation of the Camarilla in 1450 to be declared Apostate increasingly became rarer, but to this night a 'Apostate' is one who has rebelled against his line.

ASSIZE: The meeting of feudal 'vassals' (modern day concept- Primogen) with the Prince of a Domain it also refers to decrees issued by the prince after such meetings if any.

The meeting of the Prince of Prague with his 'vassals' in 1361 led to the Cainites of Prague signing the Assize/Accord of Prague committing themselves to aid the European Elders defend against the Assamites in return for greater say in European affairs. While this was only a local assize meeting the effects of this were soon to be felt across Europe.

AUGUSTINIAN CANONS: Religious/Monastic rules based on Love of God and Neighbour, respect for authority, care of the sick, and self-discipline. Was outlawed by several princes in the 1300's

It's most notable practitioners within the Kindred world were the Beguines (outlawed in 1310); a small cabal of Lilith worshippers- later Kindred followers of Augustinian Canons were labelled as worshippers of either Lilith and/or Noddists (sometimes at the same time) and universally condemned. To be called 'Augustinian' was to face being hunted or even declared Apostate and Anathema.


BAN: A Prince's power to command and prohibit under pain of punishment or Death; mainly used because of a violation of Elysium. Also a royal proclamation that is not a Bloodhunt, either of a call to arms, or a decree of outlawry.

In 1067 when Mercurius declared the House of Lamentation to be his main Elysia (the Tower of London), he placed upon it, 'The Ban of Lamentations' which made any violence within the tower illegal. Later the Ban was NOT enforced in any surrounding buildings which allowed the complex to be both the safest place for Cainites in London and the most deadly.

BARBER-SURGEON: Monastic Kindred who shaves faces/heads and performs light surgery which allowed them feed safely.

'Loose-Neck' Abbot Thomas Whiting, Nosferatu Clan Head of Albion was said to pose as a Barber Surgeon.

BARD: A minstrel or poet who glorifies the virtues of the people and Prince.

Lars Loki a Toreador of unknown Generation was the Bard of both Saulus and Mercurius from the period 1068 until 1104 before he was killed by a jealous lover in a freak fire.

BARON: A vassal who holds directly from the crown and serves as a member of the king's great council. It is not, of itself, a title, but rather a description of the Tenants in Chief class of nobility. In Kindred terms a Duke traditionally held Domain/Status because of who they were, a Baron only held title/status because they were loyal to a Prince.

Previous to the Magna Carta Libertatum the 'Princes' of Britain were known as 'Barons' and their only authority came at the capricious will of the members of the 'Heptarchy' to whom they had swore Oaths to. It is worth noting that after 1215 no Kindred ever used the term Baron willingly.

BELTANE EVE: The night of April 30, one of the two times of the year when mortal rules are believed to be suspended and supernatural occurrences are most common. Sometimes called May Day Eve. See Samhain Eve.

Beltane Eve was during the 1100's a night where many Kindred would hunt openly for prey. The practice was ended in Albion by the creation of the Ventrue 'Legion of the Crown' in 1153, but did not die out in the lands of Europe until after the formation of the Camarilla (after 1450).

BENEFICE (L. beneficium): A grant of land given to a member of the Domain, for limited or hereditary use in exchange for services. Usual granted along with sole feeding rights.

The Tuchins rebellion in small rural Domains in France in 1381 was inspired by the abuse of beneficiums when it came to feeding rights- many neonates found vast swathes of land given to Elders to feed exclusively, while said Elders never actually visited those places.

BLACK MONKS: A common name for members of the Benedictine Order derived from the colour of the habits. In Kindred terms, 'Black Monks' was the name given to Inquisitor Benedictine's who usually were easier to corrupt or had been sent after a Kindred by another Kindred.

BLACK INQUISITORS: Members of the Inquisition who targeted Kindred at either the behest of other Kindred or due to direct Kindred manipulation.

It is a persistent rumour that the original discover of the Cainites by the forces of the inquisition were in fact sent at the behest of members of Clan Ventrue. Many other allegations of 'Black Inquisitors' existed but obviously very few if any were ever proven.

BORDERS (The): Name given to the Border lands between the Kindred controlled areas and else where.

In principle Kindred 'ruled' vast swathes of territory, but practicality dictated that their actually 'control' was limited. 'The Borders' came to refer to lands given over to Garou and other super naturals.

BOROUGH-ENGLISH: A term which designates the custom of ultimogeniture (Domain inherited by the youngest childe).

Ericson, Prince of York from 1170-1553, 1559- 1603 and then 1678- 1710 ran a Borough-English Domain.

BURGESS: The holder of land or house within a borough. Occasionally used to refer to princes during the 14th Century


CHAMBERLAIN: An officer of the royal household. He is responsible for the Chamber, meaning that he controls access to the person of the Prince. They are also responsible for administration of the Domain and the privates estates of the Prince/Imperator. The Chamberlain was one of the four main officers of the court, the others being the Chancellor, the Justicar, and the Treasurer.

Wolsey, the Ventrue, became the youngest Cainite to hold such a vastly importantly post, when he became Chamberlain of London in 1575, a mere 46 years after his embrace. He was second only to Mercurius the Golden, an incredible honour, and one which Mercurius would subsequently regret after the 'Silent Jyhad' of 1603.

CHANCELLOR: The officer of the Prince's household who serves as the Elder's secretary or notary. The chancellor is responsible for the Chancery, the arms of the Domain dealing with domestic and foreign affairs. Office was traditionally suited to either Brujah (scholarship tradition), Nosferatu (espionage tradition) or Ventrue (diplomatic tradition).

CHARTER OF FRANCHISE: Documents granting liberty to a neonate by his Sire. Neonates had to hold onto documents proving their release for 13 years afterwards. Failure to provide a Charter of Franchise at any time usually meant the neonate was killed.

COMMUNE CONCILIUM: Name given to meetings of Princes before 1215 (afterwards in Britain they became Council of Princes; the name 'Symposium' never transplanted in Albion). Decisions taken at such meetings, either Traditional based, judicial or military, are binding on the vassals and subjects of the Princes..

The Commune Concilum of Britain in 1135 saw many surviving members of 'The Twenty' side with the Gangrel Elder Gosdov against the Ventrue.

CONSTABLE: The title of an officer given command of maintaining the Princes laws. Also the officer who commands in the Prince's absence. Later became 'Sheriff' and 'Seneschal'.

COTTAGER: A peasant of lower class, with a cottage, but with little or no land. Used to describe Neonates by Ancilla.

Several Edicts by the Princes of England, Scotland and Denmark against 'Cottager Kindred' in the early 1300's are said to have been the reason why the Anarch revolt never got a foothold in those nations. Kindred of 'low class and breeding' were carefully watched.

COUNT: The continental equivalent of the English Earl. Ranks second only to Duke. In Kindred terms the title Count was usually given to a Cainite who swore allegiance to a powerful Elder but resided elsewhere- by his Elder calling him/her Count/Countess it sent a clear warning out that the Cainite was under the Elders protection and in their favour.



DANEGELD: Tribute paid to the Danes (Dane Gold) by 'The Trinity' coterie from 991 to 1013. Later became a term used by many Elders to represent a ransom paid to a separate party to prevent them from attacking.

DEMESNE: The part of the Elder's lands reserved for his own use an not allocated to his childer, family or other Kindred. Demesne Blood basically meant 'private blood'.

In 1604 the 'Lame-Bawd' Martin Frobisher of the Brujah, then Prince of Southwark lost his lands to Cardinino, Prince of City of London, because of allegations (untrue) that he was planning to declare Southwark a 'Demesne' area for himself which would have caused a massive feeding shortage. Frobisher spent 20 years in torpor, bricked up within the 'House of Lamentations' before political pressure forced Cardinino to release him.

DENARIUS: The English silver penny, hence the abbreviation "d" and the coin most common circulation.

DRENG: The name given to a free Kindred in Northumbria and sometimes in Yorkshire and Lancashire and usually Gangrel (on occasion Caitiff). The name usually implies that existence is tolerated in return for service.

Ericson, Prince of York, dominated much of the north of England by seeking out and hunting down 'Dreng' and forcing them to serve him to survive. Due to their isolation, the Dreng were unable to organise resistance to this forced slavery often, but when they did it was ferocious. The Dreng Cainites of northern England were thus, both the mainstay of Mercurian and later Camarilla forces in the region and the greatest threat to both as well (Cromwell used the Dreng to great extent later).

DUKE: A title from the Roman Dux, which has been held over from roman time by the ruler of a district called a duchy. In England the title is reserved for members of the royal family. In Kindred terms it came to mean a Kindred who held Domain but for some reason was not a Prince in their own right. Was sometimes used instead of Imperator.


EARL: The highest title attainable by an English nobleman who is not of royal blood. Also known in earlier times as Ealdorman. Word related to Jarl. Was sometimes used instead of Imperator especially by Brujah and Gangrel Imperators.

EIRE: Ireland.

ERSE: Irish Language.

ESCHEAT: The right of a Prince to the return of lands held by one of his subjects should they either die with out designated successor or suffer a bloodhunt.

Famous examples of Escheat- Cardinino's ceding of Southwark to Martin Frobisher in 1603 as a reward for Brujah help in the 'Silent Jyhad' was ended a year later; he alleged the Brujah was about to declare the domain Demesne and the Toreador had him arrested and bricked up. He then declared the right of Escheat to reclaim Southwark and unite the Throne of London.

EXCHEQUER: Originally the name given to the main places of social commerce within the Kindred world- Boons. The chief officers of the Exchequer are the 'Exchequer Harpy', the Chancellor (see above) and the Justicar. It was the 'Exchequers Harpies' who introduced the idea of the title- 'Sheriff', whose original job was to make sure all boons were taken into account, presenting reports to the exchequer at Easter and Michaelmass.

EXCOMMUNICATION: Exclusion from the membership of the church or from communion with faithful Christians. Those judged "tolerati" may still mingle with the faithful, but those "vitandi" cannot and are exiled.

In Cainite terms, to be declared 'vitandi' was to be exiled from your Domain and stripped of all titles and status.

EYRE: The right of the Prince/Imperator (or justices acting in her name) to visit and inspect the holdings of any vassal or any part of their domain. This is done periodically, usually at irregular intervals of a few years.

The Eyre of 1199 saw Mercurius visit over a dozen separate 'Elysia' under his 'control'- a journey which saw 19 Cainites killed within two weeks.


FAIR: A Kindred Fair was an irregular Elysium which was organised to gather Kindred from all over a local region- these nights they are often called Regional gatherings.

'Grand Fairs' are attempts to summon Kindred to a celebration from all over a nation.

'Great Fairs' were often seen as precursors of Conclaves, being designed to attract Kindred from all over the world- this being said, very few 'Great Fairs' ever actually did get travellers from far away.

The Elders of Europe tried to unite in the face of the Anarch Revolt several times and over a dozen Fairs were held to try and organise them- most notable were the Grand Fair of Florence (1405); The Great Fair of Pisa (1410); The Grand Bavarian Fair of 1417; The Fair of Aragon (1419), the Fair of Lipany (1432), The Good Friday Grand Fair of Varna (1442)- all failed, but sowed the seeds for the Great Fair of the Rhine (Mainz) which later became known as the first Conclave and is seen as the origin point of the Camarilla.

FEALTY (Oath of): The oath by which a Kindred swore loyalty to his Lord, usually in front of the Elysia.

Those who broke said Oath were often called Apostate.

FIEF: Heritable lands held under feudal tenure; the lands of a tenant in chief. Often called a Holding, a Fief was usually a small Elysia who found protection by offering loyalty and fealty to a larger Domain/Prince.

FIEF-RENTE: Reward given by a Prince in return for homage, and fealty, and it could include various things including status, feeding rights, influence etc.

FITZ: An Anglo Norman prefix meaning 'Childe of''; it never truly took off elsewhere.

FORFEITURE: The right of a Kindred to recover compensation when another Kindred fails to honour his obligations of Boons.

These nights the Boon Broken suffer great penalties, but in the past, it was seen as the duty of all other Kindred to aid in the fall of any Boon Broken.

The right of Forfeiture was evoked to allow a Kindred travel freely in an attempt to seek redress. What must be understood here is that Forfeiture gave the right to travel- without it or another reason, the right to travel for most Kindred was not one automatically given.

FORMARIAGE (also called merchet): The Boon commonly paid by a Kindred to his Prince when the Kindred's Childe is Presented but decides to reside in another Domain.

In Europe after 1350, in the years that followed the Black Death, there was often not enough humans to support large Kindred populations. Often a Sire would seek to place their Childe in a larger Domain or a less populated one. This would of course mean that usually the Sire and childe had to pay a boon to that prince. However, from about 1340 onwards it became acceptable for the Prince of the Sire to charge a boon at the 'distress' of losing a loyal subject. Sires could of course get out of Formariage by pledging the boon upon their Childe; thus a newly embraced Kindred could find themselves owing a Boon to the Prince of their Sires Domain, a Boon to the Prince of their new Domain and no doubt a Boon to their Sire as well. It was the abuse of merchet Boons like this that drove many neonates to join the Anarch revolt.

FRANK PLEDGE: The legal condition under which each member of a Domain (not including unpresented childer) is responsible for the good conduct of all other members of their Domain.

In the nights before the Camarilla, one of the most powerful weapons open to a Commune Concilum would be to insist that a troublesome Domain take a Frank Pledge. This meant if one of them broke a law or a tradition, all of them could and often would be punished. Several Princes made their subjects take Frank Pledges as well.


GAEL: A name given to Celtic inhabitants of Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Mann.


HEPTARCHY (seven kingdoms of the): Names given to the seven pre-Viking Kingdoms of England. Wessex, Mercia, Northumbria, Kent, East Anglia, Essex and Sussex.

In Kindred terms the 'Heptarchy' came to be the name given to Albion during the period of 1170 until1215, when Mercurius the Golden forced the Edict of Oxford upon the Kindred of Albion, dividing Albion into seven Mercurian dominated Domains- Ireland (under Prince Flavius), Mercia and East Anglia (under Prince O'Connell and then later Edward of Oxford), Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Cornwall (under Prince Pascan), Yorkshire and the North (under Prince Ericson), Scotland, (nominal control at best), Wales (again, nominal control) and 'Albion' (lands ruled by Mercurius personally). The Heptarchy ended with the rebellion of Kindred in 1213 and was formally closed with the signing of the Magna Carte Libertum in 1215.

HOMAGE: The ceremony by which a Kindred pledges their fealty to their Elder, and acknowledges all obligations, in return for the right to continue living.

Traditionally each Kindred was suppose to openly swear homage before the entire Elysia once per year; but some Princes insisted on such pledges far more often than that.

HOUSESTEADS: Housesteads are fortified Elysia strategically placed on a craggy precipice.

HUE AND CRY: The requirement of all members of a Domain to pursue a criminal with horn and voice. It was a duty of any Kindred discovering a crime to raise the hue and cry and his fellow Cainites were bound to assist them in pursuit and capture of the offender. This system was often used where a Prince did NOT want a constable in office for fear of them using their power to usurp Praxis.


INTERDICT: The ecclesiastical banning in an area of all sacraments except for baptism and extreme unction. In general it does not ban high feast days. Used to force persons/institution/community or secular lords to a view dictated by the church/pope.

In Kindred terms only a large body of Kindred Princes could declare an Interdiction upon a fellow Prince and their Domain- a Domain under Interdiction is today called a Domain in Bad Standing. The effects are the same.


JUS PRIMAE NOCTIS: the right by which a lord may sleep first night with the bride of a newly married serf, although the custom maybe avoided by the payment of a fine. Often used by Kindred to feed.

JUSTICIAR: The head of the Princes judicial system and often the Princes second in command.

The term was adopted by the newly formed Camarilla in 1450 to denote those seven chosen to enforce the Camarilla's will and the term rapidly dropped out of use in every other context. Indeed by 1480 those officers who were still called said name found themselves and their Princes under arrest by the Camarilla's Justicars and the message was quickly understood.


KNIGHT HOSPITALLER: Holy order knights pledged to administer to the sick and protect the holy places.



LEASE FOR THREE LIVES: A term of lease of land, usually for the life of its holder, his son or wife, and a grandson.

In Kindred terms, a Lease for Three Lives was used to describe approx. 150 years in time. To say 'I will have my revenge within three lives' suggests long term planning.

LIVERY: To be given land (feeding rights) as a gift from the Prince. Also means to be given the right to wear a lord livery (modified form of his coat of arms).


MAN: In this sense to be a lord's man, to owe obligations to, in the forms of boons, labour or service. A woman can be someone's man.

MARCHER LORDS: The name commonly given to Norman landholders on the Welsh border.

The term was adopted by Kindred who followed the Mercurian invasion of Wales in 1283. The 'Marcher Lords' Kindred were led by Prince Flavius of the Mercurians and were among the most ferocious anti-Garou fighters in the Kindred world. To this day it is said only a Prince who has successfully driven Moon Beasts from his Domain may call him/herself a Marcher Lord and said title still signifies something.

MARK: A measure of solver, generally eight ounces, accepted throughout western Europe. In England is worth thirteen shillings and four pence, two thirds of one pound.

MICHAELMASS: Feast of St. Michael on 29 Sept.

MINSTREL: A poet and singer, also called a jongleur, who lives and travels off of the largess of Princes; Kindred designated 'Minstrels' could travel freely but often faced harsh boons to be allowed to reside for more than a few nights in any Domain.



ORDEAL: A method of trail in which the accused is given a physical test (usually painful and/or dangerous) which can only be met successfully if he is innocent. Among Kindred such 'Ordeals' would be exceptionally bloody and deadly. Most notable ones include-
'Ordeal of Fire'- Kindred burned for a timed duration and if they survived they are innocent.
'Ordeal of Sunlight'- Kindred exposed to direct sunlight and if they survive they are innocent.
'Ordeal of Combat'- Kindred (or Champion) would fight with other to the death.
'Ordeal of Cain'- Kindred who try and drink the soul of another- if they failed they were seen as unworthy of being a childe of Cain and killed, but if they succeeded they were found innocent of their crime but arrested for drinking soul.
Most Ordeals favours Elders in every way.


PALATINATE: In England, a Domain in which the tenant in chief exercises powers normally reserved for a Prince. In essence this was the description of a Domain which was ruled by another prince in name only.

In 1159 Mercurius the Golden issued the 'Edict of Lewis' demanding all princes of Albion accept him as their rightful ruler. They did, but he was unable to exercise much genuine control, and several 'Baron Princes' found it easy to declare that they were working under a Palatinate Praxis. This situation was to annoy Mercurius so much that 11 years later he issues the Edict of Oxford that formed the 'Heptarchy'.

PRIMOGENITURE: The right of the eldest Kindred in a Domain to inherit the estate or office of the prince.


RELIEF: The boon paid by the 'heir' of a deceased Kindred for securing possession of a fief, Palatinate Domain or other territory under control of an Imperator. Simply, whomever gave 'greatest relief' gained the fief.

When the two Lasombra members of the Golden Conspiracy, Du Montier and Daubeny, were killed in 1559, the Praxis they held (Leicester and Coventry) was supposedly due to go to another Lasombra. As it was the Kindred who offered the 'liberator' (Ericson of the Ventrue) the greatest 'relief for his troubles' was ultimately rewarded with the praxis.


SHERIFF: The first 'Sheriffs' were Kindred who enforced Boons and prestation for the Exchequer Harpies; later it came to denote a similar duty as Constable.

It was the Brujah, Thomas Kett, who became Sheriff of London in 1550 and held the post almost uninterrupted until 1990 who came to redefine what a Kindred Sheriff is in the modern context.

SIMONY: The buying or selling of spiritual things, particularly church offices and benefice. Used as an insult for several 'religious Kindred'- 'Simony Cainites' was used to describe Lasombra, Followers of Set and Salubri.


THIRD PENNY: Named after the human term- the local earls one third share of fines.

In Kindred terms if a Cainite became Boon broken his Sire or nearest relative would accept 'one third' of the boon onto themselves or also be boon broken. Thus to be a 'Third Penny' was to be fated to pay a penalty of ones Childer or nearest relative.
'Third Penny's' usually became the most ferocious of hunters of Boon Broken Kindred.

TONSURE: The rite of shaving the crown of the head of the person joining a monastic order or the secular clergy. It symbolizes admission to the clerical state.

Among Kindred Tonsure was occasionally done when a childe was presented for the first time.


USURY: The interest charged on a loan. Forbidden by church law (based upon biblical).

Amongst Kindred Usury is still illegal (one cannot charge 'interest' on Boons).




marc torley
timelines project lead

founder of the 'bastard league'
"I am a bastard too; I love bastards.
I am bastard begot, bastard instructed,
bastard in mind, bastard in valor,
in everything illegitimate..."

-William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida.

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