(( Posted with permission of the author. Some slight editing for posting on a website has occured. There has been no change in content. )) From: "Robert McClary" Subject: [stcircle] Narx and Cammies and Other Issues Date sent: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 06:27:47 -0400 > > >regards to the Cammies and Narx being too nice to each other (which I > >have seen wayyyyyy toooo much Brown Nosing from both sides). > > Yes there is. But it isn't just Narx and cammies. it's elders being too > nice. I have this really dismal view of the WoD. It's DARK. The princes > cup, torture, it is all missing it seems. I see too many 'nice' Elders, > and not enough that are really mean. Here is an example of what I see, > and what I think should be... Ah, but here is the problem cj, and anyone else out there that really cares about what the real problem is: Those that have the MC to play an Elder (contrary to the common statements I have seen batted around with such impunity), for the majority, are really nice people...part of their nature in RL...kinda like why they take/make the extra time to do for others and have moved up the ladder faster and further than others (who usually bid off with too busy *which, as bad as it sounds is RL and can not be helped sometimes*). So, you have these really nice people, who have been around for such a very long time that they have heard the same newby whineandcry session about how mean High MCers(HMC) are to the Low MCers(LMC) and that Prestige is just a method to keep the low man down at the bottom of the totem (forget that there is always someone newer coming in, and often times passing and surpassing those of us that have been in longer). That HMC Elder characters are especially picking on their LMC Neonate characters. That it isn't fair that they (with X number of years of 'gaming' experience) should have to start at the same bottom rung that everyone else had to start at. Never mind that most of these HMC players have just as much, if not more, time in 'gaming' as the newbies have (most of the time). So, what you end up with is, a bunch of HMC Elders played by a bunch of old softies that are trying not to step on the toes of the newbies lest they get linched (metaphorically) for their RP of their characters the way they should be RPed. I mean, litterally, I have seen entire Rants about how HMC players shouldn't bring their HMC Elders into other chapters games to wack a character cause it creates bad blood (pun noted but not intended). That they "Can't" Summon the offending Neonate cause you "Can't" force a player to Proxy their character (which is true). So, what exactly are these Elders supposed to do to offend the Neonates enough to cause the Narx to happen in the first place much less on a continued basis. And, this has a lot to do with the wishywashy back and forth movement without concern for life or standing of characters. There are no Strong Arm tactics that can be used with the PCs the way they should be, because someone might get offended or 'not have fun'. Personally, if a character I play is being oppressed I am going to RP with it and enjoy the RP even if the character doesn't enjoy being oppressed. The challange, and thus the true fun, is being able to successfully RP a situation that isn't 100% scripted. Being oppressed, or granted sanctions are equally fun as is the motionless state of apathy. Each is difficult in their own right to RP and each has its own reward. You get to watch the RP of your character cause effects within the IC world. Whether it is behind the scenes manuvering or front line combat. The thrill is knowing that you RPed the situation as well as you could. Not that your personal goals were met, but that you portrayed your character faithfully (within the grounds of the common sense of not ruining a newbies fun by gacking their character for something the Player probably didn't know about). And newbie there can even apply to seasoned Cam members who have never played a particular Clan or Character Type, didn't know about the Ventrue Extended Accounting thing...well that's okay, this one time...but watch your steps IC next time. We have all seen the complaints for both sides of this problem. The newer players feel oppressed, so the older players stop playing tight and true to the character concepts and it gets out of control. So, the solution, very simple...explain to everyone that the actions you are taking IC are not in anyway associated with OOC MC rankings....detail the whys of a character kill if you feel the need. This doesn't hurt and can only help. Does it have to be done every time? No, of course not, what a silly question. When should I do it? Why, the instant you recieve a complaint from someone claiming abusiveness or if you even have a feeling they might think it is not purely IC. What if you actually catch someone doing mean things IC for OOC reasons? Talk to their ST (if they are an ST talk to their next higher, if you don't feel comfortable talking to the ST staff talk to the C staff, explain the situation) Do Not go in expecting quick fixes or even quick responses. Be prepared to be patient and understanding. Listen when you ask questions. (if you didn't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question) If you feel that someone is trying to get you personally, try to figure out why they might be doing so. Address the issues plainly and civily. Try to imagine what is going on from the other side of the fence. But most importantly, remember that it is only a character, that it is only a game, and that the real challenge is to RP through it all successfully. Lessons learned the hard way about this game, and life in general. SNIPPED (( snipped -- quoted signature )) Robert McClary CST D'Arch Pirates (FL-015) mem#9506-006 (( snipped -- extraneous signature ))