(( posted with permission of the author. edited slightly for display on webpage )) Subject: [sw-region] Feeding Challenges Date sent: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:20:58 -0700 Scarcity of blood doesn't necessarily mean enough raw gallons for Kindred to drink. In a Camarilla city, it also reflects the availability to drink without violating the Masquerade. A Lick could conceivable hunt for an hour and be unable to get someone alone enough to feed undiscovered, let alone if their humanity is high enough that they don't plan on killing the victim and need to set up 'circumstances' to explain what happened to the Kine (Casanova feeders and Sandman feeders being two standard examples). If they do, er, drain the vessel (and find it good to the last drop ;-), then there is body disposal to consider, which also takes time (unless you think dumping bodies suspiciously empty of blood in alleys HELPS the Masquerade. Even licking the wound closed won't refill the plasma supply . . .) Given the lengthy process, many Cainites likely don't devote the time to feeding every night. If you're only active 10-14 hours a day (depending on time of year and longitude), do you really 'top off' your tank every night, especially when hunting could be bad, and it could take many hours? Do you go to the gas station every day when you leave the house to make sure you have a full tank of gas just in case you have to head to Canada or Mexico in an emergency that day? (Those without cars use your imagination to answer, not just parrot back that my metaphor doesn't apply, please ;-) Plus, every time you feed, there's a chance that something goes wrong, putting you at risk. I'd have to imagine that most Vamps feed every few days or so. Enough so that they feel 'hungry' and can enjoy a meal, not just a quick snack given the trouble they'll have to go to. That way they also appease the Beast instead of teasing it with only a few sips a day. Also, those with a higher humanity likely do the starvation binge diet, much like good ol' Louis from Anne Rice. They starve themselves for days because they don't want to hurt people, then the Beast makes them feast, which makes them feel guilty and swear off the stuff until the next time the Beast awakens . . . Think of blood challenges as a way of saying that life goes on, even for the undead. It's easy to say that because of the 'Gather' every week that everyone makes sure they're full before heading out. But, given enough time and repetition, if you HAVEN'T needed the vitae, you may not think it as important. Anyone who's forgotten to bring something to 'Game' that was important ( a key, character defining prop or character sheet, down to that CD you told Suzy you'd let her borrow) has proven that Kindred can also forget to feed, or at least forget that they 'have' to feed before heading out on Sat night. If you really hate the possibility of not having enough blood, and think that feeding is a way to get screwed by the STs, develop a herd. It's free blood every night. Well worth the experience in the long run. And sometimes, blood challenges are just fun. I confused folks for months at 'that other game' when my char relented to the blood challenge for 2 months, and then the next 2 months told them that a win on my part equaled a tie because I was still learning to feed and didn't know my limits yet. Brent Sturdevant 9405-091