(( Slightly edited version posted with permission of the author. )) Date sent: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 15:22:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Miguel Duran Quick voice of reason interjection: It is very easy for us, as STs, to look at things players do and laugh at their foolishness. We figure they should know better and we go about laying the smack down accordingly. The resulting antics generally leave our heroes sore in the most awful of places and their players jaded and bitter at the perception that STs exist only to punish their desire to do anything outside of the ordinary. While I wholly support actions being faced with consequences, I think we should be careful not to make any decisions that punish players without offering hope of redemption or, at least, good story. Make this ((snip)) story arc one that allows them to make decisions that can offer up something useful in the long term rather than screwing them regardless of what they do, simply because they decided to take the 'stupid' route of dealing with ((snip)). If you paint the picture too bleakly, they'll either ignore it or tear it up. They certainly won't thank you for the time you put into it. If, on the other hand, you paint some dark strokes and then show them how to use the brush in their hand, you're likely to see them give a damn about how the piece turns out. Just something to think about. - Miguel cras amet qui numquam amavit quique amavit cras amet