Revised February 7, 2006

    The name of this organization shall be the North Coast Needlers Quilt Guild
    The purpose of this organization shall be to preserve the tradition of quilting, to encourage and advance the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of quilting, and to promote good fellowship through sharing the art and products of quilting.

    Section 1: Current members may rejoin upon payment of dues and are asked/encouraged to serve on at
least one committee during the year.
    Section 2: Dues shall be $20 annually for full membership, $15 annually for newsletter membership and
must be paid by the August meeting of each year. All current members will be eligible to renew their membership by paying their dues by the August meeting deadline.
    Section 3: After the August meeting, new members will be accepted only if the membership has dropped
below 150. A waiting list of prospective members will be maintained by the membership chairperson.
    Section 4: Newsletter members will be sent the monthly newsletter and may attend two meetings per year.
They will be permitted to attend workshops offered by the guild understanding that full guild members will have first priority.

    Section 5: Guests are welcome to attend one meeting per year. An admission fee will be determined by the program committee.

    General meetings shall be held monthly unless otherwise indicated. A quorum shall consist of a simple
majority of the paid members in attendance. Board meetings may be scheduled once a month prior to the
general meeting. Chairs of committees shall be encouraged to attend. Board meetings shall be open to all
members. Executive Board meetings may be called at the President’s discretion.

    Section 1: The elected officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large. These six shall make up the Executive Board.
        A: The term of the office of the Executive Board shall be one year with the exception of the Second
Vice-President who will serve a two-year term.
        B: An audit will be conducted before the August board meeting at which time it will be submitted to
the Executive Board for approval.
        C: No member shall hold the same elected office for more than two consecutive terms.
    Section 2: The Executive Board, which is the governing body of the guild, will handle the day-to-day
internal affairs of the guild. A majority of the Executive Board shall comprise a quorum.
        A: President - shall preside at all meetings; shall have the power to call special meetings when
necessary or cancel a meeting in case of emergency; shall appoint chairs of the standing committees, and
coordinators of activities; and shall appoint or dissolve committees as needed with the approval of the Executive Board. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee each April with the approval of the Executive Board.
        B: Vice-President - shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent, and shall
schedule programs and workshops.
        C: Second Vice-President - shall assist the Vice-President at meetings with programs and workshops
and follow through as Vice-President the following year.
        D: Secretary - shall keep complete and permanent minutes of general meetings and board meetings
and shall be responsible for tallying votes on all matters presented for consideration.
        E: Treasurer: shall handle all group monies, shall record receipts and disbursements; shall pay all bills authorized by the Executive Board; and shall submit books for audit by June 30.
        F: Member-at-Large - shall be a liaison between the members and the Executive Board.
    Section 3: Duties and policies concerning standing committees.
        A: Chairs of standing committees shall be appointed by the President.
        B: Each committee chair and activity coordinator shall prepare a written report at the end of the year
describing her duties and summarizing her year’s activities to serve as a guide for the next chair.
    Section 4: Prior to the August general meeting, there shall an Executive Board meeting of outgoing and
incoming officers. These officers shall formulate a budget for the upcoming year. This budget shall be
presented to the membership at the August meeting and voted on at the September meeting. Chairpersons shall submit requests in writing before this joint Executive Board meeting.

        Section 1: The organization shall not have or issue shares of stock, and no dividends shall be declared or paid by the organization. No part of the net income or earnings of the organization shall go to or benefit any one individual or its officers.
        Section 2: Should the organization be dissolved, the Executive Board will recommend the assets be used for quilt related organizations. These recommendations will be voted on by the membership.
        Section 3: Anyone presenting a program will be paid from the program budget. A written contract will be made between the guild and the presenter.
        Section 4: Workshops: Every attempt will be made to make workshops self-sufficient. A written contract will be made between the guild and the workshop teacher. Registration to workshops will be opened no sooner than three months prior to the workshop. Fees are due in full at the time of registration. If space is available, non-members may attend by paying a premium fee. No refunds will be given except after written petition to and approval of the Executive Board.
        Section 5: The Executive Board may approve any expenses not included in the budget up to and including $100.00. Any expense over $100.00 needs membership approval. All unbudgeted requests for money, including those presented from the floor at a general meeting, will be discussed by the Executive Board for determination of budgetary feasibility and then presented to the general membership for approval at the following general meeting.
        Section 6: Elections of officers shall be by written ballot at the June meeting and decided by a simple
majority of the members present. The Nominating Committee, appointed by the President, shall consist of two past Executive Board members and three full member. The slate will be presented in the May newsletter.
        Section 7: If it should become necessary for any officer to resign, the vacancy will be filled for the
remainder of the term by a person appointed by the Executive Board.
        Section 8: This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a majority of those members present at a general meeting. Any proposed changes must be presented to the membership one month prior to the voting.
        Section 9: Committees and activities shall be added as need arises at the discretion of the Executive Board. At such time, a description of the committee or activity shall be written and a budget assigned.
        Section 10: The Executive Board shall review all committees and activities annually and dissolve,
consolidate, or put on a non-active status those not currently needed.
        Section 11: A contribution in the amount up to 10% for a Cuyahoga County organization and up to 10% for a Lorain County organization, totaling 20% of the proceeds, may be dispersed after a money-making event. Before the event is held, members may suggest organizations for consideration to the Executive Board. A final decision of the recipients will be made before the event with Executive Board recommendations and membership approval.
                                                                                THE END

Revised 8/2007

AQS:  American Quilt Society in Paducah, Kentucky is an organization to promote quilting.  AQS holds quilt shows each year in Paducah, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee.  They also publish a quarterly magazine.  Our guild pays an annual membership fee to be a part of  AQS.
NEORQC:  North East Ohio Regional Quilt Council.  This organization is comprised of guilds from all over NE Ohio.  It meets three times a year at different locations.  It publishes a directory containing all member guilds, teachers and quilt shops, and a newsletter which should be available to the membership.  Members are encouraged to attend the meetings.  Our guild pays an annual membership fee to be a part of NEORQC.
QUILT SHOW:  We have a bi-annual quilt show held in the spring in odd numbered years. People are needed to help plan, advertise, set-up, man, and tear-down the show.  It is strongly recommended that this committee have co-chairs.
SEWING EXPO: This is a commercial show that is held annually at the IX Center centered around sewing interests.  It is an opportunity for us to promote our guild. It is strongly recommended that this committee have co-chairs.
BLOCK-OF-THE-MONTH:  Coordinator will assign members to make up and distribute block kits at monthly meetings.  Finished blocks will be given to the Community Service Committee.
CALLING CIRCLE:  At the request of the President, committee members will call all members to alert them about any pertinent announcements or news.
COMMUNITY SERVICE:  This is our way of reaching out to the community and sharing our love of quilting with those in need.  Block of the Month (BOM) blocks are donated to Community Service to be made into baby quilts, lap quilts, and wall hangings.  These are then given to area hospitals, nursing homes, or any organizations serving people in need.  Kits for quilts are available at most meetings or by contacting the chairperson.  You are welcome to do all or just one part (piecing, basting, quilting, binding) of a project.  All members are welcome to help at anytime.  Committee members are needed to make kits for quilts, label and distribute finished quilts, and make and maintain a scrap book of the committee’s accomplishments.
FUTURE PLANNING:  Gives guidance for the future direction of the guild.  Consists of the Executive Board and committee members.
HOSPITALITY:  Arrives 30 minutes prior to the guild meeting.  Greets members and guests as they arrive.  Sells guild pins and bags when requested.  Hosts table throughout the business meeting and greets late arrivals.
LIBRARY - BOOK:  Our library has an extensive collection of books.  The books can be checked out for a two month period.
LIBRARY - PATTERN: The pattern library has an extensive collection of patterns.  The patterns can be checked out for a two month period.
MEMBERSHIP:  Collects dues and maintains membership records.  A roster will be available for members by October and updated throughout the year.  The chair will also oversee a committee of mentors who will help make new members become active in our many activities
RAFFLE QUILT:  One way we raise money for our programs is by making raffle quilts  People are needed to plan, sew, and quilt the quilts.  All guild members are welcome to assist the committee and will be given tickets to sell.
 REFRESHMENTS:  Provides and helps serve refreshments at meetings, as requested.
SCRAP BAG NEWSLETTER:  Publishes and distributes the monthly newsletter to members and guilds on our exchange list.  The editor is assisted by the following persons, 1) Officers, and committee chairs with news about their committees, and  2) Show and Tell chair (passes out and collects Show and Tell information sheets, then types up and submits the information to the editor).
WORKSHOPS:  The Vice President schedules all programs for our monthly meetings and schedules  workshops to provide education and fun for our members.   Committee members shall assist the Vice-President in workshop registrations, room procurement, and set-up and clean-up of classrooms.
CHARM BOX:  A charm quilt is a quilt that is made using only one template, such as a square or a triangle.  Each piece for the quilt is cut from a different fabric (no duplicates).  You may contribute 100% cotton 6 inch squares to the box and take out as many as you put in.
FABRIC CLUB:  This is a quarter yard fabric exchange.  Each month  participants bring a quarter yard (18” x 25”/fat quarter or 9” x 45”/regular quarter) of fabric for the member or members of the month.  When you sign up for this activity, you specify the color or type of fabric you want when it’s your turn.  This activity begins in October.  Those participating will receive a schedule from the chairperson with information on who, what and when.  The schedule will also be listed each month in the newsletter.
BIRTHDAY BLOCK AKA FRENDSHIP BLOCK:  Participants sew blocks for one another throughout the year.  Participants choose a block that they would like to have the other members make for them.  When it’s your turn, you supply the pattern and some, or all, of the fabric for the block. could get back enough blocks to make a whole quilt top!  You will also need to sew one block a month for someone else when it’s not your month.  Those participating will receive a schedule from the chairperson with information on who, what, and when.  The schedule will also be listed each month in the newsletter.
PROGRESSIVE PROJECTS:  The chairperson and participants agree on rules for each project.  The projects pass from one member to another throughout the year.  Each participate will receive a completed project at the end of the agreed upon time period not to exceed one year.
SECRET PAL:  This is a gift exchange with another guild member.  The fun part is that they don’t know  who you are.  The coordinator, who does not participate, assigns each person a “pal.”  Once a month you send your pal a little something.  At the September meeting, the secret identities are revealed.  You need to sign up for this activity in September for an October start.
SIT ‘N’ STITCH:  Members get together monthly to enjoy each others’ company while they sit and stitch on projects of their choice.  There are evening and a daytime groups.
AQS BOOK ORDER:  The American Quilting Society makes available to the members an extensive list of quilting books.  They offer a discount plan that reduces the price of the book if over 6 books are ordered.  The list of books available is updated almost monthly.  See the AQS Book Order chairperson for the most up to date list if you are looking for a book.
HISTORIAN:  Creates an annual scrap book from photos of Show & Tell, workshops, special events, and news articles that reflect the history of the guild.  The album will be brought to the meetings for the enjoyment of the members.
INVENTORY:  The chairperson will be responsible for keeping a current inventory of our supplies and equipment.
SUNSHINE:  We try to bring a little sunshine into our members’ lives by remembering them at certain times.  If a member has recently had an overnight hospital stay, surgery, broken bones, serious illness...then we to remember them with a card or a small gift.  If a member has a reason to be very sad (or happy) and would appreciate a card, please let the Sunshine chairperson know.


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