Notes on "Pirouette"

This story was written after I'd taken a year off from writing. After spending most of my time in the first stories rummaging around inside characters' heads (culminating with the stream-of-consciousness narrative of 'Six Miles on I-95'), I decided to swing the pendulum in the other direction and do a story from a strictly third person objective point of view. It's also in part my answer to those occasional queries as to why I don't write 'voyeur stories.' If you felt like you were in the audience watching the performance, then you should understand my point. :)

The inspiration for the story came when I observed the warm-up a late-evening Tae Kwon Do class. A beginning female student was alone on the floor, doing stretching exercises. Ironically, she was Oriental and the instructor Caucasian-an interesting story idea. But weeks later I attended a ballet and felt the concept worked better in that setting, where the lighting, music, and a more fluid sense of motion could be added to enhance the story.

NCM May '02

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