Notes on "Atonement".

This was the first story I wrote.  It grew out of a number of chat roleplays and my general frustration at not being able to find a person to play the "Beth" role the way I thought it should/could be done.  "Beth" is something of a composite of many self-descriptions given to me, as well as descriptions done by spouses.   Sort of the archteypal 'soccer mom.'   From a writing perpsective, the story allowed me to explore two ideas. First, character development through the use of flashbacks and mental thought descriptions. And second, the eroticism which can exist between two characters who never touch each other.

Flashbacks are quite common in 'mainstream' literature, but are seemingly rarely used in online erotic writing, resulting, in my view, in an monotonously one-dimensional and linear quality to the narratives when taken as a group.  Here, the main action proceeds at a pace which allows the character to reflect in depth at her situation.  I wanted to give some insights into her past by which to make her present choice (compliance and arousal) seem plausible without changing her essential character.  To me, the erotic lies as much in the mind as it does with the physical.  I liked the idea of the characters keeping a certain physical distance and balance, like two magnets close enough to attract yet just distant enough not to bond together, existing in that narrow state of suspension in which Beth could act without creating excessive moral dilemmas for herself.

(For those readers who liked the story's exploration of the character's mental thoughts and emotions, I heartily recommend Miles Naismith's  "
Lucy Stays," which uses a similar approach and which does so in a context which allows for a multi-situational and more involved erotic narrative.  My vote for "Best Story I've Read on the Net.")

NCM Jan. '01

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