From the Desk of the
District Governor
Amanda and I wish for each of you a glorious Christmas experience and a New Year that will be filled with satisfied goals. I think that these two holiday events are not closely placed and in the proper order by chance. Christmas should be a time in which we re-acquaint ourselves with the true purpose of celebrating the coming of our Savior and in such reflection, reevaluate the status of our personal life, making the proper adjustments if needed and pledging to start the New Year a new person, whose priorities are in the correct order. I was thinking just this last week-end that in all my years, I have heard or read the story of Christmas hundreds of times, yet each year I hear something new, an angle or truth that I had not previously seen. This bears the fact that the oldest story in history is also the newest and freshest story to those who will allow it to be real in their lives.

We have six (6) months left in this lion year, I urge each of you to follow President Kay's example of thinking "outside the box" as we strive to meet the goals he has set for us. Some of our clubs are experiencing the reality of projects and policies that have worked in the past but are losing their effectiveness and the need to move on to new thinking and eliminating traditions that hinder growth. It is a time in which we must challenge every assumption and evaluate every possibility, simply put, we have to dismiss negative thinking and reach out to new opportunities.

I anxiously look forward to the remainder of this Lion's year and the pleasure of working with the great Lions of District 31-D.

Your District Governor,
Ralph Holmes
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