Kim's Moonlit Island Paradise

This is the page to show who I am

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It's not always easy to tell about who you are and have it come out right, but I'll try to make this interesting, without getting too boring as well.

I guess most of you have realized my now that my real name is Kim, and that I am female, or at least I hope by the title and the picture above, that I've conveyed that message across so far*S*

I have been on-line for over four years now, and have learned a lot as the time's gone by about what I like about being able to access my computer and be on-line to interact with others.

I am 39 years old at this writting, I was born June 10th of 1959 in China Lake, California. The same year both Hawaii and Alaska joined the Union and became states here in the US of America.

I am divorced after over 23 years of marriage. I was married 5 years before having my first child, and my son turned 19 in May of this year. My daughters are 18 and 16 now, so they are all three almost grown.

My two daughters live in Virginia with their father, and my son lives with a room mate in Virginia Beach now. I'm in a small area called Perquimans County, and enjoy the peace and quite, compared to living in the 3rd largest city in the United States before moving here.

I've been working as a Community Leader here in Geocities since the fall of "97", and I'm currently the Liaison of SouthBeach and her growing burbs. We're the largest neighborhood in Geocities and we try to offer the highest amount of support possible too.

There are pictures of each of my three children located by their names, with James being the oldest, and Misty being the middle, with Lisa as my last child.

My first homepage in Geocities was built in Yosemite, and now resides in Yosemite Gorge where I have a whole gallery of pictures, a greetings card site, information on camping, hiking, scouting, and much more, if you'd like to take a look sometime.

If you'd like to reach me about anything more, please feel free to you the floating bottle below to write anytime you want. I answer all my emails as quickly as I can. Thank you for visiting my homepage here in SouthBeach, and I look forward to constantly adding on to make things here more interesting as well. *S* You can also meet my guy and see Our Story also. :-)

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