Ethnic Crafts
Course Description: Ethnic Crafts explores world cultures through the crafts associated with rituals that celebrate the events of life.  Course curriculum includes the study of art, geography, cultural and ethnic idenity, character education, cross-cultural reading and studio production.  Ethnic Crafts is a level one course and meets the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Art Electives I
Pacing Guide: SCS Goals, Objectives
Resource Links:
Gallery of Student Work
Lesson: Four: Maturation

NCSCS Goal: 7: Connections between art and other disciplines

Content: Maturation: Value transmission

Cultural Context:  Traditional folk and fairy tales as a method of  transmitting values through decorative containers.

Who: Adinka

What: Story Gourds

Where: Ghana, Africa

When: 10,000 years ago gourds began to be used and cultivated.  Still in current use culturally and utilitarian.

Why: Vehicle for transmitting values through storytelling by elders to children in the maturation years.

How: 1. story is selected.
2. story elements are analyzed to provide a focus for artwork/ symbols
3. design is created on paper- project is planned.
4. Gourd is cleaned and cut if desired.
5. Decoration techniques: carving, burning, weaving, sewing, painting, ink, leather dye, beads, colored pencil.

Name to know: Jacob and Whilhem Grimm (the Brothers Grimm) collected, recorded, analyzed and edited folk and fairytales.

The Roar of Awakening as told by Julia Cameron

New Foods:  Bene' candy. 

Resources:  Video:
Shrek discussion of values transmitted, relationship of characters to the ages of maturation, discussion of fairy tales as models of maturation.
Gourd examples on cd/ internet.
Computer research on folk/ fairy tales.
Materials: gourds, carving tools, dremel, woodburners, acrylic paint, leather dye, colored pencils, sharpies, sewing tools, yarn, beads.

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