P.E. Grading:

Students begin each PE segment with a 100 average.  This grade is affected by participation and dressing out.  The first two times a student does not dress out or participate, their grade is reduced by five points. Each consecutive occurance will result in a loss of ten points and the student will be sent to the control room. 

Dressing out and participation is mandatory, except in cases of illness or injury, when a doctor's note will be required.
Health Grading:

The Health grade will be determined with a combination of classwork, quizzes, tests, and homework.  Most work will be completed in class, as there are more health students than there are books.  It is imperative that students use their time wisely.  If a student needs to take a textbook home, they may check one out.  If the book is not returned or is damaged, that student will be held responsible.  If a student is absent, make-up work should be requested immediately upon their return. Any tests/quizzes that need to be made up should be scheduled with the teacher as soon as possible. 

Grading policy in health is as follows: 
Tests:                                                  33%
Homework/Classwork/Quizzes:           67%
Grading Policies and Procedures   
Health and PE is a semester-long course involving both classwork and participation.  The course is taught on a four and a half week rotational basis.  Students will switch from Health to PE every four and a half weeks, for a total of nine weeks in each segment.  For semester and final grades, Health will count 50% and PE will count 50%.
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Physical Education Rules:

1. Students will obey all school rules.
2. DO NOT leave gym without permission.
3. No horseplay.
4. No food, drinks, or gum in the gym.
5. Wear appropriate gym clothes and shoes.
6. Use the water fountain in the gym.
7. Gym doors stay closed until the bell rings.
8. Respect the rights of others.
9. Only sit on bleachers that are pulled out.
10. Lock up valuables (or give to  teacher).
11. Dress out, then sit in your assigned area.
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