A.P. essays are graded holistically taking into account the four
divisions found below.

                       Considerations for Grading Essays
                    AP English Language and Composition

I.  Content
       A.  Depth and breadth of ideas
       B.  Supporting evidence
            1.  Appropriateness
            2. Sufficiency
      C.  Elaboration
           1.  Appropriateness
           2.  Sufficiency
      D.  Originality of ideas
      E.   Logic

II.  Clarity
     A.  Organization
           1.  Sequence of ideas
           2.  Transitions
     B.   Brevity  (the soul of wit) (i.e.  the thought in the fewest 
           words possible)

III.  Mechanics
     A.  Spelling, capitalization and punctuation
     B.  Continuity of tense and person
     C.  Complete sentences without comma splices
     D.  Standard usage

IV.  Felicity of language (!)

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