Rock Eagle Monday Morning
We had just arrived at school at 4:45 am and started to pask the cars to go to Georgia.  At 5 am we had to pull out so we decorated the cars with spirit paint and took off.   About one hour after we left we started talking on the walkie talkies.  We would talk only if we needed to stop or just get on each other's nerves.  Once in a while we would stop talking and Sean would do the Chopper John's Show.  Chopper John is a weather reporter that stays in a helicopter.  Chopper is a mach radio broadcaster that we made up that would tell the high and the low temperature like the high of 79 and the low of 52.  On the way we got some snack bags.  They had grape, tropical punch or wild cherry Capri Sun.  For food we had nutty buddy bars, crackers, oatmeal cookies or chocolate bars.  When everyone had to go to the bathroom we stopped at a rest area. After we left we missed a couple of turns, then we got to Georgia. When we got to Rock Eagle our teacher Ms. Bost checked in. So we headed to our cabins. We unpacked settled in and left tok GA power room #3. GA power room #3 is the meeting place before every class. The cabins had two room full of bunk-beds, a living room with three couches, some chairs, two tables, and a room for the parents to sleep in. The boys cabin was pea green and the girls cabin was vanilla colored.

rThis is a picture of the Ausin's car at 4:45 am
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