Rock Eagle Field Experience

       First we went to the G-3 center where we met Dan and Angela she led us to the rock eagle bridge.  We stopped at the square platform where we talked about the dogwwod tree and the pine tree also the cedar tree which is repellent to bugs.  We kept walking up a wagon trail in the woods and then we stopped at a circle of rocks which she explained that it was an outline of a teepee of the creek Native Americans that lived in the state of Georgia.  We hiked up another trail and then we stood at a pioneer's house and where he would work every day.  She explained to us how to use some tools that pioneer's would use in there daily lives.  There was the maul the frowe, the two man pull saw, the chizzel, and the draw knife.  The maul is made of dogwood a very hard wood, the frowe used with the maul the frowe is made of a dogwood handle and a metal blade.  The two man pull saw is made of a flimsy metal blade and wood handles.  Then there was the draw knife which is made of a metal blade and copper handles.  Last but not least there was the chisel it is made of a wood handle and a metal blade which was curved up.  If someone needs a tool then they would order it from Europe or if they needed a simpler tool then they would just ask the blacksmith.  Then we got to use all of the tools and see how hard it is to be a pioneer in the 1800's.  Then we had a very long hike back to our cabins then we went to dinner.  For dinner we had chicken wings, fruit, corn, potatoes, and apple sauce.  After that we went to the trading post which is the gift shop there were soda machines and there were many souviners.
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Desighned by:Sean Kyle and Tyler
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