Mr. LaChance�s Discipline Policy
All students must follow every school rule that is in the handbook. When a student does not obey the schools or my rules, actions will be taken. If you break a school rule then you will be subject to the school�s punishment. Violations of my rules are recorded on a discipline log in the classroom. After three logs on the discipline form, the student will be written up and sent to the control room. 
Class Rules1) Come to class prepared2) Keep hands, feet and all objects to yourself3) Be in your seat when the bell rings4) Follow directions, the first time they are given5) Treat everyone with respect6) No Sleeping7) No Food or drink allowed in class Consequences1) Logged into discipline form2) Logged into discipline form and teacher conference, after school detention, call home3) Logged into discipline form, call home, sent to control room

I understand the above information and will abide by the rules and/or accept the consequences.

I understand the above information and will help my child abide by the rules.

q Please notify me the first time my child is placed on the discipline form
q Please notify me the second time my child is placed on the discipline form
q Please do not notify me
Many times it is very difficult to notify parents due to incorrect phone number, addresses as well as many other reasons.  If you would like me to notify you, please give the following information if applicable:

Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________

Home Phone_______________________ Work Phone_________________

Email Address_________________________________________________

Home Address_________________________________________________
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