Body Composition Lab

Determining frame size, body mass index, and body fat composition are excellent ways to assess general health and fitness components.  In this lab we will determine all three.

? Body composition worksheet, one per student
? Fat o meter book, one per pair
? Fat caliper, one per pair
? Tape measure
? Scale
? Ruler

1. Determine height and record the figure in the table.
2. Determine weight and record the figure in the table.
3. Determine frame size by sitting in a desk and placing a bent elbow on the desk.  Place a book on the inside of the elbow and measure from one end of the elbow to the other.  In inches, record the figure in the table provided.  Compare your findings to the chart on the wall.
4. Find your BMI by using the handout provided (Quetlet index). 
5. Use the instructions given in the fat o meter book to determine your skinfold measurements for the following:

Males     Females  
Chest     Triceps
Abdomen    Supraillium (love handle)
Thigh     Thigh

6. Compare the sum of the average of the three measurements to the table on page 11 in the fat o meter book.  Be sure to compare for the correct age and sum of the skinfolds to get your percentage of body fat. 
7. Determine your body fat in pounds, lean body weight, and ideal body weight based on the following ideal body fat percentages for:

   Males     Females
   8-24%     12-29%

   >25% = obesity   >30% = obesity

Body Composition Worksheet

Name_____________________ Date__/__/__ Gender: M  F

Age ______  Height _____  Weight _____

Method   Measurement Classification/Comment

Frame Size   _______________ Small  Medium Large
(Elbow Width)

Quetlet Index (p136)  _______________
Desirable  (20-25)
Grade 1 Obesity (25-30)
Grade 2 Obesity (30-40)
Grade 3 Obesity (over 40)
Skinfolds (averages)  Male   Female

Chest/Triceps   _____   _____  
Abdomen/Suprailliac  _____   _____

Thigh    _____   _____

Total Skinfolds   _____   _____

Percent Body Fat  _____   _____

Body Fat (Pounds)  _____   _____ Lean  Optimal  Overfat
        Fat     Obese 
Lean Body Weight  _____   _____

Ideal Body Weight  _____   _____

How does your ideal body weight compare to what is recommended?
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