Baseball Lesson & Resource Links
Batter up! Review Game: A simple review LP involving flash cards and a fun baseball theme - from

Fun Baseball Activities:
Scroll down for the chart of 25 baseball activity links! Includes: Baseball Alliterations, comparison and KWL charts, line graphs, Math problem solving, similes, writting prompts, more graphs and web organizers, printable and interactive crosswords, poem form, famous player and favorite team reports, design uniforms and make trading cards, a lot - from

Great Sites for Teaching About Baseball
: Includes baseball history, rules and reference sites, baseball and Math & the Science of Baseball activities - from

Take Them Out to the Ball Game!
A stadium full of activities and links to team sites, baseball math sites, cross-curriculur projects, Casey at the Bat background and activities - and the famous Abbott & Costello "Who's On First" script! - from

Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Baseball Links:
Baseball news, songs and poems, statistics, lots of graphs, museums and many more links, some links or dated but a great page - from Zwole Elementary School, LA.
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